In all seriousness: I'm extrapolating, but I feel like it's meant to be fairly obvious for people who can read between the lines.
What's happened so far that I've personally seen news about without going out of my way to look anything up:
The FBI is on record saying that the Jersey drones aren't foreign and don't pose a threat to Americans, but somehow they also don't know anything about them

No other federal agencies or the military (other than the Coast Guard) have gotten particularly involved, despite the fact that normally the FAA should be freaking the fuck out about drones flying around airports;
A Chinese guy tried flying a drone near a military base while this was going on and was immediately arrested, so if they WANT to find someone they obviously can (or it was a gay-op to convince Americans that we don't have anything to worry about when it comes to foreign drones

The drones don't have traditional heat signatures that can be tracked and have completely outpaced every local consumer/industrial grade drone that tried to follow them;
With that said, for some reason whoever is controlling these stealth capable drones leaves the flight lights on so pilots and other drones don't crash into them, which is why we have so many photos of them and have noticed them in the first place;
Multiple reports from local police, civilians, and Coast Guard members that large groups of drones have been spotted coming out of and going back into the water, with one officer seeing a group of 50 or more coming out of the water and the Coast Guard seeing several of them going
back underwater after showing up to investigate. No one has seen one of these drones land on solid ground yet.
So yeah. Stealth capable drones, military grade, obviously submarine deployed and water/air capable, flown around in a very public and obvious manner without actually declassifying anything or giving any hard details, but the Feds are confident that it's not a threat or foreign.
Seems like a public display of military capability to me.