Ᵽ PHC: Phase Connect
▷ HLO: Hololive
☆ HST: Holostars
◷ NIJ: Nijisanji
₪ IDL: Idol Corp
Ⓥ VSJ: VShojo
ⓘ INF: Highly informative
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▷ HLO |
◷ NIJ | Ayame its going to appear in a Precure Event alongside Joe from Nijisanji and the Living Legend Siro, Polka,Tamaki and Elu on day 2
post | Hololive grooming members discussion continues
post | About Millie
post | Ame is back, plays Counter Strike 2
post | Ame used Peo's animation for her ending splash screen, Peo's reaction
post | Clip - Ame on why she came back and what was she doing. Management issues
post | NijiEN Suika leaderboard
post | Holo EN and ID girls play Age of Empires 2
post | Clip - mid to end game, win
post | Towa's 1st solo Live is announced
post | Later - Bae watchalog, ReGloss did one too
post | New outfit, talents' tweets, about camera and the live band. Also U-san and Shoto will have a 3D concert soon
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Ᵽ PHC | Phase Connect account on Twitter got a golden checkmark and square pfp
post | Shiina was rejected from healthcare again, she is bleeding internally - again. She deleted that tweet (archived), provides more context
post | Lumi notes
post | Rrat - Amiya Aranha is unironically into giantess vore
post | At least no connection to Alice Mahou
post | We might have being failed by the technology
post | PawsyVT was apparently found out to be a convicted pedo, went DFE. Google doc by Dreamy @DreamyBunnyVT
post | Link to a news report, screenshot of Pawsy admitting to doing "something bad"
post | CalciumAnimal is not convinced
New Vshojo talent MataraKan debuts, confirmed to be former Nina Kosaka
◷ NIJ |
post | Vshojo's new member MataraKan was announced
post | Nina?
post | Confirmed by Steam Persona history
post | Discussion on U-san possibly joining and what they stand to gain
post | Questioin - Who is going to be the next poach? Popular answers include Selen, Ollie
post | Reimu is following Matara
post | The femcels on iketog are preparing for Nina's reincarnation
post | Discussion on Kuro (ex Mysta)
post | Questioin - Did Cover blacklist Vshojo? Answer - No, followed by examples of recent collabs
post | Sayu in Vshojo when?
post | Nijiposting day 10 - Nina Kosaka. Includes a clip of her PL
post | Nina ranked Cockroach girls as second best in her Tier list stream
post | Question - Why people worry about members of companies not being friends with each other?
post | About her leaving tankie communities as too toxic
post | Teaser shows her face if you adjust colors
post | Ironic cockroach lore, Nocticola pheromosa
post | Opinion - Every redesign model is worse than the old one
post | Rrat - Kuro and Matara were poached a long time ago, based on his last Minecraft stream words
post | Context, the stream itself
post | Claw reveal
post | Geega and U-san interaction
post | A list of other possible hires
post | Ethyria with an original song True End, featuring now graduated Nina Kosaka
post | Debut - Matara Kan
post | Sleepy's fan artist Sourkraut posts Art vs Artist, is a buff dude
post | Power Nelsons shoutcasting the DOTA qualifiers
post | About how to edit quotes to previous posts
CyberIdol Looks Really Suspicious, CEO with a Thousand Faces, see CyberIdol & Q_Quillz/AmeliaDxrk/AstreRxse/MikoDayoooo/others thread
post | Agency CyberIdol's now deleted Q&A tweet (archived), doesn't look trustworthy
post | Many interesting details of CyberIdol's online presence
post | They plan for 2 males, 2 females. Also ther was a The Under the Tea podcast about Twitter deplatforming, with Ant Hime as a guest
post | More info, deleted (and archived) tweets, CEO goes by Q. A dispute with Devolver Digital?
post | Q used to be @AmeliaDxrk, who was accused of stealing art
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ⓘ INF | The latest archive.org scrape of her Carrd site, more info. twitter.com/littleautumn5
post | More accounts, twitter.com/YamakaKiyo, tiktok.com/@kiyo0597
post | MaryIsATroll seems to also be an Amelia alt-account
post | Alleged current YouTube channel. twitter.com/MikoDayoooooo
Also looks like this person identified as male at some point and maybe faked his suicide?
