Probably not. From my experience attending the last Comic Frontier (CF18 back in may), the event organizers is being unusually hard at firearms-shaped props to the point that there were people telling other cosplayers (especially those who does military/police impressions) to either don't bring it or bring something small enough that it can be hidden from the search.will you give her a gun to hold if you do?
I don't want to risk my rifle-sized prop to not get an entry so either I try pistol or just not carry it at all. Less of a hassle.
I got nothing to talk about so here's this 2view twitch military nerd vtuber talking about blahaj
She already streamed 2 hours ago, but iunno if she spent those 2 hours just talking about blahaj or flying airplane in DCS World.
EDIT: Oh wait she's back on the airplane game