Sorry to disappoint you, but Riro did it first.Bae breaking new grounds by being the first VTuber to do cocaine on-stream! LET'S GO!
This new?
Bae breaking new grounds by being the first VTuber to do cocaine on-stream! LET'S GO!
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Maybe they can collab and do a hard drugs tierlist stream instead.Stepping in on Riro's turf. She's gonna put a hit on that rat for that.
3 other talents also dropped theirs, it's a coordinated walkout
After this walk out Hizuki Miu and Kumaboshi Mahiru remains the only 2 active talents left under WACTOR. Notably Tenja Yuigo just debuted 1 month ago and was rumoured to be a brother of the CEO or something? Well with this turns of event he probs is not.
Edit: mahiru woke up and saw the house in flame: What should I do. Dont know if she was vagueposting or actually asking for help.
Warning: suicide attempt involved.
I, Nemurime Chalo, hereby declare that I have been forced by the company W to perform activities that were not in my contract (fraudulent hiring), to change my contract unilaterally and to express opinions that were not mine due to their coercive attitude.
I have been putting up with unreasonable pressure and instructions from the company for a long time, but recently I have received instructions to perform activities after my contract was terminated, activities that I could not stand. Recently I have not been able to sleep without resorting to medication and the fact that my physical condition is not the best has made me unable to go about my daily life.
I am sorry to involve you in this way, however, I have come to this decision for the sake of my future activities and for the sake of the other talents who suffer from the unreasonableness of the company. For more information on the legal perspective and the details of the process, please refer to Yuiga-kun's article. All three of us have already consulted lawyers in case we are sued or go to court as we have done in the past.
We will be back, so everyone just wait a little longer until it is all over.I, Yuiga Tenjo, hereby declare that I have been victim of the following by the company W: unfairly complicit in a breach of contract; forcing work outside of the contract (fraudulent hiring); demanding unfair penalty of 5 million yen and having my youtube channel revoked even though my contract is still in effect.
(I have solid proof of this.)
There was a section in the contract seemed to be a fraudulent hiring, and in a conversation with a staff member, I told him that I would not do any work outside of the contract (to erase my suspicions of fraudulent hiring). The staff member relied: "I do works outside of my contract so you should do them too!"
I replied: "That's fraudulent hiring, isn't it?
Immediately after replying, I saw statements threatening to suspend the renewal and cancel the contract.
As a result of the above. It seems the company has been repeating the same tactics habitually to everyone, and they were intentionally doing things that should not be done to mentally ill people, such as mind control.
What can be inferred from this is that they have built a culture of only Yes-man. As they do not want their wrongdoings to be exposed to the public.
I'm sure this was also the case for those who were terminated in the past for breach of contract.
I have tried not to do anything since the order to suspend renewal was issued, but what kind of contract is the order to suspend renewal based on, even though the contract is still within the contract period?
I have not caused any breach of contract in the first place. If I had violated the contract, I would have already been expelled from the company and officially branded as a contract violator.
The management is now desperately trying to find faults with me and even trying to get me to violate the contract in order to terminate the contract. I have been contacted by their lawyer's office, but they said they would sue me, but all they actually sent me was an email with a mandate to contact them. If it is bad, it is a threat.
I was suspicious from the beginning because the verbal promises made at the time of the contract were later extended or changed, but I didn't think they were this rotten.
This is a long post, but please read to know what the company W is like
I want to continue my activities in the future, and I want to do various things with various people, but this incident happened while I was in the midst of that, so I am filled with despair.
However, it is not in my nature to back down and sneak around, so I will continue to fight until the end.
It is truly regrettable to think that there are people who have had their contracts unfairly terminated or have been forced to pay unfair penalties out of fear and guilt after having been subjected to this kind of thing in the past.
We will take full responsibility to expose the darkness of this company and bring this to a conclusion that satisfy everyone.
All three of us have already consulted with lawyers in case we are sued or go to court, as has happened in the past to other ex-employee of W.
We would appreciate it if you could all watch over us kindly. I apologize for the highly offensive post.
We will never lose.I, Kobi Ururu, also have my own opinions about the accusations of NemurineCharo, Tenjo Yuiga and HimeragiAgeha so I would like to explain them:
(For more details see their posts)
It is very unfortunate that this kind of actions are allowed. I could not help but raise my voice when veteran members have also had their contracts terminated due to this kind of case.
