"Ahem agham, ugh I just choked on my saliva"Fujikura Uruka

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Fourth hololive Minecraft Server - Highlights 14
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Watame and Kanade set up pranks on Subaru, plus her reaction. (Days 13 and 14)

Day 14:
While Biboo was showing Cecilia around the server they came across Vivi who tagged along with them. [Vivi's POV of the language exchange]

Fubuki and Mio give gifts to each other.

(And Miko catching strays.)

Miko follows Kaela to her blaze farm to prepare to find elytras.

Miko gifts an elytra and a letter to Fubuki. After Fubuki read the letter, she brings up a behind-the-scenes story of her sololive where Miko and Suisei stepped in to help out.

Okayu and Subaru wrote more of Pekroa-nyumu, plus reactions from Kanata, Miko, and Noel.

Miko, Noel, and Subaru hang out together.

(Taken from here.)
Morning (JST) Hours:
  • Starting off with Biboo removing the glass that Pekora put there the other day for the dolphin. I'm sure it'll be put to good use. Also Ceci and Biboo have no plans today, they'll be playing together (Collab name known as Babydoll).
  • Pekora is currently afking most likely at her creeper farm so they will not be able to get any sleep for now.
  • Biboo gives her Valentine's Gift to Ceci. She likes it, she can only return a hug. Biboo only asks for a White Day present. CC then shows Biboo the place she lives in (which is Sora's house). Ceci takes Biboo to the music blocks behind Ina's house and shows Biboo her Ice Cream Song she made.
  • Vivi logs online. She checks on the one villager she brought from Pekora's, named Takeshi. Biboo and Cc also say hi to her in chat. Biboo and Cc meet up with Vivi and ask what she's doing. Vivi is simply farming. They see the chest of pumpkin pie and asks if its ok to take one. Vivi said it is. Vivi also says shes thankful for Biboo's gift earlier (Also turns out CC was muted to Vivi this whole time). Vivi also wishes them a Happy Valentine's. Vivi asks what they're doing. They'll be looking for a treasure map to get records (CD vinyls). Biboo asks Vivi if she wants to come with them, and Vivi says shes free so she will join them.
  • Biboo asks Vivi about the Ender Dragon fight. Vivi said it was difficult but it was a lot of fun. Biboo also tells Vivi that they haven't fought the Ender Dragon yet. Ceci turns out and realizes that she lost her treasure map so they need to go and find one. First they need to prepare. The three will hang together. (They will need a lot of passion from everyone, good luck).
  • Biboo asks Vivi to teach them a word in Japanese. Today's word: なんでやねん!(Its Kansai-ben). Apparently you say it when someone is doing something weird, equivalent: what the heck!
  • Biboo while in Kaela's basement to clear out her inventory takes the girls into Kaela's actual basement. Vivi and CC are amazed by it. Vivi thinks it cool. CC and Vivi play on Kaela's auto smelter while Biboo is organzing her items (Biboo needed access to the chest in the large basement room I think). Vivi got stuck inside one of the auto-smelter things, and CC gets her free. Vivi describes the secret room as something out of Harry Potter, magic.
  • The three make boats and Biboo teaches them the water door technique (which Biboo called top secret) and they head off on their adventure.
  • They go around in circles, so Biboo suggest to cut through the jungle (at night, they can't sleep atm). They start getting attacked by the mobs there, with CC dying to a creeper. Biboo gives the coords so CC can get back. CC is eventually able to reunite with the group and they continue their adventure.
  • The three hear that if you feed a dolphin it'll lead you to treasure. Biboo feeds a dolphin and leads the group to an ocean ruin. They look around and find a treasure chest with a map. CC takes the map and follow it. Biboo explains how to read maps in Minecraft.
  • Koyori logs onto the server. Koyori says shes going to be a journalist and investigate stories that could potentially be added into Asakoyo. She sees the prank that (I think Kanata) has done to her Koyo Lab. She goes to investigate. Koyori also notices that at the detective agency theres diamond inside. Koyori suspects that the fake magma is crime scene. Koyori then takes a walk around to see what else has changed since she last logged on.
