"Am I screaming outside of my head?"Nanashi Mumei

General Thread v2: Enhanced Segregation Techniques!

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Stunned But Dumb

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Ole Murray noticed that our friend Evanito shared a teaser that has a segment that shows Sachiowo's face then splashes Amelia Watsons model with a circle and arrow pointing to it. Like sure yes "everyone" "knows" but this dude must be the biggest fuck up in the whole sphere


Huh... Yeaaahh... So, I used to be quite the big fan of Shizzy/Suicide Sixx/Suicune Sixx back in the day. Mostly for his music and his vids with Shofu and PokeaimMD, two well regarded Pokemon Tubers (though the former kind of became a variety streamer. Shizzy did as well and I really never was into live streams so I stopped watching him. Still liked his music whenever he would rarely release something.When he became a vtuber I checked him out because... well why not? However, I just didn't like his model's art style and him alone just never has the dynamic as him with the group.

Part of it was that this was a time when most people on youtube were edgier and more offensive and he along with some others in the group were... really nuts. Good times. I used to be a fan, and while I don't hate him, I'm not surprised to see his vtubing career be sort of twitch-ish? Twitchified? Twitch culture-y? I don't know.

I really doubt anyone will give his lists of critiques a fair shake and I've got time and a half right now, so I'll give it a shot. I'll bullet point each section... should I give my own opinions on each one? Eh

Most quotes will be paraphrased for brevity, my own thoughts in parenthesis

- The clip you see under evan's tweet starts the vid
- I'm not the end all be all, you can do what you want, say what you want, and be what you want.
- I'm making fun of you because I've been here for three years and y'all are some of the biggest bozos I've experienced in my life
- "You'll probably call me something racist after this," he shows Miko's original GTA Yamanba~ "but I don't care"
- You're going to feel something anger or you're going to get a laugh, but you'll feel something because you know I'm right

- Like the rest of the internet, only 4% of you are actually funny
- You see someone else do something actually funny then you repeat it until it's run into the ground
- You took a bunch of slang and made it way worse than it already was
- He shows a clip of him (in a much better design, wow) reacting to Takahata's Gyatt clip where he incorrectly guesses what it means
- Shows a pink dude vtuber saying on god no cap
- Loud doesn't always mean funny, only sometimes
- Why are you, a 42 year old white man from alabama talking like a 8 year old japanese girl?

- Why is everyone a demon overlord from Hell? How many departments does Hell have? Who's hiring y'all? Ironmouse? She's got bread to be hiring all of you, there's like 12 million of you all
- Has a little side not saying he loves Iron and is sending his application in 15 minutes (joke...)

- Why do you have the same personalities?
- I understand appealing to a certain audience you're trying to reach, but you're horny all the time
- You have nothing going on besides sexy asmr?
- Shows a tiger vtuber dude with a deep voice I don't know doing the deep voice moan
- Does the same as a joke/example (sounds like unbritish Vox, I don't like that)
- Everyone who sounds like that has models that look like twinks
- Interrupted by Lil Gummi a (much better looking) model of his saying that some people just sound like that and thats just how it is
- People who fake the deep voice need to stop and so do the high pitched uwu voice people
- For the women doing the uwu voice, did you know 80% of the dudes watching you want to bang your model? You're doing softcore loli tease porn (I'm very sure most of them know... thats why they do it)
- It's going to be mad funny if Vtube studio one day messes up and shows everyone what people look like behind their models for real (So, 1. Pretty sure this is impossible with how vtube studio works nowadays? 2. Most people that would care about that already know what the person behind the model looks like and don't care or would've left already. That one japanese guy who is the classic definition of getting caught streaming as a loli vtuber still has plenty of his old fans from then last time I checked. If he's fine, most others are. 3. Just kind of bad all around all around honestly. People have a good reason to want to enjoy their privacy even as an entertainer and just because Shizzy has his face out there (he has another channel and doesn't care) it doesn't mean everyone should.)
- You're not special "I am, I'm black, but don't say anything racist. You don't care about that though because-"

- (Ah here's what the focus may be, though it's shorter segment than I expected)
- You're racist, but why? It's crazy.
- Using lighter skinned models to avoid getting racist comments is crazy to me
- I understand doing what you have to do to make money and feel comfortable, but the fact that you have to is madness. Couldn't be me.
- Why do you get vtuber models and then suddenly are Japanese with a generic japanese model and name?
- I know why, it's because a lot of people are racist... next point

