Anyways how is offkai going for those who care? Did anyone get raped yet?
It's going fine for most part for indies, but the concerts as always are fucked because they don't hire a single competent audio engineer nor IT guy.
One good example is that Soymilk couldn't go because she lives in a shithole with shit money, so a friend printed a standee and is carrying her around for fans to sign, take pictures and show how she's appreciated:
There's more on her twitter, she dropped happy tears while talking about it today on stream.
It isn't a "this is bad", it's a "this could be much more". Waste of potential and money basically.
Weird because it's the most popular kind of music in her country.
Maybe it's her mongrel syndrome, happens a lot. She should hold it with pride instead, white people steal our music all the time.
In another news, Rurumi dropped her loli voice. This I will give to Nenelove, just another honeypot that only qualifies by being a woman. It really rustle my jimmies when someone kill their character out of nowhere.
Dog After Dark for long hours if you want background noise or chat with the chubby lady
Yuuna 4th stream anniversary, talking about the job she landed at Twitch, apparently
Shimada up with more Tekken 8
And Riona is still trying to finish the Super Mario Bros Challenge