"I've lost count of the amount of times I had to sit and listen to the people in charge at my old job [vReverie] talk shit and gossip about my friends like it was high school and then tell me I was the 'easiest to deal with' because I stopped fighting for my passions like 6 months in"Nyanami Ruru

General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave

El Rrata

Gringo Tolerable
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 9, 2022
I am surprised DramaYamanbas didnt want to exploit Chloe
Then they would have to actually speak Japanese or get someone to translate for them unless they just started making shit up. Opens themselves up to being called out for bullshit translations more easily.

Hotdogs Aplenty

King Shiori Poster & Watcher
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Well-known member
Joined:  Apr 15, 2023
Gamergate, Kirsche timelooping, and dramafags, oh boy. What a morning.

Thanks for the perfect reaction gif, Towa

A company that makes shitty and cringe drink powders puts out a shitty and cringe TCG. As you said, probably the least surprising thing most of us will see all week.
I find time looping gay

So about Captain Planet

Sky Shouter

Stupid by birth, manhera by the grace of God
Joined:  Sep 15, 2022
Ignore the retardation above, come watch a retarded woman fail to do basic arithmetic

Inis gets spooked and starts reciting Hitler speeches as a self-defense mechanism

Also I didn't pay attention to the VshojoJP debuts, but this Hotaru girl is one hell of a singer

Zyklon Mag

This magmite stares at gays
Joined:  Sep 14, 2023



No faith in Humanity
Dizzy's Wife
Joined:  Oct 30, 2022
when we'll get to the point where they start just making shit up or blowing up molehills into olympus mons
When we'll get to that point? What sort of upstanding dramafarmers have you been around? :gunpeko:


Well-known member
Joined:  Feb 16, 2024
Also I didn't pay attention to the VshojoJP debuts, but this Hotaru girl is one hell of a singer

She is the one people are speculating is Yurika Endou, retired VA of Lisa in BanG Dream!

Edit: Sample for the voice experts out there:

I can't tell for sure, I have a hard time distinguishing voices, but it's close enough for me to not rule it out. And she fits the profile of a former Seiyu in most ways, so I think it's plausible.
Last edited:

God's Saddest Tattletail

No kamis or oshis, only man
Joined:  Sep 23, 2024

I think cancelling streams when you shitted yourself 10 times in a row is understandable

Unless you want to get vomiting ASMR stream

Oh don't get me wrong I absolutely don't blame her for canceling. I just need my daily Ekkomorium fix now that she's back and I can only rewatch her debut 2.0 so many times.

God's Tastiest Bucko

A well-fed spider will bring you much happiness
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022

El Rrata

Gringo Tolerable
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Joined:  Sep 9, 2022

Fine, since few people asked me in dms and I got mad again. I rage quitted the tentacult and vtuber fanbase because Ninomae Ina'nis played LoL. You happy now? I trusted her to be reasonable person but when she decided to stream it it felt like a betrayal and I don't want to see her again.

Don't waste time and keyboard saying "this is stupid" "this is only a game" "are you serious?" or something like that. LoL is cancer, LoL players are cancer (speaking from experience) and Ina is now tainted by that so I can't look at her the same way as before
I loved her...

Hotdogs Aplenty

King Shiori Poster & Watcher
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
4th holoMinecraft server - D1 highlights New


Outlasted the Chinese Community Sinicization Group
True & Honest Holofan
Joined:  Sep 23, 2023
Fourth hololive Minecraft Server - Day 1 Highlights
Introduction - Next
Riona finds Suisei lost in a swamp and hang out together.

Polka finds diamonds and uses them to make diamond hoes to give out.

Okayu takes little sister Su, much to Miko's dismay.
EDIT: Longer version.

Kiara and Riona tag team to bully Su.

Pekora and Nene's quest to find a pale garden biome.

This is what happens when Okayu and Chihaya are together.
EDIT: Longer version.

There's even more clips out there but going through them all will take forever.