I cannot continue with the W agency that has caused so much damage to my favorite members.
The daily activity, the jobs I have worked so hard on and the time I have spent with all of you have been very valuable to me. That is why I cannot tolerate what is happening at the W agency. It is an insult to the vtubers themselves.
I know I'll be away for a while but don't worry, I'll be back as soon as I can.
That's all, I'm Kobi Ururu.
PS: I'm sorry if I wrote badly. I used machine translation
That's all, I'm Kobi Ururu.Important Notice
Dear Fans, thank you very much for your continued support of Himeragi Ageha.
I, Himeragi Ageha, am writing to inform you that I, Himeragi Ageha, have been the victim of the following dealings by the agency:
-Forcing me to do work that was not included in my contract (fraudulent hiring).
-The amount of work was not proportional to the salary received.
-Intimidating and high-pressure behavior by the agency.
-Sexual and power harassment
-Forced to express opinions other than my own.
-Instructions prohibiting me from taking pre-written psychiatric medication.
[Regarding the circumstances giving rise to the charges].
Until now I had not pressed charges because I owed my agency the money I needed for my activities. However, I ended up finding myself in a situation where I was under the absolute psychological control of the agency's executive staff for a long period of time which pushed me to my psychological and physical limits.More specifically, I suffered severe withdrawal symptoms when I stopped taking my psychological medication, which led me to repeatedly self-harm and develop a dependence on alcohol. Finally, in March of last year (2023), I made a failed suicide attempt and, despite this, the executive staff ordered me to continue my normal activities. I am now suffering from a conversion disorder and will be hospitalized in the future as I have difficulty walking and even speaking.
Because of this, I have come to the conclusion that it is no longer possible for me to maintain a trusting relationship with my agency.
As for the above accusations, I have recorded and videotaped everything and have consulted my family and lawyers, so I intend to contact the company in the future through my lawyers, including the payment of debts.
Lastly, I am sorry to have troubled everyone in this way. These may be my last words, but I genuinely love from the bottom of my heart all the fans who have supported me so far.
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Normally I'd run to the opposite hill from anything done by Gacha companies, but Granbloo Relink (Which I played the demo and plan on getting the game) and the Arknight console game (which i only saw a few minutes of a stream) has made me consider some companies will actually do sonething with the metric fucktonnes of money the shake off of whales.Stellar Blade is becoming the forbidden game, which comes out in April. It's made by the Korean devs that made Nikke, so they don't give a fuck and made a sexually attractive female character. This has deeply angered twitterfags.
Yamanba.To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Muu Muyu. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of pop culture and anime, most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Muyu's cheerful outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from the blessings she offers, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Muyu truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Muyu's existential catchphrase "Muuuuyi!" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Muyu's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Muyu tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid![]()
Man my oshi is so
Here's something far less based I just saw thanks to clicking on that tweet:
Artists are such fags, it's unreal![]()
Endfield is fucking funNormally I'd run to the opposite hill from anything done by Gacha companies, but Granbloo Relink (Which I played the demo and plan on getting the game) and the Arknight console game (which i only saw a few minutes of a stream) has made me consider some companies will actually do sonething with the metric fucktonnes of money the shake off of whales.
... plus Yae is living in my walls. Or more precisely my right ear.
Kinda surprised Yuko didn't make an attempted comeback in time to take in cash for Valentine's day, has she been active on her Rye account at all?
Oh? Putting here because she's mentioned few times. Seems she'll announce something.
they are not gonna understand shitBae, Nerissa, Kaela, Kobo, Miko, and Hajime are going to play the telephone game for tomorrow's Baecademy.
Miko and Hajime are going to make it Death mode difficulty.
Tuned in for about 20 seconds and Shiori didn't say a single thing. Seems about right.Shiori's good too but I wish it was still Bae backseating Calli while she played Poppy Playtime.
Tempiss 3d collab starting now, wonder if there will be any other guests besides other Holostars penis-havers.
Meanwhile, notMagni is once again (for the 3rd time) overlapping their 3d stream. Why?
Meanwhile, notMagni is once again (for the 3rd time) overlapping their 3d stream. Why?