Wouldn't even be the first time for Korea. Remember when Koreans went insane because Kyo mentioned plastic surgery in South Korea? As much as I hate that wigger, he's not wrong. Pointing out that plastic surgery is common in South Korea causes them to freak out because they feel outed for being ugly zipperhead gooks that were so disgusted with their own looks. That isn't to say that all Koreans are ugly as fuck, it's just that usually the ones that are or had plastic surgery to not be ugly feel offended by the mentioning of plastic surgery.

How many times do we have to repeat this? No one cares that she's not streaming. It's the fact that she just goes on unannounced breaks with no explanation and conveniently returns 1-1.5k weeks before a holiday/event to shill merch or overlap a new gen and then dips less than a week later. When other people disappear for long hiatuses in the company, they mention why they're gone or it's an incredibly rare event for them to not even mention that they're going to be MIA.
It's wild that you interpret it as people seething when it's just a simply routine joke of, "oh, the event has ended, time for someone to joke about noticing Gura disappearing like clockwork". It's more telling that such a simple joke triggers chumpedos to leap to defend her. Saying that she's living in people's mind rent free is hilarious because I feel a lot of people share my sentiment that she's disappeared so often that I forget she exists. Honestly no one fucking cares to hate on Gura at this point because she's largely nonexistent. If you think a mild joke is being MATI, then that makes you sound awfully a lot like the Nijisisters lashing out at people making fun of NijiEN.