(Taken from here.)
The First Hour:
  • The Minecraft server spawn point is the plains biome with a river nearby and some birch forest. There's also a hill nearby too.
  • Fuwamoco and Matsuri are the first to enter the server on stream! Fuwamoco are each playing on their own btw but only Mococo is streaming her POV. The first thing both do is punch the nearby sheep.
  • According to Noel looking at the list, Kaela has already joined the server offline, but its unknown where she is. Most likely somewhere far away playing offline.
  • Kaela got the "Suit-up" achievement, meaning she logged on the server the earliest (most likely) and has already mined the iron needed to start making armor.
  • Matsuri found a jungle biome nearby, which has watermelon they can use, along with cocoa beans.
  • The first night time approaches and the only girls so far with beds are Kaela and Matsuri... they must survive the night (or log off). Miko immediately died as soon as she logged online.
  • A new day approaches the server. Matsuri comes across a bamboo forest within the jungle. Miko and Haachama both spot an enderman nearby. They go to Watame and say they want a bed from her (since shes a sheep and sheep here give wool for beds).
  • Noel starts farming by the nearby river. Matsuri ends up dying due to a zombie. Fuwamoco make a campfire to cook the raw meat they got.
  • Haachama made a mining tunnel. It has a dirt tower next to it so its easy to see from afar. Noel helps along by digging the mining tunnel. Watame finds their tunnel and joins the 3 of them.
  • Su and Riona logged onto the server before their stream (to test if they can get online). Everyone gives their greetings.
  • Kaela gets the achievement that she has gotten diamonds. Everyone replies in shock (did you expect anything less). Kaela just replies with "a..." and "gambatte" (reminder Kaela logged on offline just before everyone else and essentially speedran the Minecrafting essentials).
  • Nene logs on. Miko goes to greet Nene at spawn by punching her.
  • Looks like (at least for today), night time can be skipped. This was evident by Miko not sleeping at all and time passing from night to day. It seems like the server is set up so you only need half the players sleeping for night time to pass.
  • A drowned spawns in the river near Fuwamoco's base (they seem to be settled across the river). They get the monster hunter achievement.
  • Haachama, Noel, and watame end up digging down to a Mine Shaft in their tunnel. Miko goes down and also finds the Mine Shaft. It has some good treasures. Fuwamoco come across the tunnel too and proceed to explore it a little bit with Watame, Haachama, and Noel, before heading back to their base.
  • Matsuri while solo exploring the caves comes across a moss cave.
  • Mikochi sends a message to the server saying she is going to build a landmark and would like help from anyone who wants to. Fuwamoco who are nearby join to help. They start by flattnening the land (I'm sorry to anyone who thought there would be no more land flattening). Fuwamoco: kill the mountain sleepover.

The Second Hour:
  • Seven more members log on to play: Pekora, Nene, Su, Riona, Polka, Koyori, Okayu.
  • Matsuri in the jungle makes friends with the parrots.
  • Miko and Fuwamoco from their land flattening start making a long underground tunnel (this is part of Miko's landmark plans).
  • Nene logs onto the server and gives a very big and long greeting to the world! Su also logs on at the same time to overhear, with Miko coming out of the tunnel to greet them both. Watame also goes to greet Su too.
  • Matsuri while trying to head back to spawn from her jungle exploration finds a nether portal. It seems to be located in the river somewhere.
  • Nene manages to get a creeper and brings it back to the group who are at spawn. It explodes causing Polka to die.
  • Kalea has gotten the achievement "Cover me with diamonds" meaning Kaela has now obtained a piece of diamond armor (she has a diamond helmet).
  • Matsuri tells the group the coords for the nether portal and a bunch go to check it out. They'll still need the stuff to make a nether portal. Matsuri returns to the spawn area and shows off the two parrots that she acquired in the jungle.
  • Miko, Noel, and Watame also manage to find the jungle too. They also find some dark oak wood as well.
  • Polka gets a first group picture with some of the members together. Haachama gets a picture too. The picture is actually for Sora who wanted something to use for a thumbnail.
  • All of Flow Glow are essentially playing today. They all meet together near the spawn. (Niko had a stream but was unable to get it working so she will be playing off stream. Edit: Minecraft seems to not be working well for Niko so she will play another time).
  • Haachama works on making a large monument out of dirt as the entrance to the mine tunnel. She then tries to trap a spider. It results in her death. However she was able to capture the spider succesfully.
  • Noel while exploring the jungle comes across a beach with some turtles hanging out.
  • Suisei logs on the server and is greeted by Miko. Suisei responds with "banana" in chat.
  • Polka works on making bridges out of dirt to help cross the river easier. While exploring she and Vivi also come across a wolf. It surprises them cause the wolf is not the white color they're used to (Wolves in the new update can come in lots of different colors depending on the biome its spawned in).
  • Nene and Pekora while exploring find a swamp biome. Passing by the swamp biome they find a snow and ice biome and also Pekora spots a nearby village. The two proceed to raid the village. By some mistake, Pekora triggers the iron golem that goes after her. They climb up to a nearby house for safety before Pekora kills the iron golem. The two also come across a wolf. Since they're in the snow forest biome its a different color.
  • Watame, Haachama, Koyori, and Noel go as a group together and explore the server on boats through the river. They explore some of the biomes that the other girls came across like the swamp biome. In the swamp biome the girls dig up the clay that's in the water. They then find an orange frog.
  • Fuwamoco come across the same swamp biome that Pekora and Nene found and start exploring it. Fuwawa says that she found a red panda (she prob found a wolf).
  • Matsuri while exploring crosses the ocean and finds a desert. The desert also has a village that has a camel. She writes the coords down for the rest of the group. She then proceeds to raid the village. Matsuri finds another village across the river of the desert in another biome. She also finds a plains biome, and another nether portal in the desert. She finds treasured buried nearby and gets gold and obsidian. Matsuri was able to get a leash and is working on bringing the camel she found back to spawn. Matsuri with the help of ice walker boots she got uses them to cross the river with her camel.
  • Vivi and Chihaya make a farm by the river. Suisei approaches Riona and asks for food. Riona gives an apple.

