"Chat listen I'm a fuckin loser human being chat, and you're probably better than me, which means you're probably better off than me right now, BUT if you're not better off than me right now then you know what? Let me serve as motivation to you that IF even an idiot like me can fucking make it so can you."Pipkin Pippa

General Thread v4mirai: Brought to you by Brave


Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
Ronja playing Super 3D Noah’s Ark

Youtube link

Bam will be playing Minecraft in 20 minutes

Confess your sins to Shiori


Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
Finnish VTuber Mai Pupuna recently shared her 2022 Nijisanji audition video. Understandably it’s clear by now she’s not planning to apply to the faux-rainbow company but she’s still looking to be part of a VTuber group it seems.
Sharing your audition video is a smart way to not get into any agency, at least not ones which are big and japanese.


I left Kson
Joined:  Feb 19, 2024
So I only checked into the stream right now. But it sounds like about 20 minutes ago in this Vtuber Marvel Rivals tourney, the team Doki's team was suppose to go up against were disqualified for releasing a document where they were slandering other competitors in this tournament. The team name was Bunch of Terrible Teammates. I'm not able to find who was actually on this team.

Nevermind, found the team.

Oh okay, so they weren't going to face Doki's team, it looks like they lost before that and started talking shit about everyone. It just threw the whole bracket into disarray.
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Early Adopter
Nene's Pet Latinx
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022
So I only checked into the stream right now. But it sounds like about 20 minutes ago in this Vtuber Marvel Rivals tourney, the team Doki's team was suppose to go up against were disqualified for releasing a document where they were slandering other competitors in this tournament. The team name was Bunch of Terrible Teammates. I'm not able to find who was actually on this team.

Nevermind, found the team.

What even is this? Just a bunch of rando indies shitting on another bunch of rando indies?


Outlasted the Chinese Community Sinicization Group
True & Honest Holofan
Joined:  Sep 23, 2023
Fourth hololive Minecraft Server - Highlights 12
Previous - Next

Iroha and AZKi kill trader llamas for leads, featuring Hajime as the witness for Iroha's murders. (Days 3, 4, and 8)

Kanata pulls a prank on Koyori by putting block on her house that resemble lava. Miko most affected. (Days 12, 14, and 19)

Day 12:
Kanata encouters Moona asks her to help back at Pekora for getting ripped off.

Noel decided to give Biboo mooshrooms as a gift after losing the panda she got from her three days earlier.

Suisei's long-lost dog showed up after bumping into Kanata.

Pekora shows Vivi her automatic pumpkin and melon farm.

(Taken from here and here.)
Late Night (JST) Hours:
  • As it's now Valentine's Day in Japan, some of the girls wish their chat a Happy Valentine's Day.
  • Kanade continues her preparation of cookie gifts to the different members (each cookie has its own name to it as well). She leaves a cookie for Subaru in her house.
  • Pekora heads back into the nether again, most likely to look for a Smithing Template. She eventually finds a bastion and the smithing template. She puts the important stuff in her ender chest so she won't lose it incase she dies. She then explores more of the bastion to find more of its treasures.
  • Kanade wanted to find a desert area to gather sand. She asks her chat to help her out in giving some coords she can go to. Kanade then finds Gigi's village and checks it out. She gets confused by all the doors. Then Kanade heads up to Calli's house and reads the signs that are inside. After making sure night passes, she uses the rail that Gigi made to help get herself back home. The raiil takes Kanade back. The stone has been placed and stops above where Ina's house is, nearby the ID Village. (It just needs more rails added and powered rails).
  • Vivi does some exploring and finds Moona's sugar cane farm. Vivi later on notices that the sign at her house has been changed thanks to Nene.
  • Vivi continues work on her house, adding glow berries underneath her stairs. The large tree she made on top of her house has a ladder inside so you can climb up to the top.
  • Pekora makes a successful return back home. She then learns how to duplicate and make more Smithing Templates. Once they're made, Pekora makes her full set of Netherite armor. The achievement message pops up in the MC chat. Kanade sees this and goes "EHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?" Pekora then works on adding trims to her armor.
  • Vivi watches from above Kanade being chased around by all of Vivi's sheep (its cause Kanade has hay in her hand).

