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I don't know either because the only other time I've heard of them was years(?) ago when another of their streamers got in trouble in Splatoon involving AVs
Apparently this dipshit thought it would be a good idea to slander Miko and Matsuri by saying one of them is going to be arrested for possession of marijuana unfortunately the vod wasn't up long enough for the way back machine to archive so here's an article
Japan, unlike the degenerate West, hasn't been browbeaten by the lowest common denominator into accepting casual drug use in every facet of life. (Yet). Getting caught with marijuana can be a career-ending move. An accusation like that is harsh and not to be bandied about for a joke.
I feel it's unfair to name the wii's shovelware as "slop". It did exactly what it was supposed to do: get grandma, her daughter, sister-in-law and the kiddies together in a living room, waggling plastic controllers and having a laugh about it.
I view slop as something more of an unwanted vat of substance that is churned out faster than it can be eaten up, case in point AI-derived youtube channels.
Japan, unlike the degenerate West, hasn't been browbeaten by the lowest common denominator into accepting casual drug use in every facet of life. (Yet). Getting caught with marijuana can be a career-ending move. An accusation like that is harsh and not to be bandied about for a joke.
Which is interesting because they do harsher drugs in underground clubs, including but not only meth and coke. There's a big stigma for weed there, I wonder what history event made it as is.
It seems like everytime we mention Hina, something comes up involves her.
This time around, it seems that Phase has accidentally scheduled the full release of the 1st anniversary song cover Euphoria did. However to note, they stated it would only be released as a full cover with Hina there, which points to either of 3 conclusions.
1) they were dumb and were using it as a placeholder and someone accidentally launched it by mistake
2) Hina is coming back and they have it ready to go to launch when she returns
3) Hina is dead and they’re just moving forward with a full cover without her pending graduation notice
Japan, unlike the degenerate West, hasn't been browbeaten by the lowest common denominator into accepting casual drug use in every facet of life. (Yet). Getting caught with marijuana can be a career-ending move. An accusation like that is harsh and not to be bandied about for a joke.
Hell even an accusation of you possessing any kinds of drug is already putting a bright red target on your back that's literally how the war on drugs happened thousands got domed because of that in the pH just from the past administration alone I can't even imagine the body count if we include the other countries
"$150 on a UPS and you never have to deal with that" should be on page one of "VTuber Tech Advice" with the next page being "Back up your shit to a NAS".
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