"Until tonight when it was Googled on stream, I thought a fupa was the flabby belly of a cat. I didn’t know it was a human thing. I have now learned and will continue on with my life with this knowledge"Pomu Rainpuff

General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave


jkterjter jkterjtier
LM's Ladyboy
Joined:  Feb 5, 2024
On the merch convo. I've said it at before and I'll say it again. He needs to stop using chink factories for his merch and look for a factory in south america that can produce his trinkets. Once you find a decent spic that produce the work you're basically set unless the dude running it dies to cartel or something. Chinks are interchangeable and will scam you at the drop of a hat.
At bare minimum, he can easily produce acrylic stuff in-house, unless acrylic sheets are prohibitively expensive in canuckistan.


Well-known member
Joined:  Sep 28, 2022
Wasn’t there also another person from one of the small dead corpos of 2024 who instantly jumped ship to another small corpo once the death of her first one was finalized because she was already in talks for a while? (thinking it was a Prod Kawaii or EIEN member, but there was too many corpo deaths to keep track)
You're probably thinking of Skye Shinryu -> Admyra Wyvernhart?

God's Tastiest Bucko

A well-fed spider will bring you much happiness
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Joined:  Sep 16, 2022


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I hope so. There's something so underwhelming about somebody you know of and could be watching already getting ported over. Good for them getting an opportunity, but it's hard to be excited about someone you already don't watch.
Phase Invaders is a good opportunity to be introduced to someone you might have missed. I really enjoy Jelly but would have never watched her if she hadn't been an Invader, for example.

Punished Anime Discusser

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famous artist pipkun

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John Vtuber👁️

Sentient Eyeball, Primarch of Hag Pride Worldwide
Certified Manwhore
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Outlasted the Chinese Community Sinicization Group
True & Honest Holofan
Joined:  Sep 23, 2023
Fourth hololive Minecraft Server - Day 5 Highlights
Previous - Next

Kaela got Reine to keep re-rolling for a villager librarian that gives the Power V enchantment.

Gigi and Cecilia start building the railway project.

Matsuri shows Miko the house with a lava entrance she built for her.

Lui struggled to figure out on how to open the entrance.

Sora hangs out with Miko, Vivi, Raora, and Cecilia. [The group from Miko's POV]

Miko, Okayu, and Lui escort an armadillo through the Nether.