Finding the Stronghold and End Portal:
  • Su, Riona, and Chihaya are going to find the Stronghold. Chihaya uses Bae's house to throw the Eye of Ender, but she has trouble getting up the Scafolding. She gives it a throw and they follow it in the direction (it flies past the ID village area). They then travel through a jungle, climbing up the vines of trees to reach a high vantage point but its not easy to climb the vines for some of them. Riona ends up making friends with the parrots in the jungle, she gets one to be on her shoulder. Chihaya spots an Ocelot. Flow glow travel to Gigi's village on their trip to the Stronghold. Its def been expanded on thanks to help from Kronii earlier.
  • Riona, Su, and Chihaya continue their search for the End Portal. They seem to be close by. Flow Glow seems to have found the End Portal in the Savannah biome area. It doesn't appear to be too far from Gigi's village. Riona finds the Stronghold! Su and Chihaya each make their entrance as well. The girls then start exploring the stronghold trying to find the end portal. While exploring, Su hit some stone and a silverfish came out. She mentions the girls she found a Silverfish, and Chihaya asked what Silverfish were. Su then explained. Su then decides to start placing blocks around dead ends so they won't get lost anymore and so they'll stop going in circles. They find some redstone on the ground and use that try and follow to the portal. The Strongohld has multiple floors to it. They come across the library room. They find a chest with a bunch of books and an armor trim template.
  • This stronghold is a bit of an odd one. Not only does it appear to be quite large, but it seems like it was made in the middle of a cave so they have to build over cave holes to traverse to the different rooms.
  • They double check google if End Portals always show up in strongholds. The answer is yes.
  • Some of the girls start to dig the blocks around to find any missing or hidden rooms. Chihaya finds another library.
  • Chihaya and Riona finally find the end portal. The two try to deal with the silverfish coming out from the spawner and walls. Su is trying to find where they were. They reach the end portal. Only 3 eyes have been filled in.
  • Riona learned that her parrot had died. Probably from the lava in the room.
  • Chihaya goes to pick up Su and the 3 are now at the End Portal. Su covers the lava blocks and then starts to place the Eye of Enders. The portal has now been opened! They'll be going in it with all of Flow Glow on the 15th.
  • Riona places redstone on the ground to serve as a path to the end, so its easier for them to find. The girls then work on making a more direct path upward. They dig back up and make a large tower to serve as a landmark. Riona owrks to add torches surrounding the area as well to help with mob spawn. Su and Chihaya make the landmark tower an uh... creative shape (its nothing bad, but its not a straight one block tower either).
  • The girls then begin to mine out the blocks of the stronghold, making an expanded base for them. After expanding their base around, they decide to enter The End. Su sends a message out to the server about their plans. I think the message was for Vivi but she doesn't send a response.
  • They jump in through the end portal. The portal is located inside a wall that has one end opened. The girls start building a safe wall and steps leading to the main End spot. After they made a safe and secure End base for them, they fall into the void back at the stronghold.
  • After getting everything ready for the rest of flow glow to join them on the 15th, the girls start making their journey back home.
  • The girls learn from chat that they can use Gigi's rail as a straight path back home. Chihaya calls Gigi's home a crazy house. They take a look around her village for a bit before taking the rail back. The girls find a drowned with a trident is attacking them. They try to beat it but it has no trident drop. More drowned show up and the girls fight them off.
  • Before heading back, Chihaya wants to check out Calli's house. The girls agree to take a look. They read the signs that Gigi left inside Calli's house. The girls then leave signs at Calli's house along with a helmet, raw fish, rabbit skin, some flowers, 5 diamonds, and an apple. "I Love you!! This helmet is me! For you <3 Isaki Riona!" "Su and Chiha ware to visit here. nice house <3 <3!!!" Riona dies from falling from Calli's treehouse as they were exiting.
  • Riona also finds her cat that she left here from early on. She takes it back with her. Su also finds a cat too. They begin walking the rail back to the base, with their cats following behind. They make it back home to the base.