- Why are you so selective with your anger. You're quick to call someone out for doing something bad, but if your favorite does you'll ignore it.
- Brings up how everyone made fun of the Korean(?) vtuber who was made fun of at a concert when his eyes were shown off but if your favorite were to call him a *list of slurs* you'll laugh and sweep it under the rug. (Funny thing, Kenji, the monkey boy vtuber from this wonderful drama made fun of that guy too. His artist mama called him out over it even. That's not relevant right now but will be. Also I just want to remind people that the drama with that concert singer included a ton of misinformation about how expensive it was when it was free)
- "You make all these anti-black jokes," He shows the George Floyd Filian clip (I still think people losing their heads over the tamest joke I've efer seen about Floyd being ridiculous. He adds a note saying, "I hope you shit yourself etc..." which is ironic considering...)
- He then shows the Enna Kyo clip where she talks about the fried chicken... You know the one.
- He says you can't tell him you don't know what you're saying when the joke is that specific. You're wack, you're quick to forgive when you aren't the person offended in the first place (I am now taking back what I said about the previous section being small since I realize now that this section is basically an extention of the last one. He talks about the joke being too specific and hand crafted to be racist, but that imo would mean it would have to be subtle. Saying "A black person likes fried chicken" is the most ancient and generic racial insult for a black person I can think of. I think on some level if someone says something like this online and you're still hung up on it, it's a bit sensitive. A bit more than a bit sensitive, honestly.)
- He brings up the fact that Enna's fans defended her by saying she's Canadian and doesn't know how offensive what she said could be, while he exclaims "They don't got black people in Canada!?" before showing a picture of Justin Trudeu. (Black people exist in Canada but to think that Black people in Canada and America carry the exact same culture, views, ideas, and deal with the same type of racism is really a narrow minded approach to the situation. I'd go as far as saying assuming Black people across different states in america are often culturally different but thats another discussion. Maybe outside of the N word specifically because how culturally persistant it is throughout hollywood movies that have international appeal, I don't think you should just expect every person across every country to know every racially insensitive thing about every one from every other country. It's just not feasible.)
- The reason they will keep getting away with this is because you don't check your favorites. Otherwise they'll apologize or leave, preferably the second one. (Another long parenthesis part. Enna did apologize and left for a while after. It's argued or assumed that she might have been stealth suspended even though she said she wasn't and choce to take time away to reflect on her words. I think using Enna for this example was the weakest thing he could've possibly done and adds to my assumption that his content is "twitch-ish" and very far away from an entire half of vtubing, which is fine if he wants to be, but commenting on the surface level aspects of drama that occured last year is ignorant. Using not just any Nijisanji but ENNA ALOUETTE ASSUMED CLIQUE MEMBER AND BULLY as a person who is not held accountable for her actions as an example, especially when that example was a year ago, makes me feel like I shouldn't give weight to the things he says about whats on the other side of the river. I've forgotten more about this situation than he knows.
- It's understandable as to why you won't do it because you don't like black people and your favorite loli vtuber will never bang you

- Stop using your own mental illness as a crutch to bandaid your bs and get people to stop giving you the backlash you deserve for being a moron.
- It's undiagnosed because they don't actually have a problem, but they are uninteresting and need something to talk about and put the blame on
- What's CDBS? Clout Deprived Bozo Syndrome. You wake up everyday ready to suck dick and be a socially inept cornball
- Shows a vtuber I don't know who apparently made an excuse about being tired from a long day of work as to the reason he refused clients commissions when in actuality it was because the client is black (I have no clue who this is or what drama this was, so I can't even begin to guess what may or may not have happened here. There's a reason I'm suspicious as to the full reason, however.)
- I understand being a fan, but you do more harm than good when you don't hold people accountable
- You're letting people grow without letting them grow and thats why they're 35 and don't know how to act
- The fact that you're not honest with them is why they'll make trash music, because you never tell them what they can improve on or when what they make is trash

- Why don't you make assets in different shades? (I admit I don't go on twitter and only see assets if someone posts them here or uses them on stream. I've seen artists offer assets of various different skin tones but I have also seen assets of only one tone. I think many of these are also rather easy to edit... am I mistaken? I sincerely don't know)

- Lil Gummi returns. Seeing people hang out and drawn together often doesn't mean they're banging.
- Streamers shouldn't get mad about people thinking they're sleeping with others when they're in these intimate and provocative fan arts when you paid to be in this art. (I think he's specifically talking about vtubers who commission sexy art, otherwise he'd be loony)
- Don't play dumb. getting sexualized art with someone will make someone think you're in a sexual situation with them so don't get mad that people say so. (I don't have anything to add, he just shows the Milhouse "Say the line bart" clip and follows with "You stupid dumb idiot bitch" and that just makes me think of a certain not-so-lurker Lurker)

- Do better (eyeroll)
- It's ok to support, but it's also ok to critique
- Blindly supporting is why a lot of people are not good streamers and you're receiving mid content
- Also get your parasocial relationships in check

- Don't think that you're close to a vtuber just because you spend all your time watching them. We're not cool like that.
- Don't call me by my government name, don't try and slide into my friend groups to get to know me by proxy.
- If we're business collabing thats cool, but it doesn't mean we're best friends. (You know... fair, very fair. Man what a negative way to look at collabs however.)

- Lil Gummi
- You need to start moderating vtuber collabs, there's like 700 of you in one discord call playing crab game or fall guys and you can't hear anything. (Makes me think of that giant Fall Guys collab from a couple months ago that had dozens of players (some quite well known) and not a thing could be understood)
- It's overstimulating and ridiculous, there's no way you're managing your conversations and enjoying each others company
- Lil gummi leaves
- Don't conjure up a relationship with someone during a collab to make it seem like you're best friends when you aren't (I wanted to comment on this too but one thing he said reminded me of Scarle and Aster... I'm sure there are more situations like that, I just don't see them and can't judge properly. Eh)

- Stop using your streamer as a therapist unless they have explicitly opened the door for you to do so (I'd go further and say you shouldn't use a streamer as a therapist period. Its not fair to the streamer, it's not fair tot he audience, and the fact that they are behind a computer screen and receiving superchats doesn't make them any more knowledgeable about the world and your specific situation. It's a terrible idea at all angles. Small tips and advice can be fine, even if a bit personal but people really need to stop publicly trauma dumping on streamers.)
- If you say "you're having a bad day" and the streamer says "Whats wrong I'm here for you," then sure bust the door wide open. (I mean again in a small scale, but I just don't think this is an interaction that should happen.
- IN some cases PM them because some people are cool with that (See above, but this is at least way better than doing this in public and putting someone on the spot live)