  • CC finds where the treasure should be. Biboo explains to CC the trick to finding the treasure (Look at Block and then the bracket numbers of 9 _ 9). CC finds the treasure. Theres lots of treasures inside. They split the treasure contents up and then break the chest. A mission success. They want to find another one since CC still wants to find one with a record.
  • Koyori is taking notes down in a book of all the crimes and scenes she sees during her travels around the server today. She sees that Marine left Koyori lots of bonemeal for her. She's happy to receive them. Koyori wants the bonemeal to make her Glow Squid Ink Trap.
  • CC, Biboo, and Vivi try to find another dolphin to feed so it can lead them to another treasure. To summon the dolphin they try and make dolphin noises. They find a dolphin and feed it to see if it'll lead to treasure. They find another ocean ruin but its already been claimed, as evident by the dirt block. They get another dolphin to lead them to another one that they investigate.
  • Koyori comes across Ina's Takodachi house from a distance. She enters to investigate. Koyori then sees near CHihaya's place another heart made of blocks, but its made of Lapis Lazuli. It seems similar to the other hearts so Koyori makes a note of it. Apparently the blue heart is from Niko to Chihaya. Koyori decides to follow the railway to Gigi's village. On the way she finds theres an End Block on the road.
  • Koyori arrives at the village and takes a look around. She sees a desert and heads there to gather sand. Koyori notes that she might use this area to raise Axolotls. She also asks about how to re-summon an Ender Dragon if they want to fight it again. After Koyori digs up some sand, she heads on back.
  • So apparently Biboo says that treasure chests won't spawn music. She asked CC where she heard that, and she said she kind of assumed. Biboo learns from chat that you can find them from Dungeons. Basically Mineshafts. They decide to go looking for a mineshaft to see if there's any music found. CC is now trying to tell Vivi that Biboo is evil because Biboo killed a wandering trader. Biboo is trying to say that CC is the one who made her do it, Biboo's cuteness made her get away with it. The group decide to head back home first and put away their items.
  • They head back home. Biboo tells Vivi that they'll stop here for today. Biboo can't play long because she needs to go soon (She has to pick up her John cat IRL). Also its very late for CC too she needs to sleep. They thank each other for playing today. The adventure was an overall success.
  • Koyori checks at her chest at the Koyo Lab and has seen that a ton of spider eyes were donated to her. She's surprised by this. Koyori also noticed Kaela's gift to her at the top of the lab, which has more stuff for the potion shop. She calls Kaela a hero. Then, Koyori changes the price from 5 blaze rods to 5 lapis lazuli. Koyori then goes to Kaela's villager trading place and puts a thank you sign in front.
  • Koyori explores the houses where Okayu, Lui, Niko, and Mio live. She checks out each house and what they have inside. Lui's house looks like Sanata's home, Niko's house looks like something out of Mad Max, Mio's home looks like an Altar overhand. She also writes a sign to Mio thanking her for the materials.
  • Koyori goes to check out Subaru's house, she sees the ducks and the pranks being held. Subaru then logs on and tells Koyori about the Pekonyunium. She wants Koyori to continue the story now. Since they left the story to Marine previously Subaru has no idea how it turned out now. Theres two volumes to this, and the 2nd volume needs Koyori's input. Koyori takes a read at it.
  • Vivi wants to get another villager to have as a partner for her Takeshi villager. She sees Pekora playing and Vivi goes and hits Pekora. Pekora walks off (shes not in vc atm). She walks through the Minato Ward, and gets heard by Koyori. The two meet up and talk. Koyori tells Vivi what shes doing today.