More Late Night (JST) Hours:
  • Kiara logs into the server. She notices gifts left by Nene. Some resin bricks, flowers from the pale garden, and regular bricks. She then notices the cat house built by Liz. Kiara does some exploration of the server.
  • Riona and Su are eating snacks. They're also describing in english to the viewers. They then go treasure hunting with a map. The girls reach the desert and find some treasure.
  • Vivi keeps on building at her house. Its coming along nicely. She also works to organize her chests and items.
  • Kiara visits Flow Glow's castle. She sees the bunny that Niko contained and proclaims "Pekora has been claimed hostage?!" She explores around, and discovers Okayu's house. She then finds Subaru's duck made by Miko and finds them cute.
  • Kiara discovers that Liz set up her home next door to her's and gets very excited. Gigi shortly arrives to meet with Kiara, giving her a jumpscare.
  • Riona dies to a creeper while she and Su were out in the swamp looking for mushrooms. They then find a dark oak biome and take the mushrooms from there to make soup.
  • Gigi and Kiara go looking for food before heading off to find an undiscovered pale garden biome. She asks to meet with Vivi to get some food. They think Vivi has meat, but she doesn't. However Vivi knows where to get meat. She leads them the way. Vivi takes them to Iroha and Azki's cow machine. Vivi tries to show them the machine but it doesn't make meat as intended. Vivi then takes them to get baked potatoes. Just before heading off, Kiara flexes her Kansai-ben.
  • Kiara and Gigi head to Reine's Love photospot for some pictures. They then head to the ID skeleton farm to get a bunch of arrows.
  • Kiara and Gigi begin their journey to find an undiscovered biome.
  • Vivi has realized that Kanade changed a bunch of her sheep's colors to yellow. Vivi while decorating tried to put a cake on a table, but the table was a pressure plate on a fence post so it appears to be floating.
  • Kiara and Gigi find a pale garden biome. They go to collect plants and oak wood. Kiara finds the Creaking Heart and waits until nighttime so she can see The Creaking. The creaking shows up (2 of them) and Wawa goes to collect resin while Gigi stares and punches it.
    • It should be noted, that while Kiara wanted to find an undiscovered Pale Garden Biome, the biome they found was actually already discovered by some of the JP girls about a week or so ago (I think Miko, Suisei, Lui, Okayu, Kanade were part of this). This biome is located nearby Fubukingdom and the Stylish City area. However they ended up entering from the other end of the biome, the end which wasn't really explored before, so to them it felt like a new biome.
  • Since they are staying up the night for The Creaking, mobs spawn. Vivi gets attaked by a trident drowned. Vivi kills the drowned and gets herself a trident. Vivi goes an enchants the trident and nicknames it.
  • Riona is making a present for Korone. She has a cake and a book shes writing. Riona also leaves a present of boots, poison potatoes, and pufferfish besides Lui's house.
  • On the way back, Kiara and Gigi pass by Fubuki's Kingdom and the Stylish City area.
  • Vivi went to place a lightning rod high up. When she was trying to get back down, she slipped and fell to her death. She's now trying to figure out how to climb back up to get the rest of the dirt she left in the air. Vivi grabs some stone to help get the dirt back.
  • Gigi and Kiara head off to visit Gigi's Village.
  • Riona is making some railways. They go from the villager breeding place, to another area by the mountain across the river. Su comes back online to help a bit and check out her work.
  • Gigi and Kiara arrive at the village. Gigi takes Kiara a tour around the place. Gigi shows Kiara the storage room she made for Kronii. They then go down the mines that Kronii organized. After exploring the mines and mineshaft, they head back up and check out Kronii's Tree Farm. Then Gigi shows Kiara her bee.
  • Vivi works on a fence around the edge of her yard. After she puts up the fence, Vivi goes around her sheep farm and kills off a number of her yellow sheep.
  • One of Vivi's llamas dies due to a zombie attacking them (She had 2 and now its only 1). Vivi then takes her llama and puts it in the pen beside the sheep.

