@The Proctor
Spanish is a gendered language. This means that all nouns have a gender. The word Latinx is an astroturfed attempt by the alphabet people to change how Spanish works so people aren't referred to as male or female (Latino and Latina), and you can use that as a spearhead to make all nouns not be referred to by gender.
Now, I don't claim to be speaking on behalf of any LATAM, or even have more than cursory knowledge of Spanish, but I could hazard a guess as to why they'd be pissed: having the Satanic-worshipping degenerates of the alphabet brigade attempt to change the language of more conservative and devout Spanish-speaking groups probably isn't winning people over.
To add to this: They don't just hate the word "latino", like restless said, our entire language is gendered, so gender-neutral shit doesn't work, their end goal is to destroy the language as a whole. Also another fun thing, in spanish the male version of a word is always used when talking about a group with males and females or only males, while the female word is only used for groups of only females (ie: Niños(masculine)=Boys/kids, Niñas(femenine)=girls) they hate that too.
Supporting the concept of "latinx" as a latino self-reports as either young and stupid or a pig bootlicker, thankfully I've only seen vermintide going for it and I hope it stays that way, got enough problems already.
Few actual latinos actually support the message bullshit, mostly young rich kids who've gone to college. The ones who push this bullshit the most are spaniards (cucked by yuro mentality and utopian society), chicanos (second-generation beaners living in the US who can't even speak spanish) and whites who try to virtue signal with it but then also screech at any actual spic telling them that we do not give a single solitary fuck.
@The Proctor
In all honestly latino culture is a lot more racist and judgmental than the US, different ethnicities and nationalities will insult each other (some of which you can see in this forum) but it's often harmless poking and prodding. Asians will get called "chino" (chink), fat kids get called "gordito" (fattie), if you look kinda gay you get called "pato" or "fresa" or whichever other half-insult people can come up with.
What I'm getting at is that people here are much less offended by bullshit, which probably comes from having actual issues rather than made up ones. I have always liked to say that latinos hate each other, but they hate the gringos (whitey) a lot more. I honestly have a lot more respect for republicans than democrats, at least the old farts who come here in vacation actually have some appreciation for the countries they visit, they aren't just some schizoid shills who live in their college campus studying journalism and screeching at people in twitter, using other groups of people as disposable weapons. All gringos look down on latin countries, that's a given and part of their culture as a large and prosperous country, but I much prefer the people who are honest and fair about it than the fucking snakes who pretend to give a shit.
It really became apparent to me how things work when the Chilean president tried to force this retarded new constitution which was all sorts of commie bullshit and neo-liberal nonsense, the people of Chile obviously rejected it, and that's all fine and good. What ISN'T fine and good is the people on Twitter (mostly white liberals from the US) screeching and ranting about it and calling it a "failure of democracy" or claiming that "the people are brainwashed".
It's really FUCKING DISGUSTING, for these vermin to bang the drum of acceptance and equality on a daily basis, but then turn around and act like the Chilean people, voting in a democratic election in one of the most advanced countries in the americas, are so fucking retarded that they can't make their own choices about how they want their primary legal code to work and define the values of their country. It absolutely appalls me that people can view other humans as such impotent savage beasts, it is more racist than any litany of slurs coming from a skinhead.
This is why we latinos hate "latinx", because we know it's just a goddamn insult, from people who do not give a shit about the language or the culture and just want to use a whole continent's worth of people with their own hopes and dreams and daily issues to promote some idiotic political ideology.