(Taken from here and here.)
Early Morning (JST) Hours:
  • While it is almost 5am JST, there's still some actitivty, with Moona mining, Lui fishing, and Vivi trying to run from monster while collecting stone. Not to mention others who are playing off-stream.
  • Earlier, Watame took a ride on the Haachama Coaster. Because she survived, she changed the death rating of the coaster to a 4/7. Afterwards she left a review on the board.
  • Vivi has been doing work on her own area. She moved all of her animals up to larger pens beside Sora's house. She also added some new stairs, copying the look that Sora did for her stairs. Vivi then works on expanding the upper farm area by adding more dirt to it, essentially creating a lower gap spot (as long as there's torches it should be fine). Afterwards she begins to build on top of the newly made dirt patch.
  • Also earlier, Moona was asking Vivi where the free torch chest was, because Moona ran out of torches. Eventually Moona was able to find it but saw that the torch chest was empty, so Vivi went and tried to make more new torches for Moona. It took a bit of effort, but she was able to do it.
  • Moona did some mining and was able to get enough diamonds to make herself a full set of armor plus diamond tools (minus the boots which she's keeping gold boots for now, as she'll head to the nether in the future). She then goes to Kaela's trading post to see what enchanting books she has. She then checks out Pekora's place, and ends up using the water elevator that gets her to the top of Pekora's house with her trees. She doesnt see a safe way down, so she asks Kaela to make a safe landing spot for her. Moona was able to land safely.
  • Kaela starts up her stream by saying that Raora and Biboo did kidnap her. Kaela also explains what she was doing off stream. She says it was too boring to really show on stream (though Pemaole don't seem to care).
  • Moona and Kaela get on VC together. Kaela says she has some business to do with Moona firsthand. Moona gets two chickens in boats and brings them to Kaela's place in the basement. Kaela plans to make a chicken farm in her basement with Moona's help (though Moona is mainly the one whos working on the chicken farm while Kaela takes care of other things in her basement like expanding the berry farm and organizing her items). They then switched things around with Moona focusing on the berry farm, and Kaela focusing on the chicken farm.
  • Lui has been doing a lot of fishing. She fishes up some enchanting books, including one that had a lot of enchantments on it, including Loyalty.
  • Vivi climbed to the top of Pekora's house and got stuck. She didn't realize the water elevator was only one way. The only way down is to jump, There is some water to land in at least but its small. Vivi lands down succesfully. Vivi goes inside Pekora's house and sees that the fence to her room has now been removed. Her bed and chest are still there however.
  • Moona and Kaela next work on Kaela's villager trading area. Moona helps Kaela to put the villagers in their correct trading spots.
  • Kaela makes her own personal to do-list. It reads as follows: Chicken, Wood, Butcher, Berries, Bamboo, Nether (???) - Ender Chest ???, Many Many Emeralds, and If None of the Above Works, Just Destroy the World. (This does remind me while a few people have entered the nether I haven't seen anyone go out to look for a nether fortress and get blaze rods, which will be needed to get ender chests crafted). The other stuff refers to Kaela working on her farms and getting emeralds from villager trading.
  • Kaela while talking bout her to-do list also says "biome" as "bi-o-me" like how Kiara usually says it. Kaela says she never says it like that but has been influenced from watching the EN members.
  • Ina during her Ender Mangolia stream talks about what she did off stream in Minecraft earlier. She went to get dark oak, and then Ina built a small makeshift tree farm behind her house. She didn't meet anyone while online.
  • Kaela goes over the villagers she has and what enchantments that they sell. They have very good prices. Kaela's biggest flex is a villager that sells Efficiency 5 for 17 emeralds (Which is extremely cheap). Other good prices include Silk Touch for 9 emeralds, and Mending for 18 emeralds (She hopes the price could be even cheaper, but 18 is acceptable for now). She wants to try and get as cheap of prices as possible for the trades.
  • Vivi builds her own house. She has the exterior decorated nicely (granted its just a box, but at the front she put glass blocks in the colors of Flow Glow). She ends up changing it to a pink and white checkerboard pattern for the outer walls. With cherry blossom flowers as a border. Later on Vivi adds some more decorations to the exterior of her house.
  • Kaela gets her armor enchanted. She starts with her chestplate which she names: DZL-CP70. The DZL means "Don't Zen Loss". The CP most likely means Chestplate, and the 70 is because this is a stronger version of her 69 gears. Her other armor and tools will most likely have a similar naming convention.
  • A Thunderstorm hit the server. The lighting struck one of Vivi's pink sheep, killing it. The lightning also made her black sheep turn grey Note: What most likely happened was she bred a white and black sheep making a grey sheep and she didn't notice until it grew up). She was able to make 2 of her sheep black again. Vivi then took some of her extra dye that she had and changed the sheep's colors.
  • Would like to write that its 9:30am in Japan, and Lui has been fishing still. Fishing and chatting. Its been a very long stream. Lui seems to be wanting to fish enchanting books, but they're a rare catch.
  • Gigi on her League stream talks about what she did on Minecraft. She made a to-do list of the things she plans to do. Gigi notes that for Minecraft she'll most likely play more off-stream than on stream. Gigi wants to expand her village, and set up a villager farm (She is aware that Kaela is making one already, but she will make one regardless). Gigi also is trying to beckon Kronii to come and live at the village with them. She mentions she hopes to get the railway done so people would be curious and come to check out the village (fortunately a few people already spotted the rail and some members have already checked out the place).
  • Vivi went and made herself a lightning rod. She places it above the server nearby her animals and house.
  • Iroha tweets about what she worked on. She was sprucing up the fishing area she, Azki, and Hajime use. It has a fishing hut, along with some scenery improvements. The 2nd tweet shows the interior of the hut, it acts as a storage place for all the items they fish out.
  • Vivi while playing gets hit by a trident and dies. Kaela sees the message and realizes that Vivi is still awake streaming, so she messages Vivi saying to go and sleep. Vivi responds "no sleep ok" (she may have gotten confused also with Lui who requested earlier to not sleep in Minecraft). Then Kaela said that if she doesn't sleep she'll get sick. Vivi says "thank you" in Japanese, and then Kaela responds with a :D. Kaela then learned that Vivi generally sleeps in the afternoon, and then Kaela went on a little rant with her chant about proper sleeping schedules (which is funny to hear from Kaela who has one of the more unusual sleeping patterns in Hololive).
  • Kaela while working on her villager gacha finds a villager that offers Mending for 12 emeralds. This is higher than what she had previously, 18. Kaela says however that its good but not the best one because she previously (I think in hardcore) got a Villager with cheaper mending. But she allows it. She goes and kills off the Mending 18 Villager, and then responds that this is the Trading Post Hunger Games.
  • Reine logs onto the server. She compares being onto the server like waking up from a coma. You go to bed and next thing you know civilization has developed. She starts the stream chatting while doing some farming. Reine then heads off to chop some trees. She plans to build a hospital on the plot of land she claimed at the center of town.
  • Vivi builds an auto composter. It's free to use.
  • Bae at the end of her Thank Goodness You're Here Stream mentions what she did off stream on Minecraft. She had an urge to mine, so she went mining and got 5 diamonds. She also organized her chests.
  • Suisei on Twitter says she wants to make a house that floats on the sea, or a house with a waterwheel. She also replies with some notes on what materials to gather. Because Suisei has a cold right now, a lot of her original plans got rescheduled so now she has free time to play Minecraft. But with her being sick, its not a good idea for her to stream either (Even though she wants to).