Evening (JST) Hours:
  • Noel since she went to the Mooshroom Island, she gave Biboo a red Mooshroom cow. Biboo is happy for the gift
  • Ina shows us the construction of her house. She sees the music CC plays and gives it a try.
  • Iofi logs on and Ina says hi (remember Iofi is Moona afking). Moona responds explaining thats not Iofi. Ina responds which makes moona laugh.
  • Kanata is on the case once again. Her diamonds were stolen by by Kaitou (Phantom Thief), However Kanata saw that just on the next floor her diamonds were converted into Diamonds Blocks. Kanata suspects that it might be Nene based on the signs she leaves. She goes to investigate.
  • Kanata leaves a gift of scam like items in front of Pekora house (they all have a curse on them). This is because Kanata got scammed by Pekora for giving her a Mace skillbook with a curse of vanishing on it. (From the comments): She meets Moona, who shows her the beef farm that she made. And also explains in English (passion English), to Moona about her curse of vanishing mace skillbook that she bought from Pekora. Moona says "Rabbit meat is delicious" in JP and says she'd help her think up an idea for revenge on Pekora. Kanata met Subaru, and she explained about the curse of vanishing skillbook scam to Subaru (Subaru didn't know what the curse is, thought Kanata would vanish or something lmao). Subaru's plan for revenge is to write Pekora ero doujin. Kanata begins writing the Doujin, but stops partway. She hopes another writer can come and write future pages. She left some notes.
  • Ina gets to work on her house. She made a tree farm thats similar to the one shes made back in the EN server, and uses it to grow Dark Oak.
  • Moona meets up with Ina at Azki's storage room and says hi. Moona asks if the storage room was Ina's but Ina said its not, shes in the stone age. Ina tells Moona that she's looking for bonemeal. Moona tells Ina to follow her. Moona takes Ina to the EXP farms. The Skeleton farm should have bones for bonemeal. Ina thanks Moona for the bones.
  • Suisei heads to her stylish City area and arrives at a wooden platform island that she made (most likely for a future build she'll do in the future).
  • Moona had also built her own cow killing machine. She built it beside their iron farm, mud farm, and sugar cane farm.
  • Noel is currently chasing some white foxes. I think they escaped from Kanade's place. She has berries and a lead to try and catch the foxes. She sends a message asking if anyone can help. Kanata comes with a boat to try and help catch the foxes. One of the foxes lands herself in Vivi's sheep farm. Noel is able to put the fox on the lead. However she needs to find a way out (there's no gates from what Noel has seen). Noel is able to put the fox in a boat for now to keep it safe.
  • Noel and Kanata meet up and go to Kanade's place, where Kanade's 2 foxes are safe in a boat. They feed the two foxes in a boat and a new baby fox is born. Noel then shows Kanata her red mooshrooms that she keeps at her house. Noel gives Kanata some mushroom soup as thanks for her help. Noel also asks Kanata if she can help in finding the owner of a dog that she found sitting next to a chest. Its possible the dog might belong to Suisei, she thought her's died. But Suisei thinks it isn't hers.
  • Suisei is working on making the nether portal entrance a lot more nicer looking. She adds an actual path and proper blocks to make it look more appealing.
  • Nene logs onto the server, and Kanata questions her regarding the diamond theft that had occurred. It doesn't seem like Nene was the culprit.
  • Kanata heads up the Resin farm at night time, which summons the creaking. This scares Kanata as its her first time seeing the mob. Kanata punches the creaking and sees it releases resin. Kanata keeps on look away from the creaking and it keeps hitting her. Kanata was able to escape from The Creaking after jumping down.
  • Noel meets up with Moona and gives Moona some mushroom soup as a gift.
  • Moona goes to donate a bunch of the spider eyes to Koyori's Potion Shop.
  • Kanata (most likely as a prank), puts blocks of resin over Koyoris house, making it give the appearance of lava flowing down from the top of the Koyo Lab (I'm guessing she thinks it was Koyori who scammed Kanata but need confirmation). Kanata look at the house from a distance and it makes her laugh. Inside Koyori's house, she makes a small heart and puts buckets of lava on frames on the heart. She then leaves a message for Koyori.
