I can't timestamp her reactions to my own chats until after I get doxxed, but this one's for @NolanCrush (pre-edit: I thought the original 'booba charge' joke was yours, but she actually said it on her own, then she laughed at your comment a minute later): 7 months ago, she sang 'my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard...' and didn't know what 'charge' meant in the context of the song then she laughed at a Nolan Crush joke and then in this stream she sung it again, and made a callback to that.IRyS just made a Nolan Crush reference. He's winning.
I...it's ok, she read my chat earlier in the stream...I...I'm ok...
So, not as directly Nolan-related as I thought, but still funny I think.
And here's just a fun quote, "He left a very happy man, I think. Sure, it took two hours, but...hey, he got the job."