I really hate how retarded Amerifats are sometimes as they can't figure out what a manji is or that kpop singers aren't constantly dropping slurs in their songs. Learn some culture you stupid wide eyed ghost pigs instead of constantly slobbing the nob of darkies.
Giri bought herself a magic kit that comes with instructions and some props. Most of the stream is just her trying out these party tricks and chat going “no that’s cringe lol” and she dances to a few anime songs towards the end there. All while cosplaying as Freiren. It was a pretty fun stream though.
A good Oshi needs to be treated like coal, you put more and more pressure on them, bully them and abuse them to see if they're a true diamond or just worthless carbon.
Remember the only way to fix a girl is to break them first.
A good Oshi needs to be treated like coal, you put more and more pressure on them, bully them and abuse them to see if they're a true diamond or just worthless carbon.
Remember the only way to fix a girl is to break them first.
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