  • Noel leaves a present for Vivi in front of her house (Soup and a bed with names on them). Noel then heads inside to take a look at Vivi's house. Noel then tries to get the fox back to Kanade's house. After much trial and error she gets the fox back safely.
  • Moona in front of the notice board sign leaves a chest that reads "Free Arrows". These are arrows from the Skeleton Farm.
  • Ina finishes making the exterior of her house. It looks like a takodachi. She puts a fence on top so now it looks like Takoyaki.
  • Ina shows the armadillo Chihaya got from Biboo (I think? the armadillo is on a fence post where Chihaya's garage will be). It's currently hanging out in a boat. Ina then while walking sees trees that haven't fully been cut yet. Ina then proceeds to make sure the trees have been properly chopped.
  • Ina uses some leaves to add some decorations to the exterior of her house. Ina heads off with news that her 3.0 will arrive soon.
  • Moona makes a plan for where to place her Wool Farm. She plans to make it within the walls near ID village. Closeby to Reine's pier and frog prison. Seeing the vision, Moon gets to work, starting with terraforming.
  • Noel has been going around and killing off the loose/extra Mooshroom cows she had left around roaming free in the server.
  • Pekora logs onto the server and notices her gifts from Riona and Su. She also noticed the gift they left for Korone. PEkora then goes around seeing the other gifts other members have left for each other. As thanks, Pekora goes to leave a gift for Riona and Su.
  • Pekora then leaves a gift for Kanata in her shop, one that doesn't have a Curse of Vanishing on it this time.
  • Suisei works on her own stone pier area next to Fubuki's bridge.
  • Seems like Kaela has been working on her villagers as some of her villagers now have maxed out levels.
  • Vivi receives the gifts she had gotten from different members and is happy to receive them.
  • Pekora prepares another gift from Kanata inside her shop.
  • Lamy logs onto the server and does some fishing nearby her house. While fishing, Pekora goes up to Lamy and gives her a valentine's chocolate: a golden carrot.
  • Pekora has been going around the server giving golden carrots as valentines gifts to different members. After giving one to Lamy she gave one to Vivi. Vivi says its her first valentine's gift. Vivi then shows Pekora around her updated house. Vivi then shows off her trident to Pekora. Pekora meets up with Suisei later on and gives her a golden carrot as a gift.
  • Sora and Riona are walking around the server. They meet up with Lamy and wish her a Happy Valentines's Day. She asks what they're doing and they say that they're going to make a wheat trap farm. Sora then asks Lamy if she can borrow her fishing rod. Lamy allows it, in exchange for a kiss. Lamy gives her one of her normal fishing rods Sora can use.
  • Sora and Riona start their work on the wheat auto-farm. It looks to be built near Chihaya's Garage and Ina's house.
  • Vivi wanders and notices that theres white foxes besides Lui's house in an iron cage.
  • Vivi has gotten herself her own snowy fox. She makes a nametag for it.
  • Suisei shows off the work she did today. She made a dock underneath the lighthouse, with a small boat at the front.
  • Pekora makes a valentines chest for Su and Riona. Inside are two pickaxes but both have a curse on them. The chest also has an armadillo scute.
  • Vivi finds herself a chicken (I think she threw an egg and it hatched). She got surprised by the egg hatching. She then made a pen for the chicken in her front yard. Vivi later noticed that her bed had disapeared in Pekora's house, so she asked Pekora about it. Pekora puts Vivi's bed back where it belongs. Pekora then shows Vivi her Allay auto farm. Vivi: HUHHHHH? Pekora then shows her the villagers. She then shows Vivi putting the villager on a boat and then pulling the villager outside on a one block wide platform, however Pekora suddenly fell off. Pekora thankfully lived due to her feather falling boots. When Pekora got back up to Vivi she ended up falling again, this time to her death.