Afternoon (JST) Hours /Notes from VODS:
  • Koyori continues to write the Pekonyunum fic while a thunderstorm hits the server. She turns it into a Choose-Your-Own Adventure story.
  • From the Ollie/Sora VOD: Sora and Ollie make a guild house together. They get Riona to help out. At the start of the stream, Sora shows Ollie the guildhouse along with the beds of those who are staying (Ceci and Raora). Ollie didn't like how the other beds of CC and Raora were next to Sora's so she moved them across the room. It got a laugh out of her. The guildhouse gets build on the spot where Ollie would've originally built her mansion (she gave the land to Sora instead). They met up with Riona and the 3 got to work building the guild (lots of fun convos and tete were held). It gets about partway finished building by the stream's end.
  • From Fubuki VOD: Fubuki had a solo adventure through The End. She finds a large city and is able to get herself an Elytra. Named: Wings of Fubumio Teetee Bug. Fubuki gives this Elytra to Mio to keep. Afterwards, Fubuki went to her Kingdom/Stylish City area and placed more dirt to expand her museum/city.
  • From Mio VOD: Mio created a new house for herself in the stylish city area. Its located at the bottom of the mountain behind the windmill. She does some fishing there along with hatching more turtle eggs.
  • Miko was able to make her TTT
  • Vivi was able to make more villagers. She had her own solo adventure where she found a villager to bring back home. Eventually a lot of villagers were part of Vivi's farm. She may end up making an automatic farm.
  • Kaela takes Miko across the nether to Kaela's Blaze Rod Farm. Miko uses the blaze rods to craft an Ender Chest.
  • Pekora is working on making a crafter that'll automatically make the watermelon slices into watermelon so Pekora doesn't have to make it herself manually.
  • Matsuri leaves a present for Marine. A chest with lots of diamonds.
  • Koyori had made an apartment building next to Ao's house. Its called the Holonium Tower. Its a building for Koyori to be a journalist in. A place she can look down upon everyone but it can be used to rent out to others as well.
  • Pekora earlier obtained a trident. Pekora uses the riptide on her trident to allow her to fly in the rain without fireworks. She gives it a test flight around the city.
  • Miko heads out into The End (with the elytra she got from Fubuki) to go the City and find herself another Elytra. She finds 2 end cities that are close to each other, with one of them containing a ship. Miko was able to get 2 more Elytras (they're safe in the Ender chest). (she doesn't get the Dragon heads however).
  • Matsuri fills in a hole that was covered with some dirt around the center of the town area. She then uses the stone to start construction next to Fuwamoco's cherry blososm trees.

