Today is the start of Nijifes and their ticket supplier Rakutan messed up, again.
Pretty interesting, curious to see if they stay partners. Anyways, it's gonna be a large event, technically larger then Holofes as they have halls 1-8 vs. 1-6 for Cover, same event location.
Easy info on the website:
General info thread-it:
They are live in 5 hours
First day
Opening ceremony is Tamaki, the cat who is famous for streaming with clothespins on her nipples until she had go to the hospital and recently she got a Russian following, and Fumi who is more... normal I guess. She did start the rubberband fruit trend though.
If you want to stream the concerts they are using stagecrowd:
- Never heard of it. Or Billi^2 but why would you do that?
Some people are pretty psyched so have a fan video featuring Petra
Hashtag is: #にじフェス2025
Lot's of Fujo's and other female vtuber fans. Plus cute stuff like this
I guess it started yesterday but oh well. Even after reading and writing all this I am still confused, feels like Japanese events do that on purpose or something.
They have a magazine now as well so here is an article about Fes with Elira, Sonny, Sara (Haachama's friend and Matsuri's Oshi) and Lauren (nipple boy and strong gamer).
「にじさんじフェス2025」のスペシャルステージとして、「にじさんじ 7th Anniversary LIVE『OVERTURE』」が2月24日(月・祝)に幕張イベントホールで開催される。「にじさんじ4th Anniversary LIVE『FANTASIA』」から続く、出演者全員が共通衣装を身にまとってパフォーマンスを行う“共通衣装ライブ”の系譜をたどる本ライブ。初のにじさんじとNIJISANJI ENに分かれての2部開催ということで注目も集まる中、今回は出演者であるエリーラ...