I found some oddly specific Twitter retardation.
This account, Wario64, often posts links to new games on Steam as they go live to download. He made a tweet about Idol Showdown, the Hololive fighting game.
Nothing out of the ordinary? Well, that is until you dig through the quote retweets. I can't be fucked to archive all of these, but here's a few examples for flavour.
That's just the western side of the FGC being like 90% LowTierGod level kangz who think they're alpha males for playing the worst imaginable fighting games, as long as it's not an anime game. But y'know, Street Fighter and DB Fighters get a pass, of course. Nothing unusual there.
If you see Kazunoko coming back to the game, or more JP fightan players, trying and liking it, that tells you all you need to know.