The Third Hour:
  • We currently have a few groups out exploring: Haachama, Noel, Koyori, and Watame. We have Pekora and Nene. Fuwamoco and Matsuri are exploring separately. The rest of the groups are at or near base either mining or making things.
  • Polka went mining and found some diamonds deep underground.
  • Pekora was able to make friends with a group of wolves in a forest biome she and Nene came across. They find another white wolf which Pekora also befriends. However due to Nene being Nene she accidentally aggros the dog which makes it attack her. So they decide to leave the dog where they found it. They make it sit and put a sign next to it in case anyone comes across it.
  • Riona while exploring the swamp biome comes across an orange frog. She proceeds to punch it until its dead.
  • Miko and Chihaya work with Niko on getting her Minecraft and OBS working again. Sora joins them and provides some advice to help out. Afterwards, Miko and Chihaya work on more land flattening for Miko's Landmark project.
  • Vivi works hard on expanding the farm she made.
  • Koyori, Watame, Noel, and Haachama, while exploring find a showy forest biome and befriend a wolf they find there. They also find a nether portal there and did around it to find treasure. They find boots that let you walk on the water (it turns it into ice). Haachama wears and uses them but it makes Noel get stuck underneath. They were able to free her before anything bad happened. They explore more areas and find another nether portal in a forest.
  • Matsuri makes it back with her camel. Vivi comes across and Matsuri shows it off to her. Fuwamoco also check out the camel and notice that Matsuri has a barrel nearby which has shared food for anyone who wants it. Matsuri was able to get a saddle for her camel so the camel can now be ridden on.
  • Fuwamoco return from their explorations to Miko and work on helping her out with her landmark. Miko proceeds to start laying down the foundation and plans for the landmark. While working on land flattening with Niko and Chihaya, they trigger a creeper that was found underneath. They make it blow up before covering the hole with dirt.
  • Suisei and Riona are exploring the swamp biome together. They find a witch that poisons them both, but they were able to kill it. Thanks to the witch the two were able to find a witch's house. They establish the witch's house as their own base of operations. Riona is seen making lots of soup.
  • Polka goes to see what Miko, Chihaya, and Niko were up to, after chatting she gifts Miko and Chihaya both diamond hoes that she made. Miko proceeds to laugh (Vivi also has a diamond hoe too).
  • Watame ends up accidentally aggroing Noel's wolf. It won't stop until Watame dies. Watame places a bed and and lets the wolf kill her so she can stop getting aggroed. She was able to get her items easily.
  • Fuwamoco make a sign and fully establish their home and base in the server. It seems to be at the river spot where they were beforehand. They work on making their mining tunnel. They add some flowers along the tunnel walls to decorate it.
  • Matsuri then proceeds to get some fishing done. One of the spots she fishes at is at Vivi's farm which has now been expanded with more wheat fields.
  • Miko meets up with Su and Okayu who the two have been busy working together in digging through the mine shafts. The three of them dig and explore more of the mine shaft together. Miko dies while trying to fight a Cave Spider. Su also dies to it shortly after.
  • Haachama and the group find a pirate ship. They explore the ship to get its treasure. However Koyori dies and ends up respawning at the original spawnpoint (which a tree has been planted on top of so Koyori spawned on a tree).
  • Sora has acquired her own horse. She puts the horse in a fence near Vivi's farm and places a sign with the horse's name (Ankimo) on it. Sora approaches Koyori who has died and the two look at what the spawn point has currently become (a tree farm).
  • Miko continues work on her landmark.