Evening (JST) Hours:
  • Kaela is back in the nether once again already on the hunt. She's even gotten some netherite (Ancient debris) too. She's just digging her way through btw. As she digs, she sings along "ancient debris".
  • Niko keeps on falling and dying from a high height. I'ts gotten Kaela asking if shes ok. Niko says shes Zako. She's just falling because she's building and working on the flow glow castle right now. Niko observes how the castle is coming along so far.
  • Liz has been working on her 2nd home by the jungle inside the cave. She spots a wandering trader and takes their llamas back to her place.
  • Noel goes out exploring, and has acquired a lot of dogs. Most are the standard default colors but some are other colors too. Noel goes looking for her first dog and picks it up.
  • Nene continues work on her own building. Adding an actual roof to the place. Afterwards, Nene asks not to sleep during the night so she can farm resin.
  • Someone asked chat how Kaela would get back home. Kaela says that its magic how she does it (if she has a ender chest by this point, she can put her items in the chest and then die without worry. Note Kaela does not have an ender chest). Kaela gets back home by walking all the way back and digging herself back up.
  • Liz expresses she doesn't want to mooch stuff off of people for now. She wants to try and get things by herself. She says if she gets something from someone, she would want to give them something in return.
  • Fubuki off stream finds the nether fortress. This is indicated by an achievement. Very shortly after she dies to a Wither Skeleton. Fubuki goes back and gets a blaze rod (seen through achievements).
  • Noel is working on surviving the night. Shes adding torches to the surrounding area to prevent mob spawning. However a creeper comes by, explodes, and kills one of Noel's dogs. She then works to create new dogs. Afterwards, Noel builds a fence enclosure for her dogs. Noel has also built her own cherry blossom tree farm area.
  • Suisei in the server shows Niko a castle wall that she made. Niko is very impressed. Suisei explains what kinds of blocks are used and gives a few to her. Niko will try and make the same castle wall for Flow Glow's own castle.
  • Nene does some wandering around. She comes by Kaela's trading post and takes a look. In the trading post she meets with Iroha who's also there to trade. Iroha has been also editing the signs so they also say the things in Japanese too (unconfirmed) (previously they only said things in English).
  • Kaela was able to make it back home. The nether portal she used earlier was CC's portal. She wonders why CC built the nether portal like so (she built it out of view because its close to Ina's house, and didn't want Ina to have a bad view of a nether portal from her house, granted it makes it clear theres a nether portal nearby with wandering piglins outside). She also notices the bastion fortress close to the nether portal. She thinks about exploring the bastion fortress tomorrow (as a reminder to actually make netherite tools you also need the smithing template). Kaela currently has 12 ancient debris found from her travels. Kaela also notes that the bastion she found is a large one, so finding the template should hopefully be duable. Kaela might play off stream to enchant some things and do more work on her villagers (its generally complete however). Kaela also notes that her villager trading post needs to be made more properly (make it look nicer and not made of scattered dirt and stone).
  • Noel starts work on her hamster home. She has a blueprint on the side of her stream.
  • Due to Liz not sleeping in Minecraft (she logs off instead of sleeping in a bed), phantoms come after her. She expresses a bit of fear from them, but hiding in her cave gives her no fear.
  • Su who has been playing off stream, goes to Niko to check on how she's doing. Niko also sees that Su has a new dog (puppy). Su wanted to give the puppy to Niko, but it already belongs to Su, and you can't trade pets so no dog for Niko.
  • Niko before logging off, sees how her castle has been coming along. The deepslate edges add nice texture to it. Its been coming along nicely.
  • Kaela gets suggested by chat to make a better entrance for her villager trading area so it's more noticeable by people who come by. She does this by adding a cross of emerald blocks (chat says the emerald blocks are a flex but Kaela says otherwise). Chat then jokes that it looks like a grave. Kaela trust that people won't steal her emerald blocks (chat thinks Kanade is going to steal them but Kaela believes in her), she'll consider it an honesty test market, a social experiment. Kaela then goes and put the coords to the trading post on the notice board.
  • Liz works on the upper part of her 2nd house in the cave by adding flowers and vines. She also works to make the dirt turn into grass. The roof basically has turned into a garden of sorts, There's also a farm growing on top at the very middle too.
  • A thunderstorm hits the sever. During it, Liz's dog that she has sitting teleports to her and is on fire, but lands on the water spot nearby so its safe. Liz wonders if her dog (Bobby), was nearly hit by lightning and caught fire. She checks on the rest of her house and everything looks safe.
  • Nene heads into the nether to get soul sand. Nene then heads back out of Ceci's nether portal (without realizing it).
  • Pekora who had logged on off stream before the start of her stream, added water to the top of her pekomid, creating a waterfall of sorts. This is noticed by Nene as she walks by. Much later on, Nene notices that the waterfall over the Pekomid has disappeared.
  • Matsuri logs online and meets with Nene. Nene takes Matsuri to the iron farm for Matsuri to get iron. Matsuri says she wants the iron for a trap of sorts.
  • Noel finishes work on her hamster house. Its shaped just like her fan mascots. (A hamster with a gyudon bowl on its head).
  • Azki logs onto the server. She is greeted by Iroha at their fishing area. Iroha shows Azki what she's worked on off stream. Iroha shows the fishing hut, along with the storage system on the upper part of the hut. Iroha also made an automatic cow killing machine. It'll automatically cook the meat as well. Iroha shows Azki how it works. Iroha also made an auto composter too.
  • Azki and Iroha head out into the main part of the server and take a look around. They stop by Noel and check out her hamster. From a distance, Azki and Iroha can see the Pekomid. They then go and check out Vivi's place.
  • Nene after doing some mining, goes to take a closer look at Pekomid. The water falls down into the ravine below. Pekora and Riona also check out the pyramid (with Su tagging along). Nene then meets up with Su and Riona and talk about the Pekomid. Azki then also meets with the group by the Pekomid (Pekora who was with them earlier climbed up the Pekomid to remove the water from it. She was just using the water as a test to see where it'll fall to, it'll actually have a lava fall instead of a waterfall).
  • Azki seemed to have asked Su and Riona about their villagers, so they're currently at Flow Glow's place checking them out. This was asked because Iroha wanted two villagers to take. Su and Riona allow them to take 2 villagers. Iroha goes and brings them back to her place. As they take the two villagers back, Azki jokes about how its a double date with the villagers being in a boat, and Azki+Iroha being in another boat. Looks like they're gonna be working on their own villager trading post for the future (this is evident by the multiple beds Iroha is preparing). Iroha also works to make the place where the villagers will breed look nice from the outside.
  • Pekora drops lava onto her Pekomid. Everyone (those at the base, so Nene, Noel, Su, Riona, Azki, Iroha, Matsuri) watches the lava flow down. The members then go to get a closer look. Pekora climbs up the Pekomid to get an inner view. During their closer view, as night time hits, multiple creepers show up. One of them explodes hurting Su's dogs that were sitting (they're ok). The dogs end up attacking Iroha who dies. Some of the girls go around and put additional torches to help with spawn proofing. Pekora meanwhile goes and pours water over the lava, creating a cobblestone tower.
  • Sora shows Su and Riona her house. Sora tells them about the other areas like the ID area, so the three of them travel over. On the way they past by the fishing area and check out Iroha's Yakiniku machine. The three of them find Reine's fishing corner, a fishing spot that Reine made near the ID area. Su and Riona are surprise with the entrance to ID's cave. They also check out inside and went by the Gazebo to the farms. The three then see what Iroha and Azki have been working on, and wish them good luck. Iroha then goes and shows the three how her Yakiniku machine works. Su, Riona, and Sora chat to each other for a while about various things (much laughter is ensued).
  • Pekora heads into the nether to get more lava, she then pours more lava down below, to turn it into cobblestone once again for her tower. Noel watches overhead from a distance Pekora's work.
