I hope it's a heart or something cute and not horrifyingAmiya Aranha will hold a zatsu stream as she, presumably and hopefully, makes a Christmas-themed meat bucko
I hope it's a heart or something cute and not horrifyingAmiya Aranha will hold a zatsu stream as she, presumably and hopefully, makes a Christmas-themed meat bucko
I hope it's a heart or something cute and not horrifying
Idol published an anti-harassment and doxxing article. I'm trying to archive it by not sure if it will work for this
E: It worked. Archive
We are deeply concerned about ongoing harassment and doxxing targeting our talents. These actions include tracking personal and past accounts, reposting VODs & member streams without consent, and posting private/intrusive materials. Such conduct is both deeply troubling and completely unacceptable.
They would have a point if they just complained about posting private and intrusive materials, but to also complain about discussing personal and past accounts, or reposting VODs feels very out-of-touch.
Anyway, how are you all doing, my fellow doxxers?
Idol published an anti-harassment and doxxing article. I'm trying to archive it by not sure if it will work for this
E: It worked. Archive
At the ass end of 2024 they should just be happy that anyone wants to discuss Idol at all.We are inching closer and closer to "talking about what a talent does or says on stream/social media is doxxxxxxxing", if we haven't hit there already!
At which point, just consume product, and get excited for next product (unless said excitement is forbidden as well)
Kanna starts Sekiro
Poma does her version of the confession stream Serina did
It's going like you'd expect
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I think Idol is just butthurt that you can easily find all their old deleted content and that a certain talent's alt has has become more profitable then their Idol persona.They would have a point if they just complained about posting private and intrusive materials, but to also complain about discussing personal and past accounts, or reposting VODs feels very out-of-touch.
Anyway, how are you all doing, my fellow doxxers?
I think Idol is just butthurt that you can easily find all their old deleted content and that a certain talent's alt has has become more profitable then their Idol persona.
The worst thing is that Idol can't enforce nearly any of their complaints, it just feels like impotent, tone-deaf screeching, which they look silly for even trying to make.…wait, no, that makes me do a big think:
If any other idol talents have issues with the corp and prepare to jump ship, idol can (try to) enforce people not talking about said other account to mitigate post-graduation audience turnover, making it all the more difficult to follow the talent
All hypothetical, of course, but horrifying nonetheless!
Is there even any angle you can hit people with even if you had them be very direct (i.e Menace is Coni Confetti) with PL info?…wait, no, that makes me do a big think:
If any other idol talents have issues with the corp and prepare to jump ship, idol can (try to) enforce people not talking about said other account to mitigate post-graduation audience turnover, making it all the more difficult to follow the talent
All hypothetical, of course, but horrifying nonetheless!
What about chuubas making hearts for us?please do not make meat hearts for chuubas, I am begging you
Whatsapp has in-app sticker maker, so you could, like, save the stickers from line and then use the WA's sticker maker to 'add' it on WA chat.is there a way to import line stickers to whatsapp?
They would have a point if they just complained about posting private and intrusive materials, but to also complain about discussing personal and past accounts, or reposting VODs feels very out-of-touch.
Anyway, how are you all doing, my fellow doxxers?
Quick refresher - yesterday, Adora Fortune had to put a public apology for posting herself in the "refire a dying star" hag meme with her picture in the middle.
Today, she puts out this meme:
I'm rather digging this woman.