The Fourth Hour:
  • Graodstone logs on to join the server (Kaela logged on earlier to play, scroll up, but will be starting her stream at this time). For anyone curious how KAela was able to get so much treasures so fast. The answer is simple: pirate ships.
  • Biboo and Raora log onto the server. Theyre greeted by Sora who was nearby. Vivi also approaches and greets the two of them too (Vivi's farm seems to be located near base). Miko also approaches the two of them to give her greetings. Koyori approached Raora and the two tried to speak, but Raora was backseated by KAela and Biboo on JP speak (Graodstone are talking through discord alongside proximity chat).
  • Sora in meeting the EN members makes a "Free Torch" sign in english for them. As Sora has a chest full of torches for people to use. Koyori also helps out with the sign making.
  • Kaela gives the two materials for them to make beds and sleep. The three proceed to explore and play together. Each of them meeting some senpais, with Okayu meeting Biboo and Raora, and Kaela meeting with Miko. Okayu uses her pocket-talk to talk to them. Miko uses deepl.
  • Fuwamoco while exploring the swamp come across a wandering trader. They accidentally hit the trader which causes the llama to spit at them proceeding the two to scream and run away. They end up meeting with Riona and Suisei who are exploring the swamp together. Mococo was able to find a cat in the swamp biome and befriend it. Afterwards they came across the dark oak biome and started punching the mushroom tree to get more mushrooms.
  • Haachama, Noel, and Watame while exploring find a Sakura biome. They work on getting the items from the trees.
  • Sora works on establishing the tree farm she made (shes the one who planted the Acadia and oak trees at the spawn point).
  • Graondstone find a spot near a small lake and they get to work building their own house (a place to store their items mostly). Kaela doesn't want to build but Biboo insists anyway and makes a basement just for Kaela (Kaela says she has basement trauma). After the basement is made, Kaela works adds TNT to it followed by making a branching mine directly. Raora works on making a farm and Biboo finds an orange frog and puts it in a boat. Biboo come across two llamas from a wandering trader and immediately befriends them.
  • Miko continues work on her landmark. Okayu and Su take a look at the progress, and they're impressed. Miko makes a wooden fountain. Nearby the fountain, Okayu, Chihaya, and Niko work on more land flattening. During the process a group of pillagers approaches them. Okayu and Miko work to get rid of the pillagers. Eventually they are killed (Miko suffered a death in the process). Miko and crew learn that raids have changed and work differently now.
  • Pekora and Nene continue to explore together. As they explore they place large tower blocks to give them an advantage and survey the area. The two come across a Sakura biome (unknown if the same biome that Haachama's group found) and get the blocks from it.
  • Sora and Koyori go branch mining together. They use Haachama tunnel as the starting point. They hope to find ore and diamonds underground.
  • Riona and Suisei explore together outside of their swamp area. They come across a fox that Riona proceeds to try and kill.

The Fifth Hour:
  • Haachama's group finally return from their expedition and tell Miko and Chihaya who were there about their adventures and the spoils they acquired, including Sakura trees. They also show off Noel's dog. Miko takes the sakura sprout and plants it temporarily. They then put one of the flowers on the ground.
  • Pekora and Nene find the Pale Garden Biome (newest biome in the update). They squeal in excitement. The two check out the Pale Garden biome and gather its materials. They use the wood from the pale garden to make their own house.
  • Okayu learns what happens when you hit Noel, her dog comes after you. Fortunately Okayu was able to get her items back.
  • Some of the Sakura sprouts were given to Sora who planted them in her tree farm area. Vivi took some of the flowers and placed them around her farm. Koyori was also given some Sakura sprouts since she was with the group for most of the adventure.
  • Chihaya, Niko, and Su work with Miko on establishing the landmark area. They build an arch out of stone blocks while Miko makes a path around the fountain. It essentially looks like an outdoor park.
  • Iroha logs onto the server to test if things work. She is greeted by Sora and she wishes her the best.
  • Riona and Suisei find a treasure map, and the two go looking for treasure together.
  • Reine logs onto the server to test. She is greeted by Sora and Vivi who are at the spawn point. Sora seeing that its nighttime and she has lots of torches starts to place a few around the spawn point area. Sora also has established a chest of tree seeds that people are free to take.
  • A creeper came up to Miko and then exploded and died. It caused a bit of damage to the area she was working on. More creepers show up and explode around. As its nighttime and none of the girls can really sleep, they are doing their best to survive the night.
  • Pekora and Nene come across The Creaking in the Pale Garden. Its a scary thing to them as its Nene's first time seeing a creature. However the worry is not from the Creaking but from the other mobs that spawn from outside the Pale Garden Biome. Creepers keep exploding, and one exploded and destroyed the entrance to their base.
  • Haachama makes changes to the entrance to her mine. Removing the dirt structure she made and adding the wooden blocks that she got during her adventure.
  • Sora, Vivi, and Koyori establish a branch mine together. The 3 proceeds to mine for diamonds.
  • Chihaya, Su, and Niko continue work on the landmark, establishing what's now a large structure. Miko takes a look and seems impressed so far by their work. Iroha also takes a look, and approaches Miko. Iroha is seen holding Bamboo meaning she most likely went to the jungle biome and got it there.
  • Riona and Suisei return from their adventure and show Miko a Silk Touch pickaxe that they found. They also tell them about their adventures. They tell everyone in the chat about the Silk Touch Pickaxe they got.
  • Iroha and Suisei meet up. Miko watches. Suisei proceeded to give Iroha soup. Iroha gave a melon slice. Then Suisei gave a cookie. Suisei using her fishing lines captures Iroha (With help of Miko who punched her to it).