  • Nene works on making a bunch of dried kelp blocks.
  • Pekora plans to take Azki, Su, and Riona on an adventure. Pekora gives Azki the map, and she will guide them to the destination (it looks like a woodland mansion). They get into a minecraft group to better communicate even if they're not nearby. The girls travel through the snowy mountains and experience Powdered snow for the first time for many. The girls eventually find it, it is a woodland mansion! They first establish a base at the entrance before venturing inside. Inside they find a large number of Allays (10). They bring them back to the entrance. They also explore and fight off the mansion's different enemies. One of the treasures they find has a chest that contains resin and a template for trims. They also find alpacas trapped outside. They come from a wandering trader that spawned. The girls climb up to the rooftop and dig to see if there's any rooms that they missed.
  • Matsuri back at base does some enchantment gacha. Earlier she was doing some fishing. Iroha is also at the base too quietly working on the villager trading area.
  • Miko logs online and checks out her new house made by Matsuri. SHe likes it. She also goes to check out what else has been made. She takes a look at the notice board and see the signs left by the members (mainly saying that Haachama coaster is open and the locations of the farms). Miko heads off to check out the farms. While travelling a creeper comes by and explodes, damaging a pale oak tree that was planted. Miko checks out the iron farm. She likes it. Miko then goes to check out Sora's house.
  • Sora and Vivi meet up. Sora shows Vivi what Iroha has made, like the yakiniku machine.
  • Miko, Sora, and Vivi end up meeting each other. Miko shows Sora and Vivi her new house. She shows the door and they're pretty impressed. She then takes them inside and gives them a tour of the place. Miko then shows them the Iron Farm. Raora logs on, and Sora ask where Raora's house is, so Raora shows the 3 of them her house. Its still in the process of being built. From Raora's house, they see Miko's pyramid, which Vivi describes as poop. Raora goes to meet with Ceci. The rest of the girls follow and meet with her. Ceci tells Miko that she lives with Sora now. Miko finds this surprising "Cecilia WHAT?" Raora also asks if she can have a room in Sora's house, and Sora says okay! Raora wants a pink bed. Ceci then gives some gifts. She gives Vivi some quartz, and Miko a red flower. Ceci also gives Vivi a shield to protect from Miko (who hit her). Miko heads off to explore more of the server.
  • Sora and Vivi ask Ceci and Raora if Raora is evil. Raora isn't evil, but Ceci says otherwise (this is in relation to events from the other day). Sora and Vivi head off. Raora and Ceci will use Discord to talk. Ceci wants to go and get some redstone. Ceci wants to make a music block redstone contraption. She also mentions sometime in the future she wants to build a redstone train station that goes through the nether, and maybe through specific biomes.
  • Miko explores more of the server (Vivi tags along for a little bit). Miko finds Subaru's house. She also sees that Watame plans on building a car/garage besides Subaru's house (its across the melon bridge made thanks to Vivi's farm). Then alongside Sora they check out Azki and Iroha's fishing spot. After, Miko goes back to Subaru's house and builds some ducks on the water in front of her house. She then puts signs giving each of the ducks different names.
  • Okayu logs onto the server. She starts off by doing tree chopping. Lui later on asks Okayu where shes at, and Okayu provides with the coords. Lui meets up with Okayu at her place. The two will chop and plant Pale Oak tress to get lots of Pale Oak wood. While they work at tree chopping, they spot Miko putting the ducks at the lake. Miko goes up to them to explain what she's doing. The two then go to get a closer look at the ducks and their names. Lui goes and change the name of one of the ducks.
  • After Azki, Pekora, Riona, and Su finish exploring the mansion, they start to make their way back home. They make sure to gather up all the allays that they rescued. Then they start on their long journey back home, allays in tow. On the way back, Azki gets hit by drowned, and nearly dies but has a totem and lives. Sadly though Riona dies and and ends up respawning back at the mansion. Azki, Riona, and Su are stuck somewhere, while Pekora is travelling by herself across the ocean. Essentially, all 4 of the members are separated and not together. They're in a group chat at least. Riona realizing how far she is, does a zenloss strat and dies to get herself back to spawn. Su and Azki were able to meet up at least and travel back together. Pekora continues her travelling on her own.
  • Ao is seen exploring the server and comes across a flower biome on an island. Ao while doing more exploring finds some Ocean Ruins. During her adventures, she gets blown up by a creeper. Ao continues her solo adventure journey on the server. On her journey Ao finds a Pale Garden Biome. This one looks different than the ones others have found.
  • Ceci explains the plan to Raora: They go into CC's nether portal. Pick a direction and travel far, then put another nether portal somewhere, and use that to help travel great distances. But first they must get obsidian. They'll use the lava from the nether to help out. After gathering the amount of obsidian, they head into the nether. Raora makes a shelter out of cobblestone but Ceci wants it removed because Ceci is trying to be undercover. She doesn't want Ina to know about her being here and her nether portal. Ceci and Raora try to go in a direction that hasn't really been explored by anyone. While trying to travel upward, a ghast appeared and shot the both of them to their deaths. Ceci was going back to try and get her items (some of it burned but she could recover some of it), however a hoglin showed and killed CC. Raora went to get some iron to make new armor and tools and food. CC eventually is at the very least able to get her diamond sword.
  • Ceci and Raora begin digging underground. They're digging deep underground to find diamonds. The diamonds are being used to get new armor and tools for themselves after losing their equipment in the nether.
  • Rinoa back at base starts on work of a building besides the Flow Glow castle. Its a small room with a music box. The room will be for the allay to stay and make more Allays. Pekora meets up with Riona at the place and works with the allays in the newly built room. Okayu shows up and goes to see what Pekora and Riona were doing.
  • Miko gathers obsidian to create her own nether portal. Miko builds it right at the center of town, besides the fountain and near Flow Glow's castle (its in front of Advent's land). Miko enters the portal and lands... its being affected by CC's Portal... Miko realizes the problem and chat helps in figuring out who built the other portal. Miko sends a message to Ceci (with the help of deepl). Miko wants to meet with Ceci so CC and Raora will meet up with her. Miko explains the situation to CC and Raora using Deepl, she then shows them CC's portal gate that she made. She basically wants to ask if Miko can break CC's nether gate so the one at the center of town can work properly. CC allows it. They then all break the nether gate. Miko takes the rest of the obisidian. Miko does a test with the portal and it works successfully.
  • Azki and Su while travelling back home happen to meet up with Iroha who's been exploring on her own. The three travel together to get back home to base. after a long travel they finally make it back home and everyone reunites together. They all head to the room Riona made and put their allays there. The group decide to take some allays each and bring them back to their homes (So Pekora will take home 3 allays, Azki will take home a couple with Iroha, and Riona and Su will keep their allays in the small house/room Riona made).
    • Some additional info regarding the allays they found: "To add to Riona's group, Pekora and Riona have become allay saleswoman LMAO Riona thinks they can get raise the price to 50 diamonds (Okayu agreed for 25), which Pekora agreed. And while talking with their group which includes AZKi and Su (Iroha helping too), the price is raised to 100. The price includes their suffering when getting the allays."
  • Sora has been busy decorating the interior and exterior of her home.
  • Something I didn't take note is that you can see the start of Ina's house being built from different member's viewpoints. Most noticeable was Ceci's who was the closest to Ina's house.
  • Miko travels to the Port City and area being made by Fubuki and Lui, and goes to check out what Suisei has been working on there. She checks out the large lighthouse and other things. Miko and Suisei enter a cave and Miko inside makes a nether portal. When Miko went through the nether portal again, the portal was made in a different location in the overworld. She's tries to figure out the portal coords and fix them. During this, a ghast shows up. Miko hits back its projectile, killing it, and getting her the achievement. Miko was also able to fix the nether portal connection points.