post | About TardaTod AI vtuber
post | TardaTod is from Project Enigmata, which MikoDayoooooo left with a scandal
post | About mobile games user accounts trading
post | Commission scam account senzayus
post | Floriandxrk and RiriTaffy accounts. Also AstreRxse Patreon. Her simp or another sock BrycenFrye33045. Also another artist attached to CyberIdol, misokerosene, who claims to be a minor
post | The "agency" says no applicants under 18 btw
post | Hff201 auditioned, speaks about the process feeling amateur
post | More loose info, Thai language, Beatrice Sinclair persona
post | Morgan Crow reports on Q&A with CyberIdol_EN
post | More, and an archive
post | According to their Twitter space, Misokerosene is gone, the company allegedly was not aware they are minor
post | More notes on Twitter spaces
post | About the "just pay us our 30%"
post | About the artist satsuki / 0_Sukii who was announced as their model artist, only to cut ties and delete posts later
post | Lilith Einhorn about their experience with DestinyVLive agency, Dahlia Fallen endorses the claims, CyberIdol addresses the Dahlia Fallen's accusations
post | Lilith accused Senzayus, who links to AmeliaDxrk and uses stolen art. Lilith also links to MochiGhostVT, pointing out the AI art used. PumpkinSynth is not a part of the scam, were themselves calling out a part of it
post | Short summary of AmeliaDxrk and her self call-out
post | Dahlia with more info on the DestinyVLive agency, Google doc "About Q_Quillz"
post | Scammed artists - Hymn Sera and yashacchi1
post | About Mikeneko getting a support from IRL friends
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post | Local content - Clip - Proctor and Godzilla talk about Kirsche, Godzilla calls himself gay (out of context)
post | Merryweather's post about his recent meltdown, talks about feeling betrayed and manipulated by some vtuber
post | More vagueposting
post | Rrat - it was about Mysta joining Vshojo, and not Merry's Astraline
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▷ HLO | About LaPlus and new costumes, looks like a joke
post | Random Flare in Brazil's Game Show
post | Intercompany cover featuring Niji's Hoshikawa and Akari, Holo's Kanata, and VSPO's Kurumi
post | Ollie's Birthday totsu karaoke
post | About Piava on the Farms, in the context of someone whining about TVA
post | Issues with Amazon.jp
post | PlayAsia might be better
post | About Return YouTube Dislike plugin issues
post | It was updated, waiting for approval
post | Invidious Instances, an alternative frontend for Youtube
post | More about SEA people
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◷ NIJ | Nijisanij Posting Day 11 - Ohayama
post | Petra, Enna, Kyo off collab
post | Vexoria health update - She beat breast cancer!
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Ᵽ PHC | Sakana is looking for warehouse worker
post | Pumpkin Carving contest, it is the season
post | Touri Sei reached 22222 subs after eight hours and 72 songs. Also 774inc's Saionji Mary is collabing with a cafe for her Birthday Cafe event
post | About H.J.Freaks
post | He was around since the early niconico era
post | Sleepy lore - a degree in graphic design with a web dev focus
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ⓘ INF |
◷ NIJ | Niji/ANYCOLOR's Virtual Talent Academy resumed activity after contract breach situation, they are changing things
post | About unpaid internship accussations
post | Nothing with concrete evidence
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₪ IDL | Juna's mom found out about Juna crushing watermelon with her thighs
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▷ HLO | FuwaMoco with spooky stream for Friday the 13th
post | Guutara (Not Choco) announced 2nd LIVE Concert with guests
post | Coco/Kson's influence in creating HoloEN, discussion
post | List of her accomplishments
post | The producer/head manager of HoloEN in the interview from 2021 claims that HoloEN was their idea
post | Kiara plans to do weekly member streams
post | IRyS with an announcement
post | New outfit reveal
post | Aka Split about taking a bait vs asking for sources
post | Ina caught a cold
post | Shiyu is going to start a NicoNico Channel thanks to KADOKAWA
post | Question - Who is the IRL streamer collabing with Kobo? His name is Windah Basudara
post | Info on Windah
post | Discussion about enjoying vtuber drama more than vtubers themselves
post | Clip - Henemimi incestmaxxing in Crusader Kings 3
post | Debut - Eri Elulu
post | On how to circumvent the auto censor
post | Question - Why Juniper Heartstrings' numbers go down?
post | Apparently she was on a hiatus and away from Twitter
post | From her Discord - No access to her Twitter account
post | About Rainhoe and Numi IRL bodies
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◷ NIJ | NijiEN is doing one last collab of Friday the 13th before it shuts down
post | Archive - Pomu Rainpuff - 【UNARCHIVED KARAOKE LYRICS CHALLENGE】 ft Millie, Petra, Rosemi, and Doppio!!
Also Archive - Athy

-guitar practice and more singing

post | Nijiposting day 12 - Honma Himawari
post | 4chan is still bothered by Sithis
post | Clip - Coqui pulls Hololive cards of her oshi
post | Oyaji Club opens auditions, the age of 30+ is
in demand required to enter the group
post | Their Gen 0
post | Sena Bonbon with a Vaporeon design
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Ᵽ PHC | Nasa and Nopi on who inspired them
post | hylic ponders the algorithm, they don't feel like bending the knee
post | "The Thing" watch along with Airi, Shiina, and Lumi
post | Question - Between Reticule, Superduper and Nolan who is more likely to have been taken over by the thing?
