"I don't condone sunning your holes, I would rather take my vitamin D orally through the pill instead of sunning my fucking asshole, the sun doesn't wanna see that. Apparently, apparently... you know the women who are into yoga? Like 'alternate' health, yeah they like sunning their holes, which is where you face your asshole to the sun to observe... absorb the vitamin D because, apparently, your skin there absorbs more vitamin D than other parts of your body. Somebody came up with it, and I don't know who. I bet it was Gwyneth Paltrow"Amanogawa Shiina
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I don't remember her ever claiming to be a gaming geek, though? She's a hip hop dancing and singing geek, she gets any "hip and cool" cred that she's got from that. You don't need any forbidden knowledge to know that she clearly became a vtuber for the music side of things, not the gaming.
Those who have sampled the forbidden knowledge also know
that if the knowledge is correct then she supposedly spent her younger life as a typical cliche asian student going to a prestigious high school that people go to for getting better entrance scores to get into university, studying all of the time to try and be as successful as her very successful older sister. The difference with Bae is that she cracked under the pressure and her parents turned out to be from the "We don't care what you do as long as you give it your all and can make a living from it" side of Asian parenting instead of the "We don't care what you do so long as it's being a doctor" side, and they supported her in switching over to what she actually wanted to do instead of STEM: theater/arts studies. So she probably didn't have any consoles in her house when she was a kid since she was studying all the time.
When a bunch of Bae pics were shared in this thread few weeks ago, I remember thinking she looks like the popular normie girl who spends most of her free time outdoors instead of on the Internet.
That's just the western side of the FGC being like 90% LowTierGod level kangz who think they're alpha males for playing the worst imaginable fighting games, as long as it's not an anime game. But y'know, Street Fighter and DB Fighters get a pass, of course. Nothing unusual there.
If you see Kazunoko coming back to the game, or more JP fightan players, trying and liking it, that tells you all you need to know.
Nah I think it's just "ironic" twitter weebs thinking they're above vtuber fans when the people they're trying to impress would still shit on them for having anime pfps. Very insecure twitter users (but I repeat myself). FGC niggas are too busy shitting on Smash players.
So for anyone wondering who would be next to spill the beans about their former company after the Zaion manifesto. View attachment 23806
This coming from one of the former Kawaii Gen 3 girls (Aletta I think).
Just like with Zaion before, I've reserved my judgements on her too since we don't her side of the story yet. Now that Zaion's post is big news she should reach out to her for advice on how to properly address her situation if she wants to clear her name.
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She streams coding and games from the childhood of that demographic. I can't think of any 18 year olds that would be interested in HTML or games that are quite often older than they are.
She streams coding and games from the childhood of that demographic. I can't think of any 18 year olds that would be interested in HTML or games that are quite often older than they are.
She streams coding and games from the childhood of that demographic. I can't think of any 18 year olds that would be interested in HTML or games that are quite often older than they are.
Can't help but think her non-traditional design appeals to older demographics as well. If she got a more traditional big-tiddy anime girl model and started playing current-gen games I'm sure her demographic stats would look much different. But then she wouldn't be Juniper.
I open Miori's stream and it says she has been at it for 7 hours and she is giving chat kisses and earlicking. Is she wasted off her rockers or is already sobering up? And how much she will regret it later
It could be the latter. Eid fitr is generally one of the busiest day because you have people who visited their friends or relatives houses or returning back from their travel to their hometown
There is this thing where you are encouraged to at least provide hospitality if your friends or relatives come visiting during that day, including meals and if able, pocket money. There is a chance that notHana is helping around or even setting up things during eid fitr and other stuff, putting her busy life up for a bit.
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I open Miori's stream and it says she has been at it for 7 hours and she is giving chat kisses and earlicking. Is she wasted off her rockers or is already sobering up? And how much she will regret it later
Wasnt that about the same time people were bitching at Ollie that she was ID and she should only stream in ID (which she promptly told that viewer to fuck off).
This was a different event, pre ID2. There was a time when on Facebook/Twitter the complaint was ID should have a structured stream time similar to TV show scheduling. I remember one of them actually created a poll on whether they should stream as they wish or create a TV style schedule and the former won out by a large margin so the issue just died.
Just a reminder for Re:AcT's Virtual On Music event at 7PM JST.
AZKi will also sing at 10PM JST to close Golden Week.
Spare a thought for A-chan though.
Also some clip related to Astel's shenanigans. If you want to see more Astel there should be some VSaikyo clips in this thread, one of them I believe has the third round Mad Maggie bullying and he roleplayed as an abusive boyfriend who repeatedly cries it's not his fault he keeps on drilling the team.
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