still looking into the valkyrie connect collab and apparently the girls get actual prizes from the staff based on the points that people will generate throughout the event.
pledge 1 is places that they would want to go with a goal of 1 million(?)i cant read numbers. when the pledge goals are met the girls would confirm their destination of choice.
mikochi wants to go to okinawa
miosha on kyoto
wamy wants to go to okinawa or hokkaido
and koyori wants to go to america
pledge 2 consists of stuff that would make the members happy based on their own choice.
miko wants a high quality humidifier
miosha wants a crystal bowl????
wamy wants a fancy beverage set and koyori wants a chance to collaborate with a game as a voice actor just like laplus did i assume.
pledge 3 is the game staff giving them presents chosen by the others.
mikochi wants:
a portable video game home console from mio
a fluffy white loungewear from wamy
and a voucher for a 1 year supply of cheeseburgers from koyori

miosha wants:
a high quality pressure cooker from mikochi
a high quality shower head from wamy
and a stone of her choice from koyori????????????
wamy wants:
a mochi ice cream cushion from mikochi
a head massager from mio
and of course a traditional beverage of koyoris choice from koyori which i assume would be sake or anything close to that
then lastly for koyori she wants:
a fancy mayonaise set from miko
eye massager from mio
and a fluffy pink loungewear from wamy
then pledge 4 is just in game currency which i doubt anyone would care about except for the mentally ill playing the game currently.
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as im writing this the EN side has 5 million(?) points i just dont know the JP side of things as this runs for around two weeks