  • Pekora then asks Vivi to take the villager from the boat and bring it to the ground. Vivi gets into the boat and rides it down into the ravine below, with Vivi screaming downward. Pekora meets up with her and helps Vivi to bring the villager back out of the ravine with the boat. They then take the villager and bring it all the way to Vivi's place. Vivi then puts the villager in an enclosed room next to the farm, most likely to do some auto farming. Vivi makes her villager do work at her farm.
  • Riona and Sora work on bringing a villager from Riona and Su's breeding place to the auto wheat farm. Riona however lets the villager escape and they have to try and trap it. They eventually are able to bring the villager into their auto farm. Riona and Sora test out the farm to make sure its working. They also add some decorations on top and around the auto farm. There's even a set of stairs that leads to and from the top of the hill.
  • Vivi made some lanterns and put a few in the lake to help with Drowned from spawning.
  • Pekora finds herself a hive and brings it up to the roof of her house where her Pale Oak Tree used to be, Now she's putting up more hives there with flowers.
  • Pekora went to the deep dark biome and triggered a Warden. Despite hiding she ends up getting sniped and dying to the warden. Pekora wants to go back to get her items but she keeps on triggering the warden by doing so. She is eventually able to escape with her items (at least the important ones). She escapes out into the snowy biome and walks around trying to find her way back. She finds a nether portal (this is where Azki and Iroha were trying to get goat horns) and uses it to help get her way back home.
  • Vivi got more eggs and hatches them outside the pen making more chickens. She hurriedly makes them follow her into her house while she expands her chicken pen. She is then able to bring her chickens back safely.
  • Su and Riona discover their gift from Pekora (the cursed pickaxes).
  • Pekora goes back again to the Deep Dark Biome and Ancient City, this time actually prepared with carpets and potions to help out.
  • Off stream it seems Niko was killed by Su due to Su's weapon (the death message was seen on screen).
  • Riona works to add lots and lots of torches around the surrounding area of their auto farm and beyond. She also works on filling the holes around so people don't fall down. She also makes a stone bridge over the water for better access.
  • Vivi shows Niko her villager and farm. Much later, Vivi heads on to Kanata's detective agency and writes a sign on the side of her building.
  • Pekora found a cave that had a deep dark biome. She had a night vision potion to help her navigate. The deep dark biome was down very far below so Pekora use some water to make a waterfall and get swim down, but partway down the waterfall the night vision potion ran out and she didnt have anymore. And when she got to the bottom of the deep dark biome, the mobs that spawned around started attacking her, add that with the shriekers going off it triggered the warden, and she was trying to run back up while placing torches, but in the end what really got her was just a random spider that attacked her. She ended up back at the original spawn point. Pekora heads on back, now with many more night vision potions.
  • Su makes an extension inside her home, a storage room. It has chests and its nicely decorated inside.
  • Vivi places lanterns along her watermelon highway (a long road of watermelons). Vivi then begins work on a pumpkin road on the other side of her farm (the watermelon highway is on one side of the farm closest to her house).
  • Vivi has been making a valentine's chest for all the members. Its a free pumpkin pie chest. You can take out a free pumpkin pie as a valentine's day gift.
  • Vivi is making an auto egg collector for her chickens. She put some dirt underneath her house where the chickens are and is setting up the hoppers and chests.
  • Su went in the nether to mine the netherrack, which she's smelting to make nether bricks for her house. The Nether Brick room also serves as a storage room.
  • Vivi went to the Creeper Farm's AFK spot and is replaying some of the blocks with glass. She then tries to make a 2nd floor to the creeper farm. The 2nd floor is a pool of water for Vivi so incase she falls from the scaffolding she won't get hurt.
EDIT: Put a multi-day clip outside of the day 12 clips section.
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famous artist pipkun