- Streamers, just because you are not in the mood or uninterested in the mental well being of someone, thats no reason to be a dick about it
- Screen Shotting their issues and posting it saying "I'm not your therapist go get help" is not the way (I remember when something like this happened a few months ago, does this happen often? I also remember an argument over if it was right or not, and yeah I think airing mentally unwell people out like that is wrong too)
- You're an asshole exploiting someone else's issues for clout
- Stop bringing up what other people are doing in other streamers streams

- Here he shills three vtubers. Momo Uzu and OverEzEggs (I did not watch any of these, I don't know them or what they're like but he gives them each a glowing review in general vibes. I had to search them up, he didn't link them or even give their full names, which can make people annoying to find.0
- I'm all for animal type vtubers, but why are grown men DMing me to tell me they're massaging their scales because they're a lizard princess?
- Please break character when in DMs
- Being in character is fine, but all the time is obnoxious
- Why are there so many cats?!
- He shills Rosedoodle and Fleshy here saying he's cool with some cats, but there's like 50 million of you. Do another animal (Fleshy is an artist, does my collection ever grow?)

- Not everything needs a twitlonger
- I understand if someone is a horrible person or did some horrible stuff but hopping on twitter because someone did something miniscule like saying they don't like your design is pussy behavior
- It's not that deep. You're on the internet, someone will always have something to say. If you truly don't want to be bothered, hit block and keep it moving
- Or get off the internet
- Stop jumping into situations you don't actually care about for clout
- No one cares, they just like drama
- Most of you are quick to hope on a wave of negativity to farm points and get on a moral high ground you don't belong on because you don't actually care, you're just boring and you have nothing to talk about except for others even if its of no relvance to you
- I get calling out racism, pedos, and scammers but you don't have to chime in every situation, you dont care that much

So if you think I'm a bully, here's 4 things you can do:
1. Suck my dick, I am bullying because you suck as people
2. Find a better pair of shoes to wear since these fit you so well you clearly can't handle it
3. Stop being pussy
4. Make better music, I rap better and here's a bonus
5. Do better as people
- Here he shills more people such as Kenji, Heavenly Father Eymbee Spite Chibidoki Anniepants02 (Told you it'd come back later...Talk about Selective. Also, I quite like Heavenly Father and Chibi and may look at Eymbee later)
-I actually do think some of you are great and I know many of you will go to the comments and twitter and call me *insert slurs here* and other stuff, but do what you have to do. I'm not pussy. Come.

- Stop being Phobic. Stop being homophobic. Stop being transphobic. I don't care if its private or public, its wrong. Stop
- "Stop playing with people's lives for fun." Here he brings up The Kenji situation talks about how Dove got canceled for doxxing Kenji. Digging around for personal information on others is wrong and people die over it.
- People don't understand the weight of the word Abuser since it's a buzzword, so they will just throw it around
- If you're cool with people that do that you're a bozo. DOn't chill in private with someone like that, but when things go awry send fake love to benefit your agenda while you abandon those you were talking with
- Not only are you a rat for talking shit behind others backs, but you're a snake for turning your back on that hate group
- Stop writing everything off as a mistake and a learning experience.
- You choose to dox people and you're lame
Video end

You know I wanted to say a bunch about the Dove and Kenji part at the end, and I know shizzy was one of the people called up during the Kenji stream, but there's a lot I don't know and I don't want to speak out of ignorance so I just won't. How is Dove anyway? Kenji's fine, I'm sure Dove's boyfriend is fine. Last I heard Dove is homeless... Am I mistaken? I started regretting goign for this halfway through but sunk cost fallacy and all. I wanted to give what he said a fair chance as I truly enjoyed him from back in the day and wished to give him the benefit of the doubt but I feel like it's mostly obvious surface level takes, contradictory stuff, or something ignorant of the industry as a whole. I don't know if I'd say it was a waste of time, but it was a waste of mine. Hmm... I should attach a nice clip or stream to the end of this post so its not a total waste of space, but I don't want to associate something positive with this. Oh well, everyone makes a bad post here and there. Have a good day all

Edit: I'm an idiot who did not format this well.
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Previously known as Tatsunoko
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Huh... Yeaaahh... So, I used to be quite the big fan of Shizzy/Suicide Sixx/Suicune Sixx back in the day. Mostly for his music and his vids with Shofu and PokeaimMD, two well regarded Pokemon Tubers (though the former kind of became a variety streamer. Shizzy did as well and I really never was into live streams so I stopped watching him. Still liked his music whenever he would rarely release something.When he became a vtuber I checked him out because... well why not? However, I just didn't like his model's art style and him alone just never has the dynamic as him with the group.

Part of it was that this was a time when most people on youtube were edgier and more offensive and he along with some others in the group were... really nuts. Good times. I used to be a fan, and while I don't hate him, I'm not surprised to see his vtubing career be sort of twitch-ish? Twitchified? Twitch culture-y? I don't know.

I really doubt anyone will give his lists of critiques a fair shake and I've got time and a half right now, so I'll give it a shot. I'll bullet point each section... should I give my own opinions on each one? Eh

Most quotes will be paraphrased for brevity, my own thoughts in parenthesis

- The clip you see under evan's tweet starts the vid
- I'm not the end all be all, you can do what you want, say what you want, and be what you want.
- I'm making fun of you because I've been here for three years and y'all are some of the biggest bozos I've experienced in my life
- "You'll probably call me something racist after this," he shows Miko's original GTA Yamanba~ "but I don't care"
- You're going to feel something anger or you're going to get a laugh, but you'll feel something because you know I'm right

- Like the rest of the internet, only 4% of you are actually funny
- You see someone else do something actually funny then you repeat it until it's run into the ground
- You took a bunch of slang and made it way worse than it already was
- He shows a clip of him (in a much better design, wow) reacting to Takahata's Gyatt clip where he incorrectly guesses what it means
- Shows a pink dude vtuber saying on god no cap
- Loud doesn't always mean funny, only sometimes
- Why are you, a 42 year old white man from alabama talking like a 8 year old japanese girl?

