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So corpos should cover their asses and pretend nothing's ever wrong to boost PR and keep talents grinding to not loose a cent of revenue? Again, this is very Riku-esque imo.
I'll try to reword my opinion, as it seems I am being misunderstood.
Forced suspensions of idol talents are a public humiliation ritual a company imposes upon talents when they do something wrong to appease the fans publically. I have no problem with a company doing performance management of talents when they break the rules but I don't think public humiliation is the right thing to do, if they're not being fired for unprofessional conduct.
its funny watching this weird holo vs phase thing build up ever since niji got dethroned. Don't understand why we need to have this weird console war mindset about women larping as anime girls online. kind of gay if you ask me.
its funny watching this weird holo vs phase thing build up ever since niji got dethroned. Don't understand why we need to have this weird console war mindset about women larping as anime girls online. kind of gay if you ask me.
Am i in the minority for thinking this is nothing but banter? Do holofags here actually, genuinely resent Phase? Do Phasefags genuinely resent Hololive? Either would be news to me.
its funny watching this weird holo vs phase thing build up ever since niji got dethroned. Don't understand why we need to have this weird console war mindset about women larping as anime girls online. kind of gay if you ask me.
It's like this for every hobby and it's always gonna be the same. Even if Holo/Phase blow up some other corpo or group will come along and people will just rally behind that and argue again.
Am i in the minority for thinking this is nothing but banter? Do holofags here actually, genuinely resent Phase? Do Phasefags genuinely resent Hololive? Either would be news to me.
It's banter for the most part, the arguments between Holo and Niji fans back in the farms got a lot more vitriolic and heated than anything in this forum except people hating proctor.
its funny watching this weird holo vs phase thing build up ever since niji got dethroned. Don't understand why we need to have this weird console war mindset about women larping as anime girls online. kind of gay if you ask me.
It was a joke. Honestly, I have no problem with Hololive. It's great that Hololive is showing what's good about vtubers and idol culture to a more casual audience and helping bring in new viewers into the vtubing sphere (that aren't the wrong sort of viewers). I wish them all the luck and success they can get.
I wonder the same about Johnny Jambalaya dude Migos all my Airi posts and migoed her new Year's post and while it doesn't bug me and I just laugh it off I do find myself curious lol View attachment 86875
I don't know what's going on and I don't have time to catch up so I'll just say migos don't bug me I'm meming just like how people meme on bay lurker I genuinely thought it would be a fun game to guess which reaction I would get first
Keep on migoing Sayu posts or anyone for that matter it's just a sticker I seriously don't care and have never cared about them beyond just a fun thing to gauge a post response
Edit: you go jambalaya do what makes you happy lol
Predicting migos is not me complaining about migos I don't give a shit what stickers I get on my posts if I did I wouldn't present obviously unpopular opinions and facts like that of LM and NuxTaku that would be retarded
It's banter for the most part, the arguments between Holo and Niji fans back in the farms got a lot more vitriolic and heated than anything in this forum except people hating proctor.
And Holo/Niji had almost complete mutual exclusivity back then, there are a lot of people here who like both Holo and phase talents. Also neither corpo is overwhelmingly dominant, while in the farms Niji fans were definitely a loud minority (like 10 people at most) after myth debuted, when a fanbase feels cornered it begins lashing out because everyone is against them.
okay, I don't know a lot about vtubing in general, but is it common for all the women to be in porn? Granted, the video Clara was in was just soft core stuff of her in a swimsuit, but Ember is a legit camwhore iirc. The only other one that comes to mind is Noel in Hololive.
Jokes aside, it's really not. There are notable exceptions but they prove the rule, in my opinion - pick any random chuuba out of a hat and odds are ten to one there's just no IRL lewds (or worse) to be found.
It's kind of a generational thing too - it's easier than ever for the current generation of young women to make a little money by showing bobs, so a lot do. If anything vtubing is a counterbalance to this (a very small one, but one nonetheless) at it gives maladjusted young women a way to earn some money without leaving their bedrooms which doesn't require showing bob.
I don't feel like this is unfixable, really. Maybe you instruct her to keep her tweets under the Clara account only about her streams, or you make her filter them all through a manager before being posted for a while - and you definitely take away that "hide tweet" button. She's still a very talented streamer and especially singer and it'd be a tragedy for that talent to go to waste because she's too politisperg-brained.
And hey, if this sort of thing would be too much of a burden for Phase's current management, I volunteer myself. I'd be glad to help steer her Twitter behavior on a more agreeable path and maybe help her out with whatever she needs for her streams as well. They wouldn't even have to pay me.
For all the managers (female) they now have, it's strange that they haven't taught them the basics of social media to avoid getting shit:
1. Don't respond to things you find disagreeable. Someone will identify that as your weakness and hammer it in later.
2. Don't hide comments because that feature is just signal boost for "what got my buttblasted today" on Twitter.
3. Don't make posts signaling your virtue or principles when they can be easily challenged with evidence making you look like a hypocrite.
Am i in the minority for thinking this is nothing but banter? Do holofags here actually, genuinely resent Phase? Do Phasefags genuinely resent Hololive? Either would be news to me.
Am i in the minority for thinking this is nothing but banter? Do holofags here actually, genuinely resent Phase? Do Phasefags genuinely resent Hololive? Either would be news to me.
I think there's a lot of genuine defensive-ness going around right now because of how bad 2024 was. No hate per se, but it doesn't seem like people on the forums are particularly open to shit-talking Hololive right now.
Plus all Phase fans are autists so that doesn't help
Am i in the minority for thinking this is nothing but banter? Do holofags here actually, genuinely resent Phase? Do Phasefags genuinely resent Hololive? Either would be news to me.
Phasekeks sowing, phasekeks reaping etc..
I mostly talk shit because while Holofans are insufferable faggots, they mostly keep it contained in their hyperbolic AIDS chamber, meanwhile Phase fans just splatter their shit on the walls then politisperg about it. Purely talking about fans outside of the forum, of course.
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