The Sixth Hour:
  • The ID Girls log on to play, with Ollie, Reine, Risu, and Moona joining the server.
  • Pekora and Nene slowly make their way back home from the Pale Garden, eventually returning to the base. Pekora takes a look and see what has been developed and meets up with the others.
  • Biboo arrives back to her house and shows off the animals she got: parrot, jeep, frog, llama. She then comes across Iroha and tries to make conversation (passionately). Raora also meets up and tries to talk to Iroha too.
  • Okayu works on mining an amethyst geode that she found underground.
  • Fuwamoco wishes to make a path from the base to their house. They ask Koyori for help on establishing a path.
  • Ollie and Risu logged onto the base. They proceed to look around. They're greeted by Koyori. The two find a bunch of berries that were planted and try to grab some. Ollie realizes she has text to speech turned on. They meet up with Reine and then meet Haachama who gives them some stuff. Shortly after Ollie dies to a creeper.
  • Biboo meets with Suisei and does her best to talk. Suisei gives Biboo some food.
  • Haachama comes across Fuwamoco's house and takes a tour of their place. She meets with Fuwamoco's black cat.
  • Moona logs onto the server. She immediately makes a bed thanks to the items found the chests at spawn and sleeps next to Koyori. Next morning the ID girls meet up with Moona. Koyori and Watame too and say hello to them. The ID girls then go off and find a nearby cave to explore together. The group are going to look for diamonds and ore.
  • Fuwamoco visit Graodstone's house. Biboo and Raora show them around. Fuwamoco also show the two of them where their house is (at least they show Raora).
  • Koyori, Haachama, Watame, and Noel go to the nether portal that they found. The group place beds nearby because the 4 are going to explore the nether together, so the beds are incase they die. They start by replacing the crying obsidian with regular obsidian blocks. Iroha approaches them with a boat. Haachama traps Iroha in the boat using her icewalker boots.
  • The nether portal has now been established! Koyori, Watame, Noel, Haachama, and Iroha entre, along with a random zombie. They immedately get to work building a shelter surrounding the nether gate so it cannot be broken by a ghast. Afterwards the group explore the nether. Shorly after exploring they come across a piglin fortress. The group go to check it out. After exploring the fortress and getting some treasure the group safely go back to the portal to regroup and put anyway any items they have. They re-enter the Piglin fortress but many of them die to the Piglin Brute and Pilgins that's now at the entrance.
  • Pekora is now working on building a Creaking Farm with Nene's help. The farm is located pretty close to Miko's fountain. Miko and Suisei check out the Creaking farm that's being made. The creaking farm can be used to farm and make lots of resin which can be used for resin blocks. Pekora and Nene then make a house using the pale oak wood that they found. Pekora also establishes a tall tower above the house, she uses it to survey the area and see what has been built so far. The tower may be built to help with the Creaking farm she's making.
  • Chihaya and Niko continue work on their stone structure. Sora and Vivi explore some caves together. Su continues her mining in the mineshaft with Riona. Okayu also works on mining underground.
  • Miko in exploring and checking to see what others are doing goes to check out Fuwamoco's base.
  • Raora found a lush cave while exploring underground, but theres a lot of zombies underground. Raora does her best to clear them.
  • A big group is planning to explore an underground lake together. The group seems to consist of Sora, Riona, Okayu, Su, Chihaya, Niko, and Miko.
  • Fuwamoco visit Pekora and Nene at the Creaking farm. Pekora came across them sleeping in their house the night before. The next morning, Nene gives them a door made of the Pale oak that they can use.