Evening (JST) Hours:
  • Okayu was asked to write doujin in Minecraft today.
  • Matsuri goes to gather dirt behind Zeta/Ririka's house. She takes the dirt and uses it to fill up some land behind Nene's house.
  • Miko after getting her elytras gets herself back to spawnpoint. Everything is okay. Miko goes to Matsuri and tells her about her successful trip to The End.
  • Okayu goes around her neighbourhood to take a look at the houses that were built. She then goes to get enchantments at the villager trading place.
  • Matsuri gets to work on building. The build is made of wool and its besides Nene's house (across the road from her own house). The build looks to be a seal house (because Nene and seals). The interior of the Nene Seal House has Cherry Blossom flooring.
  • Miko writes a letter to Fubuki. This is in relation to Fubuki getting that elytra for Miko after she had zenlossed.
  • Okayu sees Moona and Raora's Iron Farm, and gets amazed by it after learning how it automatically sorts the poppy and iron and makes iron ignots into iron blocks automatically.
  • Okayu heads on to Kanata's place and reads the Pekonyumun (she makes sure to mute her mic this time). She'll be continuing from where Koyori left off in the story. After reading and writing her own parts she goes to Miko for feedback. She later gets to Matsuri and Matsuri shows her the seal build.
  • Miko sees Kaela and goes to thank her, and saying how she was able to get more Elytras.
  • Miko goes and restocks her Taiyaki shop.
  • Okayu begins writing up a draft for the next part of the Pekonyumun. She handwrites it first on a separate program. After writing the concept and draft, Okayu gets to work on the actual writing on stream.
  • Vivi logs on, and checks out the new seal house that Matsuri made. It's very cute she says. She meets with MAtsuri who explains to her about the house. Vivi wishes her good luck on the build.
  • Fubuki is looking to hire/recruit people to help her place dirt blocks at her Fubukingdom (where the museum and city will be). She finds Azki and Vivi and asks them if they want to join her. Azki and Vivi both agree to help. Fubuki searches for more dirt. She finds the dirt left in chests from Matsuri just earlier today and takes them.
  • Subuaru notices the large amount of sheep noises near her house but she has no idea where its coming from. Its not coming from Subaru's basement of Animals. Subaru digs under her house and discovers all the sheep. She goes to investigate and figure out the culprit. She goes to Kanade's house and notices how she has no sheep in her house. Subaru looks at the other things in her house, like a sign from Biboo/Watame, and a Valentine's Day chest from Su.
  • Fubuki takes Azki and Vivi to the Stylish City area. The two describe the place as a Europe/Europa. They meet up with Miko at the fountain. The two notice a chest that Miko is preparing at the fountain. Its Miko's gift to Fubuki. It has an Elytra, her letter, and other things. The group heads out to where they need to place dirt and they can see Miko's TTT from the distance. (At least if your render is good). Fubuki demonstrates how to place the dirt. Azki realized how much dirt actually needs to be put. Fubuki, Miko, Vivi, Azki get into a group VC. The 4 begin their work together. Vivi describes this as a kind of date. As Fubuki heads back to the main area, when she enters the cave the nether portal is in, a creeper drops in from above and explodes on Fubuki, where she dies. Fubuki goes back to the main server to steal dirt from any chest thats outside a person's house.
  • Subaru walks around and takes a look at Marine's house. She says the place looks pretty stylish inside. Subaru then as a prank back at Kanade takes the ghost banners she had and places them all around the inside of Kanade's house.
  • The dirt/block placing group talk about doujin writing. Azki says while you can write doujins about her, she doesn't want you to write ecchi stuff (in relation to the group itself).
  • Matsuri gets to work on decorating the interior of Nene Seal house.
  • Subaru asks to meet up with Okayu. Okayu heads on over with Subaru to Okayu's house. Okayu gives Pekora the Pekonyunum book and she proceeds to read it.
  • Iroha logs online and sees the gift of diamonds left to her by i think Ao-kun. Azki meets with Iroha and sees Iroha's secret room where she has framed some stuff from Suisei (like stuff she got at the auction).
  • The two volumes of Pekonyumum aren't going to be sold, but they plan to be spread throughout the server, as a "revenge porn" kind of prank. Subaru goes to work writing the next chapter after Okayu.
  • Kanata goes to give her payment for the auction earlier, of 450 diamonds. Everyone is there btw: Miko, Foob, Azki, Matsuri, Vivi, Kanata. They're at the fountain area chatting. Miko puts the diamonds at the Holo Tower place.
  • Fubuki prepares a group to go and do a trial chamber together. The group will have Iroha, Azki, Vivi, Miko. The 5 of them head off to the Trial Chamber. They go to the one thats closest to their base. it's one that others have done before, but Trial Chambers are able to be repeated over and over again. Since its Fubuki's time entering a Trial Chamber, she gets the achievement for it. They begin the trial by shooting down skeletons. Azki accidentally shoots Iroha dead (Guess!). After a while, the trial is completed. They use the keys they got to open the treasure and get some gatcha. Fubuki then proceeds to mine the copper blocks from the trial chamber (this is a request from Suisei who asked Fubuki to get copper blocks for her).
  • Noel hears about the new Blaze Rod Farm that was just made.
