Wasn't Kaela's PL a popular ID league of legends streamer, a scene dominated by male and e-thots and she probs collabed with male everyday back then. Can't check right now but isn't one of her surviving vods from those days was her playing with a guy?
The chance of her having a guy is about 90% as she's good looking and lived alone. E.g. if you look at western league of legend female streamers, all of them had boyfirends, multiple, no matter how cute and innocent they look. Well the more cute and innocent you look the easier it is to score guy.
Watame literally had a confirmed boyfriend?
I know Polka had degen content and her rise to fame on oda account is literally blowjob ASMR before it was cool but she's too
to score a japanese guy
Like streamer like viewer you are a

and so are they