  • Vivi is in the process of making a lava farm. She's making it right besides her own farm close to spawn point.
  • Ceci and Raora keep on dying to the mobs in the caves (dying, going back in the cave, getting their stuff, dying again, a circle). Due to the amount of deaths Kaela sends a message asking if the two of them need any help (they don't seem to read this as they do not respond). It should be noted that Ceci is suffering from some bad lag which makes getting her stuff back and fighting enemies a lot more difficult. Ceci tries to fix the lag she's experiencing. CC gets the lag fixed and gets back to work on mining.
  • Ceci and Raora while mining come across the deep dark biome. Chat warms them not to go, but they don't fully understand as when they arrive nothing really happens. They stay cautious however while travelling by the deep dark. They do leave the deep darko biome area eventually before anything truly bad happened to them.
  • Kaela off stream has been continuing work on her villagers. She's been trying to get a villager with Power V for a good price (but its been difficult). Pekora stops by to the villager trading post and says hi to Kaela (Calling her, her best friend).
  • Miko while at the construction area of the port city (and area), she meets up with Lui and Okayu there. At the beach they have some animals enclosed. Miko sees that they have some armadillos. Lui and Okayu were able to breed and make new armadillos. Miko then heads back into the nether. I believe Miko's plan is to make a shorter route from the port city area and the main server area using nether portals.
  • At one point Iroha gets herself a trident. It can be seen on Azki's stream when she shows it off to her.
  • Su and Riona work more on their Allay house/room. They make a path and add signs indicating what it is (allays for sale basically).
  • Kanade logs on and meets up with Vivi. Vivi shows her the lava farm she just finished making. She goes to Sora and Pekora who were in Sora's house and asks if they want to see it. She shows them the farm and lets them try it out.
  • Miko, Okayu, and Lui want to bring their armadillo to the main server area. They'll travel through the nether to get there faster. While in a nether a ghast shoots right at them and nearly hits their armadillo. Miko works on a safe and protective path from the nether portal at the port city place to the portal at the main server area. Another ghast showed up and shot at them again. The armadillo (and Okayu who is guiding it on a leash) are safe. Eventually they reach the main server's portal area, but its a long way down, so they use a boat to help them travel safely (the ghast seems to still be after them). Okayu and the armdillo get into the boat and fall down (with dramatics). They're able to safely make it through and the armadillo is safe at the main area of the server. Okayu then takes the armadillo back to their tree chopping place.
  • Ao after her big adventure makes it back home safe. She meets with some of the members at spawn point (Ao died to reset her spawn again). And they caught up about what has been going on. I think also Ao also tried to rizz Pekora in a sense (heard Valentines) but this I'll need to see through a clip.
  • Ao-kun also shows off a house (calls it a dollhouse i think) she plans to build in the future. She establishes some free land where it'll be build (on the outskirts of the main area, but Reine's fishing spot can be seen). She starts by making a tree farm for her to get Pale Oak. While farming, Iroha stops by and gives Ao some laplis lazuli.
  • Pekora heads out to a sandy/desert place to collect lots of sand for a project.
  • Miko, Lui, and Okayu fix up the pathway between the two nether portals (between the main server area and their port city) to make a direct and safe connection. The three are in a private group call with Suisei. After they head over to Miko's house. Lui ends up walking into Miko's house while the lava was still covering the door and she caught fire. They get a water bucket to put Lui out of the fire but it results in making cobblestone and an obisidian block over the lava. They remove the blocks and the lava door still works. They enter Miko's house to check it out. Lui sees how the lava doesn't pour into the house (thanks to trapdoors) and tries to walk through the lava again, this time dying (she had died already previously from the lava too)
  • Okayu heads to pick up her Armadillo and bring it to Pekora's armadillo. Pekora wants to breed armadillos (She has lots of spider eyes), so shes gonna use Okayu's armadillo to help out. Pekora gets a new baby armadillo. Pekora gives her thanks to Okayu (also kenja time was mentioned from Okayu). On Okayu's stream, the baby armadillo put into the boat looks like a piece of carpet. On Pekora's stream, it looks normal. Okayu is trying to get her own armadillo back home now, but it keeps wanting to get into the boat. Okayu was able to bring it back home. Okayu puts the armadillo in a small stone house for safety.
  • Miko takes a visit to Kaela's villager trading post. Kaela has made the place look a lot nicer and more organized. All the villagers have been properly placed in their spots (besides a nitwit). Kaela shows Miko the trading place and where to get the enchantments you need, along with where you can go to easily get emeralds. Miko thanks Kaela after buying her items and heads back to her house.
  • Okayu walking through the server overseas Ao at her house. Okayu comes by and talks to Ao. Ao shows Okayu her house. She mentions how compared to the other houses around, her's isn't pink. After talking for a while, Okayu heads off and goes fishing by Suisei's fishing hut. After doing some fishing, Okayu makes a gift for Lui (most likely as thanks for helping out today). In a double chest, It has amethyst shaped in a heart along with an enchanting book and other items. Lui comes by and sees the gift and thanks Okayu for it. She, along with Fubuki who tagged along with Lui, check out Okayu's Armadillo. They chat for a bit before heading off.
  • Vivi has made a semi-auto cooking system for baked poatoes. Raw potatoes are placed in the top chest. The side chest is for fuel. It'll automatically cook the potatoes and put them into the bottom chest. Vivi writes the sign in english saying its free potatoes to take. Vivi notes that the overseas fans are impressed with Vivi's english knowledge in writing the sign. Vivi mentions that she learned some English (either 2 years ago, or she learned it for 2 years, i didn't hear this clearly). Vivi then explains in english the lava farm that she made today.
    • She also teaches the overseas fans a Japanese word: Shirankedo. It's a bit hard for me to explain this meaning, but it can simply be summarized as a "i don't know" or "maybe". It's a word thats used mainly in the Kansai region of Japan.
  • Fubuki and Lui come by to see what Vivi's up to. They get distracted by some zombies who spawned by. After dealing with the zombies, they check out Vivi's lava farm. Then Vivi shows the two her farm animals and her house. They find it to be very cute. Fubuki invites Vivi to check out Hoshi Machi (this is the name of the city area they have been developing), and Vivi accepts. When Vivi arrives at the place, she ends up falling down a hole into some water in the cave where the nether is spawned at. She makes it out ok. Fubuki and Lui immediately make it fall proof. They then show Vivi the place and the different structures that were made. After a tour around the city, at least what was built so far (there's a farm area that looks new), they bring Vivi back home.
  • Kanade tweeted that off stream she was mining for diamonds while chatting with Hajime.
  • Kaela tweets that she managed to get a Power V book for 39 emeralds, which is a lot better than what she had before: 64 emeralds. BTW, she tweeted before this about the completion of her trading hall.
  • Vivi has been busy the last hour or so working on her lava farm. She's mainly just been changing the outer blocks to some deepslate bricks (After learning about how to make a stonecutter).
  • Vivi heads by to the iron farm and meets with Lui. The Iron farm has shown to be pretty popular as theres only one iron block in it (the iron farm is designed so it'll only put iron blocks in the chests) and because the iron farm is not at the spawn point, it'll only run if someone is in the area with the chunk loaded. She then checks out Kaela's villager traders. She finds them all really noisy and annoying with their grunts, so tells them to shut up.
  • Kanata logs onto the server. Vivi notices something and looks to find Kanata underneath her house. Vivi is seeing this from inside her house through the glass floor. (Vivi during this time has been busy decorating and working on her house).
EDIT: Added a featured clip.
EDIT: Replaced a clip with a longer one.
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Well-known member
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 21, 2022