  • Kanata sees that Vivi's farm has been changed (she's preparing it to make it an auto-farm system). Kanata meets up with Noel, and Noel tells her about Vivi's villagers for her farm.
  • Okayu is working to gather materials for a new bridge. She's currently building it beside her house. Okayu uses the stone bridge near her house to Lui's as a reference. She also makes sure the bridge is high enough from the water so that boats with people and mobs on it can pass under easily.
  • As Kanata is a detective in Minecraft, she works to conduct and do more investigations, especially depending on what's written on the side of her house. She heads to Pekora's house and reaches the roof, seeing the bee/honey farm Pekora made. She jumps down trying to reach the water but misses and lands on the ground, no death however. She then goes inside Korone's house and sees a strider stuck in the vines. Kanata then sees a house for her that is an obvious prank. She decides to proceed with it anyway. Thinking she will die she puts away all her items and then enters into the hole of the trap. The trap hits and Kanata instead doesn't die but gets put on different armor that all have a curse on them. In short, its armor thats weak and that Kanata can't remove. Outside of the trap house however, Kanata gets a Level 5 Enchant book for her mace (this prank was all set up by Pekora btw). (The armor pieces are all designed so it looks like Kanata is dressed up as Detective Conan).
  • Noel in the meantime peacefully partakes in some fishing by the lakeside. You can see the guildhouse from here. Noel then moves to another location to be closer to Kaela's Trading hall. She fishes at the pond where Graondstone lives.
  • Subaru meets up with Okayu. Subaru gives Okayu the Pekonyunum book to read and for feedback on the current chapter that Subaru wrote. While the two chat and work on the doujin, Kanata spys on them. She comes up to the two of them to see what they were doing. They give Kanata the Pekonyunum to look at. The three of them then all talk about the doujin thats being written, among other things.
  • Kanata is given the books to read over and edit.
  • Okayu gets back to work on the bridge. The bridge will take you to beside the creeper farm. Its located right beside the ducks too (essentially its right in the middle of this lake). Once the base is established, Okayu adds the details to make the bridge look nice. She adds a roof of campfires overhead. Once she finishes she heads to her house to get a good overview look of the bridge.
  • Subaru works on getting all the yellow sheep out of her house. Subaru takes the sheep back to Kanade's place, this time putting them underneath Kanade's house (same prank that Subaru got she's now doing to Kanade). Subaru makes a dirt path for the sheep so they don't have to swim back and forth from across the water each time. Subaru gave up on escorting all the sheeps to Kanade's place, so she killed the remaining sheep. Suddenly Watame logged on.
  • The trial chamber group after a successful trial make their way back home. The group meet up with Noel who was in the area. Noel tells the group that she found a treasure map. It'll lead to another trial chamber. Noel joins the group, they'll all be heading to this trial chamber that Noel found viva map. While hanging around, waiting for everyone to get ready, Fubuki finds Koyori's Holonium Tower. They call it the Holo Office. Mio then logged on and met with the group. She gives Fubuki the strongest fubumio pickaxe (Fubuki is collecting diamonds). Mio then leaves.
  • Fubuki, Azki, Iroha, Vivi, Miko, Noel all head out to explore a trial chamber together. They follow Noel who takes the lead. Azki tells the group about the guildhouse that was built by Sora, Ollie, and Riona. They use Noel's frostwalker boots to walk along the water instead of having to use boats. The find where the trial chamber is said to be located and start digging underground for the entrance (Its located in the middle of the ocean). After much digging the group find the trial chamber. They start up the trial chamber. They fight up the enemies and loot all the treasure from the chests and pots scattered inside. While in the chamber, Fubuki accidentally kills Iroha with her sword. They find a spawner next to the chamber.
  • Subaru discovered the secret entrance underneath her bed that Watame had made. She caught Watame in the act (especially since Watame had logged on earlier). Watame leads Subaru through the secret entrance and tunnel. It leads to Watame's RV thats right beside the house.
  • Subaru enters the nether for the first time (Achievement shows up). Shortly after she dies to a piglin. Subaru apparently wasn't wearing any gold when entering hence the automatic attacks. After properly preparing she heads back in. She finds the bastion and explores inside. Subaru learns that water doesn't work in the nether and will just evaporate instantly. Subaru soon gets killed by one of the strong piglins that shows up in Bastions. She tries to run back to see if she can get her items. It does not end well.
  • Kanata explores the Holoinium Tower that Koyori made. Kanata then takes a dog she found and brings it to her house. Knata then writes a sign next to the dog (two signs in Japanese and English). The English sign reads: Legendary DOG!!! Only Genius DOG Stand. Let's right click!!! (She wants to find the dog's owner and if you're the owner you can right click on the dog and make it move). Kanata then laughs at what she wrote with what chat is responding to her about. (The chat are translating what Kanata wrote in English back to Japanese and it makes her laugh).