The Seventh Hour
  • Haachama, Koyori, Watame, Noel, Iroha explore the nether and try to survive the Piglin Fortress. After exploring the fortress the group head back to the base and check out whats been built, including the resin farm, miko's fountain, and flow glow's building.
  • Sora, Miko, Vivi, Su, Chihaya, Riona, Niko explore a vast underground lake cave together. At the cave they find an amethyst geode. While exploring a few members come across a lush cave. Riona at one points head out of the cave and fishes at a nearby pond. At one point Iroha leaves the nether fortress group and joins the Underground Cave group. The group after exploring the cave head back to the surface.
  • Pekora and Nene establish their Creaking Farm (which is better referred to as a Resin farm).
  • Ollie, Moona, Risu, Reine, dig underground for items and work on establishing themselves in the server (Risu is seen fishing at one point). During their exploration, Reine, Risu, and Moona come across the Mine shaft that was found by the other girls. Ollie works on making the entrance to their cave look nicer before joining them in the mine shafts. It looks like the entrance to their cave already looks like a castle entrance, built nicely.
  • Biboo, and Raora explore a lush cave together (while Kaela stays at the base). They were doing so to try and get back home, which they eventually do. Biboo uses the mosh and plants from the lush cave to decorate their house. At some point Raora gets suffocated by a wall. Ao-kun who saw the death message is surprised that you can die like so.
  • Fuwamoco work on planting Sakura trees in their tree planting area, along with grabbing the wood from them. They also use the flowers they got and work to make more and spread it around their tree area.
  • Ao joins the server! She spawns on top of the Sakura trees that have grown at the tree farm. Ao-kun goes to explore and see what's been built, while carrying a single blue flower in her hand.
  • Riona and Suisei do some fishing together. They find a spot by the river to fish.
  • A bunch of them (Chihaya, Su, Vivi, Niko, Sora, Okayu go to Nene and Pekora's place and take a look at the Resin farm. They want to climb up the ladder but Nene blocks them from doing so (For their safety). Chihaya, Niko, Su, go back to work on their building by the fountain, while the rest hang out with Pekora and Nene.
  • So according to Sora TL Nene tried to convince Okayu, Sora, and Vivi that the wood they have is just normal birch wood and not Pale Oak wood. Well the girls didn't believe them. Nene didn't want to tell them where they got the wood at first because Pekora and Nene spent hours trying to find it. Pekora wants to make a business of selling where the new wood is. They decide to come to an agree that the three will help them out with whatever they wish in exchange for info on where the Pale Garden is.
  • Miko who has built a signboard in front of the fountain, writes: New world (japanese text here) (I think its a welcome message). She puts it with glow ink. There's also a chest with more signs for people to write on. Miko puts a sign where Flow Glow's building is before logging off for the day.
  • Ao-kun meets up with some of the girls by the fountain. They all exchange greetings. Ao-kun and Sora later on check out Flow Glow's building that they been working on.
  • Koyori puts a jukebox with a CD nearby the spawnpoint and tree farm and a bunch of the girls start jamming along to the music. The group in the nether tell Ao, Sora, and Vivi about what they found in the nether.
  • Vivi continues work on her farm by planting watermelons. Meanwhile Graondstone go on an adventure together. Riona befriends a horse and rides it up Flow Glow's building to show to the others. Ao-kun works on some land flattening. Haachama decorates the entrance to her mine and makes it look like a pig.
  • The ID girls work on establishing their cave and base: Risu makes a dirt path that leads to it, while the rest work on cleaning it up.

The Eighth Hour:
  • Su establishes a lava farm and shows it off to Haachama.
  • Ao-kun continues work on land flattening. Suisei helps her out. Ao kun then puts a sign, most likely saying thats where her house will be in the future. She then starts working on her place.
  • Kiara joins the server! Kiara plans on playing alone for today.
  • Graondstone go looking for sunken ships to find treasure. They find one with heart of the sea and diamonds that Biboo grabs.
  • Haachama works on building a jet railroad coaster high in the sky starting from her mining tunnel. She's in the process of building stairs upwards.
  • Fuwamoco get attacked by phantoms for the first time. They learn from their chat what they are and the cause. They find diamonds for the very first time ever. The girls in their chat cheer and give their congrats.
  • Vivi continues work on her farm. She oversees haachama's rail.
  • Niko dies in the server. Biboo write ometetou by mistake cause she was trying to write to Fuwamoco.
  • Ao-kun is leading a sheared sheep and comes across Fuwamoco who check it out as they head to their tree farm. Along the way they come across Haachama's rail and walk along it to check it out. As she continues to guide the sheep she comes across Kiara who helps give her wool to make a bed.
  • Moona and Reine work on making a spider farm.
  • Biboo and Kaela continue exploring together. In the jungle they come across a dog and Biboo asks kaela to help tame it.

The Ninth Hour:
  • Kiara while exploring finds a frog and puts it in a boat. She then gets to work on building a house near Fuwamoco's Sakura trees.
  • Moona and Reine continue work on the spider farm. Risu works on establishing some farms outisde like a sheep farm and wheat farm. Ollie works to mine for diamonds and ore. Ollie says Risu is breeding sheep so they can all have their own beds.
  • Ao-kun makes a sign saying Free Sheep.
  • Pekora works on expanding her resin farm. She jumps down but manages to land safely with the water bucket strat. She's working to build an automatic system for her resin farm.
  • Haachama continues work on her jet coaster. She passes by Kiara who is working on building bamboo blocks for her house. For Haachama's coaster, Shes placing floating Sakura trees along the side as the rail heads upward.
  • Vivi continues work on her farm, expanding it even further. The farm is for everyone to use to get free food as well. The farm I noticed is now starting to grow potatoes.
  • Riona and Su were doing some mining underground for mats.
  • Biboo and Kaela while exploring find some trees on fire due to a lava pond they found.
  • Moona found some diamond armor for her own horse. They also have another horse with golden armor. The ID Girls are work on building a pen to keep their horses in.
  • Pekora requests that they work throughout the night and not sleep so she can work on her resin farm. Everyone online agrees. Kiara works on her roof of her house, Haachama works on a structure in the sky, Riona and Su work on their own thing (looks like a house of their own), the ID girls chat and talk about their future building plans, Grindstone are exploring, with Biboo fishing and Kaela exploring the ocean.

