If you want to get mad over Watame getting less money, you should start hereApparently, some asshole gifted Watame 400 gifts... Which would be great, if it weren't for them being bought with ARS. So basically for around 23$. Like, I couldn't give a shit if you did that to massive corporations like Discord. Hell, even getting a membership for yourself, whatever, drop in the bucket. But 400 is just incredibly vile and people like that deserve a quick drop and a sudden stop.
Kill yourself, not in Minecraft.
View attachment 64835

imgbb is shitting itself
The big earners feed the lower caste, maybe drop by AZKi and make her sing more, I don't know.

Prodding aside, gifting a membership to make new people aware of the benefits is a good marketing strategy, my major complaint with it on YouTube is that gifted people need to allow themselves to get a gift, which is weird; on Twitch if someone drops 50 gifts, the algorythm will send it to people who might enjoy that kind of content based on tagged streams and timeframe across the whole platform, unless the gifter specify to gift only community members (followers and orbiters).
Tenma is on with Infinity Craft