Late Night (JST) Hours:
  • Subaru goes branch mining since she had zenlossed earlier. She found a lot of diamonds.
  • The Trial Chamber group (Miko, Foob, Vivi, Azki, Iroha, Noel) continue their exploration of the chamber and the hunting of enemies. The gacha luck for the treasure so far has not been in their favor (A lot of not rare things, or items they have already received plenty of). The group enter the next room and fight the enemies inside there (Breezes). After getting a set of keys they do another round of treasure gacha. This will be the last set before they head back on home. Iroha got a diamond block as one of the treasures. After using up their keys and getting the treasure, the group heads back on home. When they return back home, the group splits off for the day.
  • Subaru goes through the nether and fins the Stylish City / Fubukingdom Area / Holo Europe (depending on who you ask). She takes a look around the place. Subaru then heads towards TTT and goes to check it out. She spends some time at TTT gaining levels.
  • Fubuki. asks what that tall thing in the sky is to Azki and Iroha. They say its a creeper trap farm and thats an AFK spot. The 3 of them go and take a look. They look inside and see only 18 gunpowder can be found. They learn from
  • Miko is leaving a present for Lui in front of her house. Includes a letter, elytra, stuff from the trial chamber, flowers, and more. Afterwards, she goes back home to organize her items.
  • Fubuki goes to read the letter that Miko gave to her. After reading the letter, Fubuki goes on a test flight around the server.
  • Iroha and Azki head back and organize the items that they got from the trial chamber. Vivi and Noel also do the same thing as well.
  • Azki and Iroha have a secret basement underneath their tiny houses. This is where they keep their valuables (And where Iroha keeps the Suisei stuff displayed).
  • Miko goes up and explores the Holonium Tower, reading the signs that each floor has. Noel then comes by asks Miko where TTT is. Miko shows her the location. At TTT, they meet up with Subaru who's been hanging out here. The three hang out while Noel gains EXP. They talk about how Subaru used to be an MC server owner back in the day, and owned a creative mode server for the members.
  • Vivi gets to work on building her automatic farm system. Establishing the autofarm is not easy, especially with the hopper minecarts that like to move around. Plus the villagers occasionally making their escape.
  • Azki and Iroha head to their goat area in the mountains. Azki prepares lots of leather boots so they can walk through the snow without worry of sinking and freezing to death. They also prepare a lot of wheat as well. While they make the area (It looks like the place where they're going to make the goats charge to get horns. I think its part of their upcoming goat attraction), Iroha threatens a wandering goat with her trident.
  • Miko, Noel, and Subaru head up to Holonium Tower and read the fanfiction that's in there. This is where a copy of the Pekonyunium is being held. The group also chat for a while, about future writing projects and ideas (need confirmation).
  • Subaru heads back home to do some fishing. When the morning comes, she starts getting attacked by a trident, and flees back to her house. She was able to survive with just a few bits of HP left. From Subaru's place you can see Okayu's bridge. Its' actually not finished yet as the campfire rooftop doesn't appear to be complete yet.
  • Noel uses the CD she got at the trial chamber to make her birds in her house dance.
  • Azki and Iroha head out to gather some sand. They go to the sandy spot at the jungle for some sand. They collect it at night, meaning mobs and enemies show up. A creeper even kills Iroha (But she respawned closeby). Iroha was also able to befriend a green bird. Iroha takes the green bird home and encloses it in a glass cage in front of the storage area. They try to play some music but the bird doesn't dance at all (its completely still).
  • Noel goes for a test flight around the server with her new elytra. Subaru meets up with Noel and she (I think?) asks about her mace. Noel then tells her about the trial chambers and how she went earlier today with Miko and the others.
  • Subaru discovers Kaela's Villager Trading Room and checks out what they have to offer. She learns about earning emeralds with the villagers and how the trading system works. Subaru also realizes how tough it is to make all your tools and items from the ground up with good enchantments and everything. She also learns about Miko's recent zenloss and the effect it had on her.
  • Vivi continues working on her automated farm. She's having a tough time trying to get the villagers to be where she wants them to be (also moving the villagers on a railway with no powered lines at all doesn't help much). Also on occasion her villagers end up escaping where they're suppose to be which adds to some of the frustration.
  • Subaru learns to make some powered rails, which she'll use to help upgrade her prank. So now underneath Kanade's house you have both lots of yellow sheep, and a minecart that keeps moving on a constant loop.
  • Haachama logs online, helps Vivi get out of her auto farmer, then leaves, sasuga.
  • After much effort Vivi finally gets her villagers to where she wants them to be. Almost, she gets one of the villagers stuck in the middle of the auto farm. Vivi gets stuck in the middle of her auto farmer again. Tries to ask for help. Haachama comes back to help get her out again.
  • Vivi finally completes her auto farm!
  • Meanwhile off-stream it looks like Haachama was doing more work on her coaster. Vines that are growing from it have now climbed down to the farm level and can be easily seen when walking around.
EDIT: Added a featured clip.
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I left Kson
Joined:  Feb 19, 2024
Agreed, if you're ordering ramyeon at a restaurant, there's something wrong with you.