Todd's Strongest Howard

Do not trust the sticker farmer.
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
so she didn't do the tried-and-true "have you tried turning it off and on again" method of fixing rogue tech issues?

sasuga, pink woman...

Now did they plug the mic into one of their machines or did she bring all her stuff to the shop and they did it and it worked?

If former; "Works on our machinee", tough break bud, get better at hardware.

If latter; kekw, tough break bud, get better at hardware.


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
Shondo update.


really sorry for disappearing today, you guys, this is an honest post about everything going on, so trigger warning or whatever, i'm sorry, i just wanted to explain why i'm fucking up so horribly lately

i had a panic attack today due to everything, then i got really stressed, and my palpitations got bad, and i passed out, which is why i didn't make today's stream, i'm really sorry. luckily i kind of know when it's gonna happen now so i was able to sit down and i'm okay.

i've had just about the most stressful week ever. my mama is in the hospital for an abscess that is life-threateningly infected but due to her history of cancer they can't operate on her and just have to keep treating her. unfortunately the abscess made her vomit a whole lot and she couldn't take her regular meds, which led to her getting terrible withdrawals and trying to kill herself at the weekend. it was an incredibly serious attempt and she was in intensive care after for all of sunday and monday, me and my brother were with her on sunday which is why i had to cancel then.