- Why is everyone a demon overlord from Hell? How many departments does Hell have? Who's hiring y'all? Ironmouse? She's got bread to be hiring all of you, there's like 12 million of you all
- Has a little side not saying he loves Iron and is sending his application in 15 minutes (joke...)

- Why do you have the same personalities?
- I understand appealing to a certain audience you're trying to reach, but you're horny all the time
- You have nothing going on besides sexy asmr?
- Shows a tiger vtuber dude with a deep voice I don't know doing the deep voice moan
- Does the same as a joke/example (sounds like unbritish Vox, I don't like that)
- Everyone who sounds like that has models that look like twinks
- Interrupted by Lil Gummi a (much better looking) model of his saying that some people just sound like that and thats just how it is
- People who fake the deep voice need to stop and so do the high pitched uwu voice people
- For the women doing the uwu voice, did you know 80% of the dudes watching you want to bang your model? You're doing softcore loli tease porn (I'm very sure most of them know... thats why they do it)
- It's going to be mad funny if Vtube studio one day messes up and shows everyone what people look like behind their models for real (So, 1. Pretty sure this is impossible with how vtube studio works nowadays? 2. Most people that would care about that already know what the person behind the model looks like and don't care or would've left already. That one japanese guy who is the classic definition of getting caught streaming as a loli vtuber still has plenty of his old fans from then last time I checked. If he's fine, most others are. 3. Just kind of bad all around all around honestly. People have a good reason to want to enjoy their privacy even as an entertainer and just because Shizzy has his face out there (he has another channel and doesn't care) it doesn't mean everyone should.)
- You're not special "I am, I'm black, but don't say anything racist. You don't care about that though because-"

- (Ah here's what the focus may be, though it's shorter segment than I expected)
- You're racist, but why? It's crazy.
- Using lighter skinned models to avoid getting racist comments is crazy to me
- I understand doing what you have to do to make money and feel comfortable, but the fact that you have to is madness. Couldn't be me.
- Why do you get vtuber models and then suddenly are Japanese with a generic japanese model and name?
- I know why, it's because a lot of people are racist... next point

- Why are you so selective with your anger. You're quick to call someone out for doing something bad, but if your favorite does you'll ignore it.
- Brings up how everyone made fun of the Korean(?) vtuber who was made fun of at a concert when his eyes were shown off but if your favorite were to call him a *list of slurs* you'll laugh and sweep it under the rug. (Funny thing, Kenji, the monkey boy vtuber from this wonderful drama made fun of that guy too. His artist mama called him out over it even. That's not relevant right now but will be. Also I just want to remind people that the drama with that concert singer included a ton of misinformation about how expensive it was when it was free)
- "You make all these anti-black jokes," He shows the George Floyd Filian clip (I still think people losing their heads over the tamest joke I've efer seen about Floyd being ridiculous. He adds a note saying, "I hope you shit yourself etc..." which is ironic considering...)
- He then shows the Enna Kyo clip where she talks about the fried chicken... You know the one.
- He says you can't tell him you don't know what you're saying when the joke is that specific. You're wack, you're quick to forgive when you aren't the person offended in the first place (I am now taking back what I said about the previous section being small since I realize now that this section is basically an extention of the last one. He talks about the joke being too specific and hand crafted to be racist, but that imo would mean it would have to be subtle. Saying "A black person likes fried chicken" is the most ancient and generic racial insult for a black person I can think of. I think on some level if someone says something like this online and you're still hung up on it, it's a bit sensitive. A bit more than a bit sensitive, honestly.)
- He brings up the fact that Enna's fans defended her by saying she's Canadian and doesn't know how offensive what she said could be, while he exclaims "They don't got black people in Canada!?" before showing a picture of Justin Trudeu. (Black people exist in Canada but to think that Black people in Canada and America carry the exact same culture, views, ideas, and deal with the same type of racism is really a narrow minded approach to the situation. I'd go as far as saying assuming Black people across different states in america are often culturally different but thats another discussion. Maybe outside of the N word specifically because how culturally persistant it is throughout hollywood movies that have international appeal, I don't think you should just expect every person across every country to know every racially insensitive thing about every one from every other country. It's just not feasible.)
- The reason they will keep getting away with this is because you don't check your favorites. Otherwise they'll apologize or leave, preferably the second one. (Another long parenthesis part. Enna did apologize and left for a while after. It's argued or assumed that she might have been stealth suspended even though she said she wasn't and choce to take time away to reflect on her words. I think using Enna for this example was the weakest thing he could've possibly done and adds to my assumption that his content is "twitch-ish" and very far away from an entire half of vtubing, which is fine if he wants to be, but commenting on the surface level aspects of drama that occured last year is ignorant. Using not just any Nijisanji but ENNA ALOUETTE ASSUMED CLIQUE MEMBER AND BULLY as a person who is not held accountable for her actions as an example, especially when that example was a year ago, makes me feel like I shouldn't give weight to the things he says about whats on the other side of the river. I've forgotten more about this situation than he knows.
- It's understandable as to why you won't do it because you don't like black people and your favorite loli vtuber will never bang you

