"My Hollywood fantasy is ruined when I see this crippled fuck. Hollywood lied to me"Tenma Maemi

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  1. mysticdreamlife

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Did nobody suggest them in the dead pool? It's only January and already one corpo is down the toilet.
  2. mysticdreamlife

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    To think there is an easy way of hiding the username history as well, or they could just buy a brand new account somewhere. So dumb.
  3. mysticdreamlife

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Couldn't he have waited to mention this publicly until Mika actually joined?
  4. mysticdreamlife

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    Five years from now, will he still be getting banned from Chinese Discords or will he have moved on to Russian Discords? Or some other language.
  5. mysticdreamlife

    TVA Awards 2023 Discussion thread

    My own choices:
  6. mysticdreamlife

    Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation and Liveposting thread

    Although they may highlight those that can speak English so people show up for them. If it is true, at least one of them is bilingual.
  7. mysticdreamlife

    TVA Awards 2023 Discussion thread

    Hexa needs to win something you know. Oh wait, she's not in that category. At least I recognise four of them.
  8. mysticdreamlife

    Graduation of Pomu Rainpuff

    I wish it to be true. At least it would make up for the chinchilla getting turned down.
  9. mysticdreamlife

    Phase Connect Gen 3 Speculation and Liveposting thread

    Give Sakana credit for not abandoning the JP-only girls and giving them new talent to play with. If only he hired the chinchilla, seeing how she has claimed in the past she was rejected for not being ambitious enough. Chinchilla would have really been a good hire. At least we get Beryl, right?
  10. mysticdreamlife

    Graduation of Pomu Rainpuff

    I read Mariya as Marina and was horrified that he got a live concert before people who actually deserve that stage.
  11. mysticdreamlife

    Banter/Off-topic Thread & Community Stoning Platform

    Damn, there's a Scott Steiner video for everything.
  12. mysticdreamlife

    Graduation of Pomu Rainpuff

    For Pomu, yes you are right, she would be better elsewhere. They have a better shot at getting Sayu and Selen over the rest. Sayu is the most likely to go there. We'll see how it goes. After all people do claim that Vshojo have tidied up their image despite Froot still being protected by the...
  13. mysticdreamlife

    Graduation of Pomu Rainpuff

    Sayu is more likely going towards Phase if she wants to go corpo, her collabs seem to point towards that and she made it clear in a post-Niji stream that she would rather go there than somewhere bigger if she goes corpo again. Mika is going where her cock sleeve is, that's been blatantly...
  14. mysticdreamlife

    Riifu Evergreen / exoe / Dude That's Lewd - EIEN Project Separation and VAllure Updates

    If you watched the VOD she did basically imply quite a few times that Inks belonged to her and she would be part of the talent line up too.
  15. mysticdreamlife

    Graduation of Pomu Rainpuff

    She can't get away with it!
  16. mysticdreamlife

    Graduation of Pomu Rainpuff

    I'd give them a month. They can't stop shitting them out instead of trying to address the problems which cause people to graduate. Because let's not forget, no matter how much of a mess Nijisanji is, people are still willing to audition and join them regardless.
  17. mysticdreamlife

    Graduation of Pomu Rainpuff

    The question is though, let's say Vshojo DID pick up Mika and/or Pomu. Why hasn't Nijisanji blacklisted talent from doing anything with Vshojo seeing how they are effectively stealing their talent? Like it's never going to end. You could probably start guessing how many ex-Nijis end up over...
  18. mysticdreamlife

    Graduation of Pomu Rainpuff

    That sucks about Pomu. People were expecting Selen to go but this one was a surprise. Don't blame her, even as one of the "tolerable" NijiENs eventually enough was enough and it was time to move on. Will just have to see where she goes next (hopefully in a better company or as an indie)...and...
  19. mysticdreamlife

    General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

    Is there still space for her when Muyu and family need a better place to live? I wouldn't mind NotSelen in Phase Connect but at the same time, would she really want to start from scratch in what is now a medium corpo? Unless she goes the Invaders route and even then all of the recent pickups...
  20. mysticdreamlife

    Liveposting - LMAOOOOOOO's not included due to ongoing recession

    Someone get this guy a VTuber model. Hexa themed of course.
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