and we're pretty convinced she wants to try again. the hospital keeps trying to let her home since she keeps telling the mental health doctors what they want to hear
i live with her, my grandmother, and my four younger siblings, so when something like this happens, me and my gran have to pretty much take over everything, which is so much stress when my whole family are quite sickly and pretty much all of us are on anti-crazy meds. my grandmother has debilitating social anxiety and can't talk to doctors or handle anything herself, which puts a lot of the strain on me and my brother, but he gets too upset and just cries. it's too much for me also as a schizophrenic, but i am used to just doing my best to take care of everyone, no matter what. i am not doing well physically either and my heart problems are pretty bad, so i am just trying to keep myself stable and stop my family from falling apart. it's impossible.

i thought i'd be abe to stream today because they're trying to get her back on her meds and stabilise her again, and yesterday was fairly calm in my house, but she's acting very dangerously and it's really scary. we are trying to get her sectioned but whoever her mental health doctor is just wants to send her home even though every family member and every hospital doctor has said she will absolutely khs if they do.

i know this isn't a nice post but it's stuff i've said on discord and i worry anyone who isn't there might feel like i'm just doing a terrible job with everything lately, and i am really, really sorry if you feel disappointed in me. a lot of bad things happen and i usually just tough them out but this has got my entire household constantly screaming and arguing 24 hours a day. it's a nightmare. i feel like i live in a mental asylum ;v; i can't even sleep because every time i manage to drift off, i have to be woken up because something else bad has happened.

i will try to hydrate and eat something and i'll do my absolute best to make tomorrow's stream. i really fucking hate valentines day, but i don't think being alone through it would help, and i want to be there if you guys need me too. i need to do better for everyone and for you guys especially. there's a lot of pressure, but the thing that upsets me the most in the world is when i feel like i'm failing people, and i feel like all i do is fail recently. i'm really sorry!
all i have in the world is you guys and my family. i know it might be unfair of me to tell you this because it's an unbalanced relationship, but i don't have anyone else to talk to, and i suck at lying and hiding these things, and i just want to get back to having fun and streaming, and i think you deserve to know why i fail so hard at this lately. i've never been good at properly opening up to strangers, but the techniques i learned in the ten years of therapy i had are usually enough to help me through these things, but lately i think it's all just too much for me. sorry for imploding in discord. i am just so bad at all of this.

i'm not sure i want to keep talking about this, eithero n discord, or twitter, or stream, any more, so i just wanted to make sure anyone who cares can read what is happening so i dont have to force it,. i think you deserve to know but also i just want to stream and have fun.

i hope we can have fun tomorrow. hopefully nothing else bad happens. i dont think i can handle it.

i'm sorry ;v;

Kind of hard not to feel bad for her to be honest, it's no surprise she always sounds like she's at breaking point.


Well-known member
Joined:  Nov 28, 2022
Holy shit if that's what she has to put up with on a daily basis I can see why she's so schizo sometimes. Like right now I'm literally rethinking all of the crazy shit she's posted before and seeing them in new light and I'm honestly surprised that she's not even more mental


Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
Yuno playing Thread of Hope

Twitch link

Capo Miyo playing Ambulance Life

Twitch link

Chiwa playing Factorio


Joined:  Oct 1, 2023

I Wanna Die

Don't do drugs, blow all your money on vtubers
Joined:  Nov 15, 2023
Shondo update.


really sorry for disappearing today, you guys, this is an honest post about everything going on, so trigger warning or whatever, i'm sorry, i just wanted to explain why i'm fucking up so horribly lately

i had a panic attack today due to everything, then i got really stressed, and my palpitations got bad, and i passed out, which is why i didn't make today's stream, i'm really sorry. luckily i kind of know when it's gonna happen now so i was able to sit down and i'm okay.

i've had just about the most stressful week ever. my mama is in the hospital for an abscess that is life-threateningly infected but due to her history of cancer they can't operate on her and just have to keep treating her. unfortunately the abscess made her vomit a whole lot and she couldn't take her regular meds, which led to her getting terrible withdrawals and trying to kill herself at the weekend. it was an incredibly serious attempt and she was in intensive care after for all of sunday and monday, me and my brother were with her on sunday which is why i had to cancel then.

and we're pretty convinced she wants to try again. the hospital keeps trying to let her home since she keeps telling the mental health doctors what they want to hear
i live with her, my grandmother, and my four younger siblings, so when something like this happens, me and my gran have to pretty much take over everything, which is so much stress when my whole family are quite sickly and pretty much all of us are on anti-crazy meds. my grandmother has debilitating social anxiety and can't talk to doctors or handle anything herself, which puts a lot of the strain on me and my brother, but he gets too upset and just cries. it's too much for me also as a schizophrenic, but i am used to just doing my best to take care of everyone, no matter what. i am not doing well physically either and my heart problems are pretty bad, so i am just trying to keep myself stable and stop my family from falling apart. it's impossible.

i thought i'd be abe to stream today because they're trying to get her back on her meds and stabilise her again, and yesterday was fairly calm in my house, but she's acting very dangerously and it's really scary. we are trying to get her sectioned but whoever her mental health doctor is just wants to send her home even though every family member and every hospital doctor has said she will absolutely khs if they do.

i know this isn't a nice post but it's stuff i've said on discord and i worry anyone who isn't there might feel like i'm just doing a terrible job with everything lately, and i am really, really sorry if you feel disappointed in me. a lot of bad things happen and i usually just tough them out but this has got my entire household constantly screaming and arguing 24 hours a day. it's a nightmare. i feel like i live in a mental asylum ;v; i can't even sleep because every time i manage to drift off, i have to be woken up because something else bad has happened.