- Stop using your own mental illness as a crutch to bandaid your bs and get people to stop giving you the backlash you deserve for being a moron.
- It's undiagnosed because they don't actually have a problem, but they are uninteresting and need something to talk about and put the blame on
- What's CDBS? Clout Deprived Bozo Syndrome. You wake up everyday ready to suck dick and be a socially inept cornball
- Shows a vtuber I don't know who apparently made an excuse about being tired from a long day of work as to the reason he refused clients commissions when in actuality it was because the client is black (I have no clue who this is or what drama this was, so I can't even begin to guess what may or may not have happened here. There's a reason I'm suspicious as to the full reason, however.)
- I understand being a fan, but you do more harm than good when you don't hold people accountable
- You're letting people grow without letting them grow and thats why they're 35 and don't know how to act
- The fact that you're not honest with them is why they'll make trash music, because you never tell them what they can improve on or when what they make is trash

- Why don't you make assets in different shades? (I admit I don't go on twitter and only see assets if someone posts them here or uses them on stream. I've seen artists offer assets of various different skin tones but I have also seen assets of only one tone. I think many of these are also rather easy to edit... am I mistaken? I sincerely don't know)

- Lil Gummi returns. Seeing people hang out and drawn together often doesn't mean they're banging.
- Streamers shouldn't get mad about people thinking they're sleeping with others when they're in these intimate and provocative fan arts when you paid to be in this art. (I think he's specifically talking about vtubers who commission sexy art, otherwise he'd be loony)
- Don't play dumb. getting sexualized art with someone will make someone think you're in a sexual situation with them so don't get mad that people say so. (I don't have anything to add, he just shows the Milhouse "Say the line bart" clip and follows with "You stupid dumb idiot bitch" and that just makes me think of a certain not-so-lurker Lurker)

- Do better (eyeroll)
- It's ok to support, but it's also ok to critique
- Blindly supporting is why a lot of people are not good streamers and you're receiving mid content
- Also get your parasocial relationships in check

- Don't think that you're close to a vtuber just because you spend all your time watching them. We're not cool like that.
- Don't call me by my government name, don't try and slide into my friend groups to get to know me by proxy.
- If we're business collabing thats cool, but it doesn't mean we're best friends. (You know... fair, very fair. Man what a negative way to look at collabs however.)

- Lil Gummi
- You need to start moderating vtuber collabs, there's like 700 of you in one discord call playing crab game or fall guys and you can't hear anything. (Makes me think of that giant Fall Guys collab from a couple months ago that had dozens of players (some quite well known) and not a thing could be understood)
- It's overstimulating and ridiculous, there's no way you're managing your conversations and enjoying each others company
- Lil gummi leaves
- Don't conjure up a relationship with someone during a collab to make it seem like you're best friends when you aren't (I wanted to comment on this too but one thing he said reminded me of Scarle and Aster... I'm sure there are more situations like that, I just don't see them and can't judge properly. Eh)

- Stop using your streamer as a therapist unless they have explicitly opened the door for you to do so (I'd go further and say you shouldn't use a streamer as a therapist period. Its not fair to the streamer, it's not fair tot he audience, and the fact that they are behind a computer screen and receiving superchats doesn't make them any more knowledgeable about the world and your specific situation. It's a terrible idea at all angles. Small tips and advice can be fine, even if a bit personal but people really need to stop publicly trauma dumping on streamers.)
- If you say "you're having a bad day" and the streamer says "Whats wrong I'm here for you," then sure bust the door wide open. (I mean again in a small scale, but I just don't think this is an interaction that should happen.
- IN some cases PM them because some people are cool with that (See above, but this is at least way better than doing this in public and putting someone on the spot live)

- Streamers, just because you are not in the mood or uninterested in the mental well being of someone, thats no reason to be a dick about it
- Screen Shotting their issues and posting it saying "I'm not your therapist go get help" is not the way (I remember when something like this happened a few months ago, does this happen often? I also remember an argument over if it was right or not, and yeah I think airing mentally unwell people out like that is wrong too)
- You're an asshole exploiting someone else's issues for clout
- Stop bringing up what other people are doing in other streamers streams

- Here he shills three vtubers. Momo Uzu and OverEzEggs (I did not watch any of these, I don't know them or what they're like but he gives them each a glowing review in general vibes. I had to search them up, he didn't link them or even give their full names, which can make people annoying to find.0
- I'm all for animal type vtubers, but why are grown men DMing me to tell me they're massaging their scales because they're a lizard princess?
- Please break character when in DMs
- Being in character is fine, but all the time is obnoxious
- Why are there so many cats?!
- He shills Rosedoodle and Fleshy here saying he's cool with some cats, but there's like 50 million of you. Do another animal (Fleshy is an artist, does my collection ever grow?)

- Not everything needs a twitlonger
- I understand if someone is a horrible person or did some horrible stuff but hopping on twitter because someone did something miniscule like saying they don't like your design is pussy behavior
- It's not that deep. You're on the internet, someone will always have something to say. If you truly don't want to be bothered, hit block and keep it moving
- Or get off the internet
- Stop jumping into situations you don't actually care about for clout
- No one cares, they just like drama
- Most of you are quick to hope on a wave of negativity to farm points and get on a moral high ground you don't belong on because you don't actually care, you're just boring and you have nothing to talk about except for others even if its of no relvance to you
- I get calling out racism, pedos, and scammers but you don't have to chime in every situation, you dont care that much

So if you think I'm a bully, here's 4 things you can do:
1. Suck my dick, I am bullying because you suck as people
2. Find a better pair of shoes to wear since these fit you so well you clearly can't handle it
3. Stop being pussy
4. Make better music, I rap better and here's a bonus
5. Do better as people
- Here he shills more people such as Kenji, Heavenly Father Eymbee Spite Chibidoki Anniepants02 (Told you it'd come back later...Talk about Selective. Also, I quite like Heavenly Father and Chibi and may look at Eymbee later)
-I actually do think some of you are great and I know many of you will go to the comments and twitter and call me *insert slurs here* and other stuff, but do what you have to do. I'm not pussy. Come.

