I'm just coming out of a bad episode myself. Fellas, I can't believe my Meniere's synced up with Kanata's. This is the closest any male will ever get to her.
From my experience though, there are times when my right ear temporarily just stops working, whether it's muffled hearing or complete loss. Then it'll come back at random. This can last for minutes, hours or days. The dizzy spells are the worst part and usually go for an hour. Seriously bad episodes can last hours, sometimes even the whole day and always make me wanna hang myself. Even after they end, I still need extra time just to recover and get my sense of balance. My tinnitus is permanent and my right ear will lose all hearing within the next 10 years or so. Likely sooner because I'm bad at listening to my doctor.
BUT overall, my day-to-day isn't affected and I still function mostly regular outside of these episodes. Obviously I'm not a world-class singer and Kanata definitely relies on her hearing more than me, but still. Meniere's can vary a ton from person to person and we're likely having pretty different experiences (though
she did do a procedure I had to do a few years ago), but I have some confidence that she won't lose her hearing before she quits Holo. If anything, she's been going great this year with multiple cover releases and her first album release. As long as she continues being cautious and taking care of herself, I have faith that career will keep going strong for a while. Maybe that's a form of cope. I know seeing her retire early due to the same condition that fucks with me would be far too depressing.
But still, I believe