The Tenth Hour:
  • Kiara considers making a lava moat around her wooden house as a form of decoration (it will not end well). She ends up making a water moat around the house.
  • ID girls all separate for the day except for Ollie who continues to build around the entrance to the ID cave.
  • Kaela and Biboo continue exploring, treasure hunting. Biboo is trying to tame as many cats as she can find. Biboo in working on taming her cats gets some water trapped in a cave and ends up drowning two of her tame cats. She still has one cat left that's already been tamed.
  • Su and Riona also continue building their own structure. Vivi continues work on her farm.
  • Ollie takes a look around the server to see whats been built so far. She comes across Vivi and Su who show Ollie Vivi's farm and the free food chest she can use. Ollie is grateful for meeting them. She's also very impressed by Flow Glow's building. Ollie says tomorrow she'll continue work on the gate to ID's cave.
  • Haachama continues work in her sky structure, which from below looks like a spider web.
  • Su establishes a pink glass arch near the entrance of Flow Glow's structure
  • Kiara attempts to mine for iron underwater. However she ends up drowning due to getting stuck by the doors underwater. She is able to get most of her items back except for some bread that despawned.
  • Nerissa logs onto the server. She says hi to Vivi whos at the spawnpoint. Nerissa asks Vivi where the main area is, and Vivi shows her. Kaela also responds with the coords to the main area too. Vivi shows Nerissa the free food chest. (Nerissa will be playing later tonight). Vivi takes Nerissa to the main area which is Miko's fountain. Su shows up and says hi to Nerissa and Vivi. Vivi does her best to type to Nerissa in english. Nerissa gives a chu but Vivi accidentally punches Nerissa. She runs away. Vivi apologizes and gives Nerissa an apple.
  • Kiara while making her water moat, ends up making the creeper in the boat explode, killing her frog. Nerissa shows up to Wawa's house, and gives her watermelon. Kiara works on getting a new frog for her house.
  • Biboo and Kaela work on heading back home. Along the way they come across the stuff that the other girls have built in the server so far. They come by Kiara's house to see what shes up to. Biboo shows Kiara her cats. Kiara mentions that she wants a cat of her own, so Biboo agrees to breed her two cats for Kiara to have. Kiara follows Biboo and Kaela to their house. Biboo gives Kiara two fish for her to breed the cats. Due to how cat ownership works, Biboo will have to breed the cats herself and then just make it sit at Kiara's house to act as protection (even if its Biboo's cat), until Kiara can find and get her own cat. Since the cats aren't able to breed, Biboo takes one of the cats to Kiara's house for the time being.

The Eleventh Hour:
  • Biboo wanted to visit Haachama but Haachama logged off before she could, so she will visit another day.
  • Riona is wroking on a semi-auto farm system. (This is the structure shes' been building the last few hours). Su is helping out around here and there.
  • Kiara continues work on her house and getting tools to mine for more Iron. Su lurks nearby and Kiara spots her. Su approaches her house and the two start chatting inside Kiara's house. After the convo, Su-chan mentioned that Kiara was "okashii" which means strange. Kiara went to confront Su about it. They chatted a bit in text before Kiara went to Su to confront her (with a wooden axe). Kiara says that she cursed Suchan when su ended up dying to a creeper by pure coincidence. However despite Kiara's confronting, Su still calls her Okashii. The two then go to Riona to ask her about this. This is all because Kiara called Su-chan small even tho Su-chan says shes 203cm (when you add her aura). Kiara then offers a peace offering to Su-chan, a compromise. As Su-chan leaves, she ends up killing Riona.
  • Kaela works on making an auto smelter in her basement, along with sprucing up her basement home with chests and barrels.

The Twelfth Hour and Beyond:
  • Kiara is on the hunt for glowberries so she goes to Kaela for help in finding the lush cave. They find the tunnel that Raora and Biboo were using earlier and the two enter the lush cave. They were able to get a couple of glow berries, moss, and pink flowers. Kiara also finds an Axolotl and catches it.
  • Kiara takes what she got from the lush cave and uses it to decorate her frog pond.
  • Su and Riona go into the mines to explore. They experience death multiple times due to the mobs in the caves.
  • Since Kaela needs lots of Diorite and Deepslate for her castle, shes planning on making a chest with a sign for people to donate their blocks.
  • Vivi ends up finding ID's cave and area as she was passing by. Vivi wonders if it was Kaela (it was not).
  • Kiara notices the future home of Nerissa. It'll be built near Miko's fountain.
  • Kiara approaches Vivi who was busy chasing a drowned to some boats. Vivi tells Wawa about the free food. Kiara then talks to Vivi about her previous interactions with Flow Glow earlier.
  • Gura logs onto the server. Kiara and Flow Glow say hello in chat. Vivi tells in chat where the free food is with coordinates. Gura approaches Kiara's house (she has her stream open)and watches from the top of the tree. Kiara takes some screenshots.
  • Riona gives a demonstration to Su of her semi auto farm. Its semi since Riona has to replant after its been automatically harvested. Riona and Su later find a horse and make a wall to pen it in.
  • Vivi makes a sign labelling her farm. She also works on getting some horses for the farm.
  • Kiara finishes decorating her house and frog pond.
EDIT: Added three more clips.
EDIT 2: Slight re-formatting. Added summary from this post.
EDIT 3: Added another clip.
EDIT 4: And another two.
EDIT 5: Replaced a clip with a longer one and moved it outside.
Last edited:


Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022

Fine, since few people asked me in dms and I got mad again. I rage quitted the tentacult and vtuber fanbase because Ninomae Ina'nis played LoL. You happy now? I trusted her to be reasonable person but when she decided to stream it it felt like a betrayal and I don't want to see her again.

Don't waste time and keyboard saying "this is stupid" "this is only a game" "are you serious?" or something like that. LoL is cancer, LoL players are cancer (speaking from experience) and Ina is now tainted by that so I can't look at her the same way as before
I loved her...

Your dad ragequitted your mom after she had you.
(Yes I know this is a pasta)


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Joined:  Oct 12, 2023


Well-known member
Joined:  Jul 3, 2024
Both of you are only able to post these words because a tranny who farts out his vagina got so mad at people calling him stupid on the internet that he devoted enormous amounts of time and energy to eliminating the source of that criticism, and we are the result of that.

The 'retards' you talk about her 'bringing in' are the sane people compared to the actual retards that completely infest the medium and are even in positions of power within places like Hololive. None of whom would let this place exist if they had any power to make it go away.

You can get away with a lot here, but I draw the line at statements as stupid as these ones.
They're both equally insane. They both want the entire world to twist to their whims and will happily let it all burn to the ground when it doesn't happen.

One side supports freedom of speech and association, the other doesn't.
You sure talk a lot about freedom of speech for someone that just a few messages ago said "You can get away with a lot here, but I draw the line at statements as stupid as these ones." You mean you'd ban us just for disliking what you like? Wonder what crazy extremist groups do that sort of thing. :smugselen:

You're just falling into the same trap that all extremist fall into. Forcing yourself to believe that it has to be one way or the other with nothing in between as if there's some arbitrary limit to the number of games/vtubers/etc that can exist and any time someone does something you don't like it means they stole one of those imaginary slots.

El Rrata

Gringo Tolerable
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Joined:  Sep 9, 2022


Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022


You gonna eat that?
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 14, 2022
Both of you are only able to post these words because a tranny who farts out his vagina got so mad at people calling him stupid on the internet that he devoted enormous amounts of time and energy to eliminating the source of that criticism, and we are the result of that.

The 'retards' you talk about her 'bringing in' are the sane people compared to the actual retards that completely infest the medium and are even in positions of power within places like Hololive. None of whom would let this place exist if they had any power to make it go away.

You can get away with a lot here, but I draw the line at statements as stupid as these ones.

It had to do with freedom of speech and censorship. The rainbow mob wanted Kiwifarms censored because it was an oppositional narrative and contained facts they didn't want people aware of. This website is no different, because we are also oppositional, which is defined as anything that is not in complete 100% ideological subjection, with no exceptions.

We are already a target. We already lean heavily on one side. This is a website that allows open critique and mockery of leftist ideals, positions and figures. We are deeply hated and loathed on that basis already. You parade your ideology every time you say fag or don't use pronouns or refuse to perform any of the other shibboleths those circles require from you. There is no neutral position in this conflict, because one side or the other has already designated the concept of neutrality as one of radical extremism. We are already right-wing extremists in the eyes of anyone who has any kind of left-leaning ideology. It's that simple.

One side supports freedom of speech and association, the other doesn't. One side would let this site exist, the other wouldn't, and would demand I expose your IP, your email, and any other identifying details so it could be permanently recorded and you could be banned from existing in society.

They don't yet. The rainbow infiltration of hololive is still pretty minor, outside of places like Homostars. At some point maybe, but not right now. Beyond that, there's nothing they can do to a privately-hosted website except maybe throw a few useless legal threats at my inbox. I'm using the same lists of service providers that Null uses for his website entirely because I am prepared to fight even if very powerful entities demand I take this site down.

Yes, and I completely oppose that entire social structure.


Well-known member
Joined:  Oct 12, 2023
You're just falling into the same trap that all extremist fall into. Forcing yourself to believe that it has to be one way or the other with nothing in between as if there's some arbitrary limit to the number of games/vtubers/etc that can exist and any time someone does something you don't like it means they stole one of those imaginary slots.
nigga there's already extremists in the hobby and if nothing is done it will be ruined. just look at comics if you want an example.

If you got what you wanted and people stopped pushing back and the crazys got they're way then people like you who say "don't bring politics in vtubeing" will be crying about how it was taken over crazy leftists


I left Kson
Joined:  Feb 19, 2024

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