Joined:  Oct 1, 2023
Since we will now have separate threads for small and large indies, could someone better with numbers please help me out and tell me which of the two threads would be appropriate for discussion of the following vtubers?

Hanamiya Rica
Yuuki Sakuna
Nimi Nightmare

Thank you.

Egg the Boiled

Joined:  Nov 2, 2022
Since we will now have separate threads for small and large indies, could someone better with numbers please help me out and tell me which of the two threads would be appropriate for discussion of the following vtubers?

Hanamiya Rica
Yuuki Sakuna
Nimi Nightmare

Thank you.
Look at their view count and go from there.


I do be doobing
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022


Well-known member
Joined:  Jul 3, 2024


Joined:  Feb 23, 2023
Since we will now have separate threads for small and large indies, could someone better with numbers please help me out and tell me which of the two threads would be appropriate for discussion of the following vtubers?

Yuuki Sakuna
Nimi Nightmare
Large Indies
She is not even a vtuber anymore so IDK
Hanamiya Rica
These are tricky, while they are not small indies but not big either, they are kinda medium
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I'm not gay but an akasupa is an akasupa
Joined:  May 19, 2024
Since we will now have separate threads for small and large indies, could someone better with numbers please help me out and tell me which of the two threads would be appropriate for discussion of the following vtubers?

Hanamiya Rica
Yuuki Sakuna
Nimi Nightmare

Thank you.
fat = big streamer
thin = small streamer


I do be doobing
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022

Aquatic Novellite

Merry Shiorin
Early Adopter
Joined:  Oct 10, 2022


basic ass man who loves the british funny woman
Joined:  Jun 7, 2023


Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
This experiment is already going well


Drink Milk
Joined:  Feb 24, 2023
Since we will now have separate threads for small and large indies, could someone better with numbers please help me out and tell me which of the two threads would be appropriate for discussion of the following vtubers?

Hanamiya Rica
Yuuki Sakuna
Nimi Nightmare

Thank you.
both. simultaneously. shill your oshi you know your duty.


Well-known member
Joined:  Oct 1, 2023
Weird that she hasn't tried getting into Holo lol, is she particularly attached to her indie persona?

Maybe she's happy just being a contracted artist. I think if she ever applied she'd be an easy shoo-in though.
The fairer assumption is getting rejected. I really dont believe small indies in jp would not try to apply to either one of holo or niji.

The only time holo has ever recruited based on singing ability alone was AZki and Irys. AZki was a million year ago and Irys can speak english better than a lot of JP

Look at their recent gens HoloX, Regloss, FlowGlow, none of them really has a traditional power singer (except for chloe maybe but she developed into being great rather than already at debut)

If she is such an easy shoe-in, name 1 people she can replace from those 3 jp gens.
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Poyoyo & Jill

Joined:  Jul 9, 2023
Since we will now have separate threads for small and large indies, could someone better with numbers please help me out and tell me which of the two threads would be appropriate for discussion of the following vtubers?

Hanamiya Rica
Yuuki Sakuna
Nimi Nightmare

Thank you.
There are rules at the start of each thread that have something to with CCV
So basically :pippanumbers:

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023
Since we will now have separate threads for small and large indies, could someone better with numbers please help me out and tell me which of the two threads would be appropriate for discussion of the following vtubers?

Hanamiya Rica
Yuuki Sakuna
Nimi Nightmare

Thank you.
Rica has big titties but is Japanese so probably a midget - small vtuber

Sakuna fucking huge probably

Mikeneko big titties but has played flats in the past, possibly Japanese - small as fuck

Delutaya God said she was too big to fail - fucking Chungus

Dooby as a young Mexican she should be in the small vtuber thread. When she hits 40 then she will have to be moved to the thread of fatasses

Namie - the Deadpool should be fine

Nimi - white woman so fatass

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