They should meet up, get hammered and cry all their pains to each other. Under adult supervision of course, you never know what unchained menheras would do under the influence.
This is such a longrunning rrat that I don't know how people arrived at that conclusion. Some women do sound like that, but I understand why anyone would be suspicious: she's tight with Jets (larped as a male femboy before breaking it big) and Mako (known trans coding hamster, too many based opinions to be a woman anyway).
For me, I don't see it, but Australia has a really high ratio of trans-to-vtuber, would like to see any proof of that besides anons' dreams.
About Sayo: purge the community, explode all faggots that keep the loop alive, hire moderators to destroy randoms on chat, go Castro mode until morale improves.
But she won't because she got that savior syndrome from being the one person excluded, she would never kick out other people willingly.
I never knew she was an orphan, that explains a lot, but going straight to sex work instead of looking for a common job with her qualifications?

She really needs a Emiya Shirou kind of guy to save her.
Flatboard Kuu is singing and will Crow Country later
Piffle is having a 12h stream, she's an uprising artist and she's really nice to have as background noise for work
Kiki is up yapping (french)