- Stop being Phobic. Stop being homophobic. Stop being transphobic. I don't care if its private or public, its wrong. Stop
- "Stop playing with people's lives for fun." Here he brings up The Kenji situation talks about how Dove got canceled for doxxing Kenji. Digging around for personal information on others is wrong and people die over it.
- People don't understand the weight of the word Abuser since it's a buzzword, so they will just throw it around
- If you're cool with people that do that you're a bozo. DOn't chill in private with someone like that, but when things go awry send fake love to benefit your agenda while you abandon those you were talking with
- Not only are you a rat for talking shit behind others backs, but you're a snake for turning your back on that hate group
- Stop writing everything off as a mistake and a learning experience.
- You choose to dox people and you're lame
Video end

You know I wanted to say a bunch about the Dove and Kenji part at the end, and I know shizzy was one of the people called up during the Kenji stream, but there's a lot I don't know and I don't want to speak out of ignorance so I just won't. How is Dove anyway? Kenji's fine, I'm sure Dove's boyfriend is fine. Last I heard Dove is homeless... Am I mistaken? I started regretting goign for this halfway through but sunk cost fallacy and all. I wanted to give what he said a fair chance as I truly enjoyed him from back in the day and wished to give him the benefit of the doubt but I feel like it's mostly obvious surface level takes, contradictory stuff, or something ignorant of the industry as a whole. I don't know if I'd say it was a waste of time, but it was a waste of mine. Hmm... I should attach a nice clip or stream to the end of this post so its not a total waste of space, but I don't want to associate something positive with this. Oh well, everyone makes a bad post here and there. Have a good day all

Edit: I'm an idiot who did not format this well.

So basically.... What he says applies to every twitch streamer on the planet that's about it. The only vtuber specific thing is there are a lot of black vtuber using white model.

I do agree with some of his point but it is hard not too when you are generalizing characteristic from the entire twitch sphere, fleshstreamers included.

Basically old boomer yelling at the zoomer crowd vibe. When the obvious answer to most of his question is "money"/"because it sells".

Knowing flayon exists would probs trigger the shit out of this guy. Someone do it please :koronehappyl:

Bob from accounting

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Dude really made a whole ass video because Calliope Mori is a more popular rapper than he will ever be but didn't want to just make a strait callout video about her so he decided to just put that in at the last moment. Also she's likely better. Haters are getting clever at least.


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Dude really made a whole ass video because Calliope Mori is a more popular rapper than he will ever be but didn't want to just make a strait callout video about her so he decided to just put that in at the last moment. Also she's likely better. Haters are getting clever at least.
Inb4 Mori got another collab with a big name artist in Japan or another anime collab. And it's kinda curious that he posted this video when Mori is recovering from her knee surgery.

John Vtuber👁️

Sentient Eyeball, Primarch of Hag Pride Worldwide
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Pink Woman Supremacy reigns even when she's recovering from surgery, how can she keep getting away with it


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Lia’s schedule for the upcoming week updated on her YT community page.

Fashion collab with Mint Flayon and 2 more collabs (participants unspecified).
A second collab with Flayon? If a male streamer and a female streamer collab more than once, that means they're dating.

Sorry, I don't make the rules.

Big PiPi Energy

Man I Lemonlea F
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A second collab with Flayon? If a male streamer and a female streamer collab more than once, that means they're dating.

Sorry, I don't make the rules.
Not just a male streamer. A BLACK male streamer. It's so over Liacons....


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Saw this clip. Funny that shuba played super mario badly :dokiSmug:

A second collab with Flayon? If a male streamer and a female streamer collab more than once, that means they're dating.
I am sure Flayon will be the one getting pegged by Lia multiple times if they are dating. :dokiSmug:

Stunned But Dumb

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Kuroa is playing MAHVEL BABY with this furry I have never heard of

Here's his channel


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The Proctor

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Read the above, everyone in that fag's circle is a negative IQ subhuman, and the fact that (her words) SHE APOLOGIZED TO HIM when:
  • The inbred chimp started everything.
  • She did nothing to him at all, so she had no reason to apologize for.
will be the black mark on her forehead that spells "Retard" the rest of her life. She should have just laughed her ass off while he made even more of an assclown of himself.

You forget that Kenji is part of an explicitly protected class who shamelessly uses his race as a shield and weapon against his critics. Sayu did very well by herself against him; she never engaged or gave him ammunition, she just had Legal Mindset obliquely remind him that his ass could be in court for defamation and he instantly shut up and backed down. If she had engaged, you would right now be calling her an idiot and a fool for trying to fight a pointless war and destroying her online reputation by attempting to engage with a community that will scream 'RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACISM' at every person she ever interacts with again. Her reaction should be taken as a model for how you deal with these people online.

