"What's a Tenga?"Luca Kaneshiro

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  1. Piarro

    Late reply to this post because I needed the profile post character limit increased: This is a...

    Late reply to this post because I needed the profile post character limit increased: This is a good idea but it's kind of difficult to do that without becoming a nuisance. If I replied to every post I saw that jumped to wild conclusions telling them to stop jumping to conclusions I'd just...
  2. Piarro

    The Music Thread

    I tried to submit this to Lisa's music review, and the google form told me that my submission was successful, but she never listened to it or even read out the description so I can only assume that the form fucked up somehow. Looking back on it though, maybe it's for the best she didn't listen...
  3. Piarro

    Ikari Tenri / "Henry" / Henry M. Magalona

    He and the other schizo have known about us for a while, remember when Chase was squawking about "Kiwi Farms and TVA" out to get him and everyone on the farms thought he meant Tennessee Valley Authority?
  4. Piarro

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    Why do you not believe anyone when they tell you that the way you are acting is wrong? This is not personal at all, I never mind your posts in the main thread when you're raving about some song or outfit, but if you post something retarded (like you often do in this thread) then yeah I'm going...
  5. Piarro

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    Is there a reason you can't just make alts?
  6. Piarro

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    We desperately need a Nolan thread. Nolan, why not make the thread on yourself? You clearly don't care at all about what people know about you.
  7. Piarro

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    Dude you joined a server with minors in it that said no NSFW in the rules and started talking about people being horny
  8. Piarro

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    "I've been kicked/timed out of 400 discord servers but no it's them that are the problem 😢"
  9. Piarro

    The Music Thread

  10. Piarro

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    Unfortunately due to the transitive property (Nolan Moment = Nolan, Nolan = Cringe) that does mean that Nolan Moments are cringe.
  11. Piarro

    The Nolan Crush Memorial Post Dump and Lolcow Thread

    It's in his Twitter bio.
  12. Piarro

    The Music Thread

    I've been listening to this album a lot recently, and this song
  13. Piarro

    Ikari Tenri / "Henry" / Henry M. Magalona

    "If it wasn't for Prozac killing my dick I would have poured gasoline all over it and set it on fire" 100% has to go in the quotes repo
  14. Piarro

    Timeless moments

    https://thevirtualasylum.xenforo.cloud/threads/general-vtuber-discussion.1/post-62977 Rie's publicist is finally exposed
  15. Piarro

    BBC Archive

    Can confirm, I'm Jamal.
  16. Piarro

    The Termination of Zaion LanZa

    There was barely ever a single post about this one before she got suspended. We need holoEN drama so bad
  17. Piarro

    Pikamee Graduation Thread

    The graduation was likely not even because of the harassment, you retarded faggots are jumping to conclusions and getting yourselves all worked up over nothing.
  18. Piarro

    Gabriel Kroniig / @GabrielKonig7

    You know, for as autistic as Gabe is, I kinda see him as not really that bad now compared to the cows in Pippa's fanbase.
  19. Piarro

    The Morgue (and Dead Pool)

    I think that Zaion might be graduating this year. Just a hunch.
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