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Nene's Pet Latinx
Sep 16, 2022
Depressed Nousagi is totally leaving for a long time, again. At least he didn't make a video where he's crying like a little bitch this time.
Hi everyone.
I made a little announcement a couple days ago on my Discord and even made vague implications of this since last year, BUT I am going to go away for quite sometime. IRL responsibilities, burnout, and some newfound passions made it difficult for me to continue being a YouTuber, so much so that I have to take some time off to go on an indefinite hiatus and think about where and how I want my life to be.
I'll be holding a week-full of streams next week and upload one more video after my last stream so we can have some time to do stuff. After that, I will pause all memberships and be inactive.
Many of my viewers might have actually expected this (they're smart creatures who figured it out since last year lmao). Whether that be through the slowdown of video uploads, not being caught up to industry happenings, inability to stick to schedules, etc.
Fret not, this is just a hiatus for a reason. I don't know when I'm going to come back but do expect some very big changes when I do.
Donothon rewards are still incoming as well.
More details on my next stream!
And nothing of value was lost... he'll be back like nothing happened when it's time to be a leech again.