Superduper Samurai

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Huh... Yeaaahh... So, I used to be quite the big fan of Shizzy/Suicide Sixx/Suicune Sixx back in the day. Mostly for his music and his vids with Shofu and PokeaimMD, two well regarded Pokemon Tubers (though the former kind of became a variety streamer. Shizzy did as well and I really never was into live streams so I stopped watching him. Still liked his music whenever he would rarely release something.When he became a vtuber I checked him out because... well why not? However, I just didn't like his model's art style and him alone just never has the dynamic as him with the group.

Part of it was that this was a time when most people on youtube were edgier and more offensive and he along with some others in the group were... really nuts. Good times. I used to be a fan, and while I don't hate him, I'm not surprised to see his vtubing career be sort of twitch-ish? Twitchified? Twitch culture-y? I don't know.

I really doubt anyone will give his lists of critiques a fair shake and I've got time and a half right now, so I'll give it a shot. I'll bullet point each section... should I give my own opinions on each one? Eh

Most quotes will be paraphrased for brevity, my own thoughts in parenthesis

- The clip you see under evan's tweet starts the vid
- I'm not the end all be all, you can do what you want, say what you want, and be what you want.
- I'm making fun of you because I've been here for three years and y'all are some of the biggest bozos I've experienced in my life
- "You'll probably call me something racist after this," he shows Miko's original GTA Yamanba~ "but I don't care"
- You're going to feel something anger or you're going to get a laugh, but you'll feel something because you know I'm right

- Like the rest of the internet, only 4% of you are actually funny
- You see someone else do something actually funny then you repeat it until it's run into the ground
- You took a bunch of slang and made it way worse than it already was
- He shows a clip of him (in a much better design, wow) reacting to Takahata's Gyatt clip where he incorrectly guesses what it means
- Shows a pink dude vtuber saying on god no cap
- Loud doesn't always mean funny, only sometimes
- Why are you, a 42 year old white man from alabama talking like a 8 year old japanese girl?

- Why is everyone a demon overlord from Hell? How many departments does Hell have? Who's hiring y'all? Ironmouse? She's got bread to be hiring all of you, there's like 12 million of you all
- Has a little side not saying he loves Iron and is sending his application in 15 minutes (joke...)

- Why do you have the same personalities?
- I understand appealing to a certain audience you're trying to reach, but you're horny all the time
- You have nothing going on besides sexy asmr?
- Shows a tiger vtuber dude with a deep voice I don't know doing the deep voice moan
- Does the same as a joke/example (sounds like unbritish Vox, I don't like that)
- Everyone who sounds like that has models that look like twinks
- Interrupted by Lil Gummi a (much better looking) model of his saying that some people just sound like that and thats just how it is
- People who fake the deep voice need to stop and so do the high pitched uwu voice people
- For the women doing the uwu voice, did you know 80% of the dudes watching you want to bang your model? You're doing softcore loli tease porn (I'm very sure most of them know... thats why they do it)
- It's going to be mad funny if Vtube studio one day messes up and shows everyone what people look like behind their models for real (So, 1. Pretty sure this is impossible with how vtube studio works nowadays? 2. Most people that would care about that already know what the person behind the model looks like and don't care or would've left already. That one japanese guy who is the classic definition of getting caught streaming as a loli vtuber still has plenty of his old fans from then last time I checked. If he's fine, most others are. 3. Just kind of bad all around all around honestly. People have a good reason to want to enjoy their privacy even as an entertainer and just because Shizzy has his face out there (he has another channel and doesn't care) it doesn't mean everyone should.)
- You're not special "I am, I'm black, but don't say anything racist. You don't care about that though because-"

- (Ah here's what the focus may be, though it's shorter segment than I expected)
- You're racist, but why? It's crazy.
- Using lighter skinned models to avoid getting racist comments is crazy to me
- I understand doing what you have to do to make money and feel comfortable, but the fact that you have to is madness. Couldn't be me.
- Why do you get vtuber models and then suddenly are Japanese with a generic japanese model and name?
- I know why, it's because a lot of people are racist... next point

- Why are you so selective with your anger. You're quick to call someone out for doing something bad, but if your favorite does you'll ignore it.
- Brings up how everyone made fun of the Korean(?) vtuber who was made fun of at a concert when his eyes were shown off but if your favorite were to call him a *list of slurs* you'll laugh and sweep it under the rug. (Funny thing, Kenji, the monkey boy vtuber from this wonderful drama made fun of that guy too. His artist mama called him out over it even. That's not relevant right now but will be. Also I just want to remind people that the drama with that concert singer included a ton of misinformation about how expensive it was when it was free)
- "You make all these anti-black jokes," He shows the George Floyd Filian clip (I still think people losing their heads over the tamest joke I've efer seen about Floyd being ridiculous. He adds a note saying, "I hope you shit yourself etc..." which is ironic considering...)
- He then shows the Enna Kyo clip where she talks about the fried chicken... You know the one.
- He says you can't tell him you don't know what you're saying when the joke is that specific. You're wack, you're quick to forgive when you aren't the person offended in the first place (I am now taking back what I said about the previous section being small since I realize now that this section is basically an extention of the last one. He talks about the joke being too specific and hand crafted to be racist, but that imo would mean it would have to be subtle. Saying "A black person likes fried chicken" is the most ancient and generic racial insult for a black person I can think of. I think on some level if someone says something like this online and you're still hung up on it, it's a bit sensitive. A bit more than a bit sensitive, honestly.)
- He brings up the fact that Enna's fans defended her by saying she's Canadian and doesn't know how offensive what she said could be, while he exclaims "They don't got black people in Canada!?" before showing a picture of Justin Trudeu. (Black people exist in Canada but to think that Black people in Canada and America carry the exact same culture, views, ideas, and deal with the same type of racism is really a narrow minded approach to the situation. I'd go as far as saying assuming Black people across different states in america are often culturally different but thats another discussion. Maybe outside of the N word specifically because how culturally persistant it is throughout hollywood movies that have international appeal, I don't think you should just expect every person across every country to know every racially insensitive thing about every one from every other country. It's just not feasible.)
- The reason they will keep getting away with this is because you don't check your favorites. Otherwise they'll apologize or leave, preferably the second one. (Another long parenthesis part. Enna did apologize and left for a while after. It's argued or assumed that she might have been stealth suspended even though she said she wasn't and choce to take time away to reflect on her words. I think using Enna for this example was the weakest thing he could've possibly done and adds to my assumption that his content is "twitch-ish" and very far away from an entire half of vtubing, which is fine if he wants to be, but commenting on the surface level aspects of drama that occured last year is ignorant. Using not just any Nijisanji but ENNA ALOUETTE ASSUMED CLIQUE MEMBER AND BULLY as a person who is not held accountable for her actions as an example, especially when that example was a year ago, makes me feel like I shouldn't give weight to the things he says about whats on the other side of the river. I've forgotten more about this situation than he knows.
- It's understandable as to why you won't do it because you don't like black people and your favorite loli vtuber will never bang you