i will try to hydrate and eat something and i'll do my absolute best to make tomorrow's stream. i really fucking hate valentines day, but i don't think being alone through it would help, and i want to be there if you guys need me too. i need to do better for everyone and for you guys especially. there's a lot of pressure, but the thing that upsets me the most in the world is when i feel like i'm failing people, and i feel like all i do is fail recently. i'm really sorry!
all i have in the world is you guys and my family. i know it might be unfair of me to tell you this because it's an unbalanced relationship, but i don't have anyone else to talk to, and i suck at lying and hiding these things, and i just want to get back to having fun and streaming, and i think you deserve to know why i fail so hard at this lately. i've never been good at properly opening up to strangers, but the techniques i learned in the ten years of therapy i had are usually enough to help me through these things, but lately i think it's all just too much for me. sorry for imploding in discord. i am just so bad at all of this.

i'm not sure i want to keep talking about this, eithero n discord, or twitter, or stream, any more, so i just wanted to make sure anyone who cares can read what is happening so i dont have to force it,. i think you deserve to know but also i just want to stream and have fun.

i hope we can have fun tomorrow. hopefully nothing else bad happens. i dont think i can handle it.

i'm sorry ;v;

Kind of hard not to feel bad for her to be honest, it's no surprise she always sounds like she's at breaking point.

Holy shit, the mental illness actually runs in the family. Girl never had a chance.

Brosnan Pierce Brosnan

God's Strongest Smartass
Dizzy's Husband
Joined:  Apr 4, 2023
Shondo update.


really sorry for disappearing today, you guys, this is an honest post about everything going on, so trigger warning or whatever, i'm sorry, i just wanted to explain why i'm fucking up so horribly lately

i had a panic attack today due to everything, then i got really stressed, and my palpitations got bad, and i passed out, which is why i didn't make today's stream, i'm really sorry. luckily i kind of know when it's gonna happen now so i was able to sit down and i'm okay.

i've had just about the most stressful week ever. my mama is in the hospital for an abscess that is life-threateningly infected but due to her history of cancer they can't operate on her and just have to keep treating her. unfortunately the abscess made her vomit a whole lot and she couldn't take her regular meds, which led to her getting terrible withdrawals and trying to kill herself at the weekend. it was an incredibly serious attempt and she was in intensive care after for all of sunday and monday, me and my brother were with her on sunday which is why i had to cancel then.

and we're pretty convinced she wants to try again. the hospital keeps trying to let her home since she keeps telling the mental health doctors what they want to hear
i live with her, my grandmother, and my four younger siblings, so when something like this happens, me and my gran have to pretty much take over everything, which is so much stress when my whole family are quite sickly and pretty much all of us are on anti-crazy meds. my grandmother has debilitating social anxiety and can't talk to doctors or handle anything herself, which puts a lot of the strain on me and my brother, but he gets too upset and just cries. it's too much for me also as a schizophrenic, but i am used to just doing my best to take care of everyone, no matter what. i am not doing well physically either and my heart problems are pretty bad, so i am just trying to keep myself stable and stop my family from falling apart. it's impossible.

i thought i'd be abe to stream today because they're trying to get her back on her meds and stabilise her again, and yesterday was fairly calm in my house, but she's acting very dangerously and it's really scary. we are trying to get her sectioned but whoever her mental health doctor is just wants to send her home even though every family member and every hospital doctor has said she will absolutely khs if they do.

i know this isn't a nice post but it's stuff i've said on discord and i worry anyone who isn't there might feel like i'm just doing a terrible job with everything lately, and i am really, really sorry if you feel disappointed in me. a lot of bad things happen and i usually just tough them out but this has got my entire household constantly screaming and arguing 24 hours a day. it's a nightmare. i feel like i live in a mental asylum ;v; i can't even sleep because every time i manage to drift off, i have to be woken up because something else bad has happened.

i will try to hydrate and eat something and i'll do my absolute best to make tomorrow's stream. i really fucking hate valentines day, but i don't think being alone through it would help, and i want to be there if you guys need me too. i need to do better for everyone and for you guys especially. there's a lot of pressure, but the thing that upsets me the most in the world is when i feel like i'm failing people, and i feel like all i do is fail recently. i'm really sorry!
all i have in the world is you guys and my family. i know it might be unfair of me to tell you this because it's an unbalanced relationship, but i don't have anyone else to talk to, and i suck at lying and hiding these things, and i just want to get back to having fun and streaming, and i think you deserve to know why i fail so hard at this lately. i've never been good at properly opening up to strangers, but the techniques i learned in the ten years of therapy i had are usually enough to help me through these things, but lately i think it's all just too much for me. sorry for imploding in discord. i am just so bad at all of this.

i'm not sure i want to keep talking about this, eithero n discord, or twitter, or stream, any more, so i just wanted to make sure anyone who cares can read what is happening so i dont have to force it,. i think you deserve to know but also i just want to stream and have fun.

i hope we can have fun tomorrow. hopefully nothing else bad happens. i dont think i can handle it.

i'm sorry ;v;

Kind of hard not to feel bad for her to be honest, it's no surprise she always sounds like she's at breaking point.

People will read this and be like "hag love"

God's Tastiest Bucko

A well-fed spider will bring you much happiness
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Holy shit if that's what she has to put up with on a daily basis I can see why she's so schizo sometimes. Like right now I'm literally rethinking all of the crazy shit she's posted before and seeing them in new light and I'm honestly surprised that she's not even more mental
She is a schizo by definition.

People will read this and be like "hag love"
Why yes, :holohag: :hololove:

Thomas Talus

Εκ λόγου άλλος εκβαίνει λόγος
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 15, 2022
If Shondo's life isn't an act, she pretty much is God's strongest soldier for being as functional as she is and supporting her family to the point that a private doctor is a possible option for treating her mom.


I'm not gay but an akasupa is an akasupa
Joined:  May 19, 2024

Why would she?...
I mean, her fat ass boss...

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Joined:  Sep 29, 2022


Wonder how well their nepohire agency plans will go considering their financial situation. Not everyone has deep pockets like GunRun

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