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▷ HLO | Archive - Nanashi Mumei - 【unarchived 歌枠】 i sing a lil bit
post | Discussion on HoloJP 4th Gen lacking unity
post | Shiyuu Nakaoka (LaPlus' PL) with her mother's health update
post | Clip - From DDK Clips, DemonDice claims that she is not Fat
post | Apparently Kiara was invited to the Square Enix Offices
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◷ NIJ | Honma Himawari shouts out Coco
post | Bae's canceled project apparently was supposed to be a duet with Vesper
post | The artist Yasumiki is considering legal actions against AI, Iofi supports them
post | Sports Fest is back
post | Team rosters
post | Most if ID 1+2 is missing because they are appearing at Jakarta Comic Con
post | Crazy Cooking Devil Anon Shito reached 20k subs
post | VSpo's Shiranami Ramune and Komori Met are getting their 3D
post | Discussion on YouTube recommending 1 view vtubers
post | Recommendation - Mari on YouTube, JP vtuber
post | Purin is not leaving, but will take things super easy
post | Kana's tweets, wonders if she can stream on Twitch because she graduated. Also apparently someone stole her card and drained the balance completely
post | Recommendation - Mooranda on Twitch, a cow VTuber
post | Fredrik Knudsen is doing a donothon
post | Mozumi Pichi Inami Yoki collab
post | Question - What's the opposite of an Architect? A Dietician?
post | Mavia with a new outfit, screenshots
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☆ HST | Archive - Machina X Flayon - 【UNARCHIVED KARAOKE】 I try to have fun still!!
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◷ NIJ | Nijiposting day 13 - Sara Hoshikawa
post | Debut - New gen for Kawaii, Kaya Nishikino, Yuno Hanaki, Ran Tsukiha
post | DIY vtubers - Tsukuru, Shinonome Hatsuri, Azumalim
post | Ran Tsukiha from kawaii interacted with her boyfriend Chashuu on her official Twitter acoount. Connection to boyfriend through her PL Belphie (@belphie_vt)
post | Chasuu purged kawaii related things and they are no longer following each other
post | EIEN's new gen is teasing, loli seems to be a frog. Not French, an actual frog
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▷ HLO | Rrat - Iofi has a massive gallery of AI-made images, and AI-hate from her is a projection
post | About her accidentaly showing her browser with a Mega link to a stolen e-books page, artbooks
post | Zeta's 3D Showcase
post | About Wonder Pop agency and their CEO Joshua
post | Apparently they were active on Twitter before the announcement, nuked it all. Screenshots of some Discord updates
post | Screenshots from their About page. Also Canadian company and other Discord screenshots, audition promo trailer
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Ᵽ PHC | Question - Why doesn't Iori do more collabs with the English side of Phase?
post | Shiina is back from her tropical adventure
post | Discussion on her changing content and losing some fans
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◷ NIJ | Sayu vented about Niji, claims that Finana and Kotoka are backstabbers. A lot of discussion follows
post | More info about them and other livers
post | Sayu addressed some other points, including paying her ex husband monthly. Alimony discussion follows
post | The /vt/ post in question
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Ᵽ PHC | Shiina offers support
post | Reminder - Pippa offers support to Shirara
post | Clip - An hour from Sayu's stream by Scoots. Also a summary of the talk
post | Clip - 5 minutes 31 seconds
post | Clip - Kotoka says she is not in contact with Zaion. Also she has spoken positevly about Zaion publicly
post | Timestamp - talked very positively about Zaion in one of her Potion Craft stream
post | Archive - Sayu VOD
post | Limkin predicts a massive shitshow at the end of the year, when Lazulight and Obsydia contracts would run out
post | Speculation on possible 3D event of Luxiem and Noctyx based on their travel to Japan. Question - When are Lazulight, Obsydia, and Ethyria going to record their parts?
☆ HST | Also StarsEN are getting height updates, potential 3D incoming?
post | About Bilibili virtual zone's paid audience being smaller than number of vtubers. Also due to several bad decisions by Bilibili, creators' video revenue has dropped by nearly 90% in 2023
post | Archive (mega) - girl_dm_ - SINGIN BEFORE BREAK [unarchived karaoke]
post | Trexie Saurus learns Warhammer 40K lore, reacting to Bricky's video
post | Opera's schedule, collab with Mozu among others. Also Tsukumo Sana reference
post | Couple more Loli God Requiem covers, Runa Kohaku, Merun (video not available), Radiyu