"The everyday life you take for granted will one day crumble, ultimately it will all vanish and there isn't anything you can do about it"Inugami Korone
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After watching Callis concert from 3am to 6am, I am back in the realm of the living
Was a great show. I cant really say much about the songs she sang and so on, but it was a nice mix of mostly more recent songs.
The set-list does prove that Calli moved past being a rapper. I heard and so on but I really wasnt familiar with her newer songs, some absolute gems in there. I will have to dig her last album to see more. Calli is now definitively a singer who sometimes also raps, not a rapper by trade anymore.
Also she really is a different person on stage, she is so much more composed and confident and just knows how to play the audience. Her stage experience really shows here, none of that dorky funny girl from the streams, this is a pro.
The stage looked great, the audience seems to have had lots of fun as well.
The camera was bit weird, whoever did the close-up shots is bad at his job, but for the rest it was good I guess. Having a live-band is great and really improved the sound of the whole thing overall.
The watch along with Kiara, Raora, Cecilia and Biboo was a lot of fun, they were all very into it.
They were all at Raoras place and both Kiara and Ceci were wearing shirts from raora as well.
Kiara cried a bit at the start and then later towards the end again. She also quietly sung along to most of the songs, and Ceci was quietly bopping her head around.
At some point, Kiara and Raora got so excited that they started kissing Raoras Calli plush ??? Also during some songs that were softer and slower, Kiara said that she feels like shes on an aquarium date with Calli.
There was a part in the middle where she sang some clearly more emotional songs, here is some context for one of them:
After she had a bit of a MC segment. I didnt find a full transcript of it but it has the same message as this answer she gave in the Reddit AMA
About how she previously failed some auditions and thought that was gonna be the end, shes too old for it, nobody wants her. But then
Hololive happened and she can now remain an Idol for as long as she wants to and will walk that road down to the very end, together with the deadbeats.
Idk why, but at the end, this whole thing made me think of how far Myth has come. It reminded me of what Calli said when she watched 3rd FES (the very first with 3D Myth):
TLDR had a good time, even if I fell asleep after the 1st encore song
Brave doesn't bot viewers as far as I'm aware. However, it is indisputable at this point that they bot subscriber counts. Latest v4mirai gen is the penultimate example, all with precisely 50k dead subs at debut.
CCV is graded far less heavily than sub count when it comes to things like sponsorships and other similar opportunities. I have some direct experience with this from a few years ago before I started TVA, when I was working with some people who ran youtube channels. Subs were always the first thing a potential sponsor or investor looked at; video performance was secondary or even outright ignored by a lot of them.
In my experience, sponsors are retarded. They have so many offers on the go at once they have barely any time to do due diligence. They have a few metrics they check in as perfunctory a fashion as possible, then don't give a shit afterwards. Every single creator I used to know talked very openly about how to game and exploit them (though none ever view/sub-botted to my knowledge - though their inboxes were always STUFFED with offers from bot services) and how all that mattered to them was getting the bag. There was maybe one or two that had trusted investors whose partnership they genuinely cared about. And these were channels run by individuals, not soulless corporations looking to maximize profit and minimize loss through the most mathematical and optimized pattern possible.
This fag is a big time Brave orbiter and holy shit did he pick the wrong time to birthday-fag. He's simping hard for Brave over the monetization thing saying they didn't get botted on reddit and x.
Goddammit, I forgot Cera was part of that wave and now I'm sad. She must be destroyed, she gets another shot at a corpo only to have to leave for a couple of weeks to visit her sick grandma and now two of her genmates are dead
Anyone remember the twitch "Vtuber creator club"? Yeah me neither, but apparently a founder of the thing got suspended and said suspension kept up after an appeal
The "Vtuber Creator Club" was established so that twitch had dedicated discord (lmao) hubs to help vtubers in said club or microcommunity network with each other and have direct access to twitch staff
Goddammit, I forgot Cera was part of that wave and now I'm sad. She must be destroyed, she gets another shot at a corpo only to have to leave for a couple of weeks to visit her sick grandma and now two of her genmates are dead
That's sad. Never watched the globie girls but I always found their designs cute and they seemed nice on Twitter. Let's be respectful and hope the best for them and avoid too much drama.
That's sad. Never watched the globie girls but I always found their designs cute and they seemed nice on Twitter. Let's be respectful and hope the best for them and avoid too much drama.
Anyone remember the twitch "Vtuber creator club"? yeah me neither, but apparently A founder of the thing got suspended and said suspension kept up after an appeal
The "Vtuber Creator Club" was established so that twitch had dedicated discord (lmao) hubs to help vtubers in said club or microcommunity network with each other and have direct access to twitch staff
This wasn't a new current ban, she was trying to either get the strike removed or at least find out the cause so she could avoid it. I don't know anything about her to speculate what may have trigger twitch, if anything.
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