Well-known member
Mindflayer and Master Baiter
Joined:  Jun 5, 2023

Ginkgo Balboa 🌾🗡

Sea Bunny Enjoyer 💛
Joined:  Mar 20, 2023

Postal rrat

Joined:  Mar 19, 2023
And none of those "big scary friends" hit the stalker with a piledriver? Some shit friends she's got. :anyannoyed:
If your friends aren't willing to go to prison for you, are they really your friends?
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Superduper Samurai

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Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022

God's Tastiest Bucko

A well-fed spider will bring you much happiness
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 16, 2022

And you don't seem to understand...

Amiroll from a few days ago


I left Kson
Joined:  Feb 19, 2024

Postal rrat

Joined:  Mar 19, 2023

Ginkgo Balboa 🌾🗡

Sea Bunny Enjoyer 💛
Joined:  Mar 20, 2023
I just think it's funny that :thatsracist:really tried to manufacture some self-fellating drama, only to have the:
  • Gumpai implosion
  • Bloo allegations
  • Milkyqueen graduation announcement
  • Remaining PixelLink graduations
All overshadow his dumb ass, because only Nbinted tier retards care about him anymore.


jkterjter jkterjtier
LM's Ladyboy
Joined:  Feb 5, 2024
If this is true it's the first time a women has ever wanted dick pics from strange men
he doesn't know...

I just think it's funny that :thatsracist:really tried to manufacture some self-fellating drama, only to have the:
  • Gumpai implosion
  • Bloo allegations
  • Milkyqueen graduation announcement
  • Remaining PixelLink graduations
All overshadow his dumb ass, because only Nbinted tier retards care about him anymore.
You forgot Globie bombing which is bigger than all of these

The Peanut Gallery

New year, same insanity🕯️👁️
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 11, 2022


Well-known member
Joined:  Jul 3, 2024
If she demanded cock pics for her discord, maybe that's how she picked her boyfriend :pekomusliml:
I just think it's funny that :thatsracist:really tried to manufacture some self-fellating drama, only to have the:
  • Gumpai implosion
  • Bloo allegations
  • Milkyqueen graduation announcement
  • Remaining PixelLink graduations
All overshadow his dumb ass, because only Nbinted tier retards care about him anymore.
You forgot Globie :gigilaugh:


Resident Sad Girl Enjoyer
Joined:  Jan 5, 2023


Rrat Dissolver
Joined:  Jul 22, 2023

Italian Raccoon

*calls you a slur*
Joined:  Mar 2, 2025
If this is true it's the first time a women has ever wanted dick pics from strange men
There are definitely female sex-pests that have done the same in the vtuber community...


Pippa Fan, Failed Normalfriend
Early Adopter
Joined:  Sep 13, 2022
There are definitely female sex-pests that have done the same in the vtuber community...
The female sex pests tend to go to much further extremes, because they meet much less resistance along the way. If a male streamer demanded pussy pics to talk to him on Discord then everyone on his friends list would be a career-ending "power dynamics" callout post waiting to happen, but even in those reddit posts the worst responses to Gumpai doing it to male viewers amount to "what the fuck, that's crazy" and "that sounds like a honeypot". She'll bounce back just fine, especially if the boyfriend dips. All she needs to do is show a bit more of herself to entice them.

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