So here's a funny thing happening in ID vtuber/weebsphere some days ago. If you guys know (or heard about it), the local brand of Instant Noodles in ID, Indomie is doing a small collaboration with Hololive ID, where Ollie and Kobo ended up appearing in their latest commercial for a new type of flavors
Anyway, the collab itself is more or less just the commercial and nothing like, say, the instant noodles themselves having Ollie or Kobo in the packaging. However, a Indonesian Pemaloe (aka Kaela's simp), decided to post this post of him 'finding' what I mentioned before.
"LMAO found this being hidden at the back of the shelves when I was browsing the supermarket, should I eat it now or keep it for later?"
It's definitely fake, but everyone ended up falling for it, like KeenBiscuit for example
"I went straight to Indomaret and asked the cashier whether this variant was available or not

I feel ashamed aaaaaaaaaaa"
And it was enough to hit ID facebook fanpages and Instagram weeb news groups
All the way to Ollie having to set things straight on her Nijisa- I mean Lethal Company stream
In short: A Pemaloe purposefully spread misinformations in ID for shits and giggles. Showing to the world that Pemaloes are not to be trusted. Ergo I will not trust
@Negzana with my life.