- Stop using your own mental illness as a crutch to bandaid your bs and get people to stop giving you the backlash you deserve for being a moron.
- It's undiagnosed because they don't actually have a problem, but they are uninteresting and need something to talk about and put the blame on
- What's CDBS? Clout Deprived Bozo Syndrome. You wake up everyday ready to suck dick and be a socially inept cornball
- Shows a vtuber I don't know who apparently made an excuse about being tired from a long day of work as to the reason he refused clients commissions when in actuality it was because the client is black (I have no clue who this is or what drama this was, so I can't even begin to guess what may or may not have happened here. There's a reason I'm suspicious as to the full reason, however.)
- I understand being a fan, but you do more harm than good when you don't hold people accountable
- You're letting people grow without letting them grow and thats why they're 35 and don't know how to act
- The fact that you're not honest with them is why they'll make trash music, because you never tell them what they can improve on or when what they make is trash

- Why don't you make assets in different shades? (I admit I don't go on twitter and only see assets if someone posts them here or uses them on stream. I've seen artists offer assets of various different skin tones but I have also seen assets of only one tone. I think many of these are also rather easy to edit... am I mistaken? I sincerely don't know)

- Lil Gummi returns. Seeing people hang out and drawn together often doesn't mean they're banging.
- Streamers shouldn't get mad about people thinking they're sleeping with others when they're in these intimate and provocative fan arts when you paid to be in this art. (I think he's specifically talking about vtubers who commission sexy art, otherwise he'd be loony)
- Don't play dumb. getting sexualized art with someone will make someone think you're in a sexual situation with them so don't get mad that people say so. (I don't have anything to add, he just shows the Milhouse "Say the line bart" clip and follows with "You stupid dumb idiot bitch" and that just makes me think of a certain not-so-lurker Lurker)

- Do better (eyeroll)
- It's ok to support, but it's also ok to critique
- Blindly supporting is why a lot of people are not good streamers and you're receiving mid content
- Also get your parasocial relationships in check

- Don't think that you're close to a vtuber just because you spend all your time watching them. We're not cool like that.
- Don't call me by my government name, don't try and slide into my friend groups to get to know me by proxy.
- If we're business collabing thats cool, but it doesn't mean we're best friends. (You know... fair, very fair. Man what a negative way to look at collabs however.)

- Lil Gummi
- You need to start moderating vtuber collabs, there's like 700 of you in one discord call playing crab game or fall guys and you can't hear anything. (Makes me think of that giant Fall Guys collab from a couple months ago that had dozens of players (some quite well known) and not a thing could be understood)
- It's overstimulating and ridiculous, there's no way you're managing your conversations and enjoying each others company
- Lil gummi leaves
- Don't conjure up a relationship with someone during a collab to make it seem like you're best friends when you aren't (I wanted to comment on this too but one thing he said reminded me of Scarle and Aster... I'm sure there are more situations like that, I just don't see them and can't judge properly. Eh)

- Stop using your streamer as a therapist unless they have explicitly opened the door for you to do so (I'd go further and say you shouldn't use a streamer as a therapist period. Its not fair to the streamer, it's not fair tot he audience, and the fact that they are behind a computer screen and receiving superchats doesn't make them any more knowledgeable about the world and your specific situation. It's a terrible idea at all angles. Small tips and advice can be fine, even if a bit personal but people really need to stop publicly trauma dumping on streamers.)
- If you say "you're having a bad day" and the streamer says "Whats wrong I'm here for you," then sure bust the door wide open. (I mean again in a small scale, but I just don't think this is an interaction that should happen.
- IN some cases PM them because some people are cool with that (See above, but this is at least way better than doing this in public and putting someone on the spot live)

- Streamers, just because you are not in the mood or uninterested in the mental well being of someone, thats no reason to be a dick about it
- Screen Shotting their issues and posting it saying "I'm not your therapist go get help" is not the way (I remember when something like this happened a few months ago, does this happen often? I also remember an argument over if it was right or not, and yeah I think airing mentally unwell people out like that is wrong too)
- You're an asshole exploiting someone else's issues for clout
- Stop bringing up what other people are doing in other streamers streams

- Here he shills three vtubers. Momo Uzu and OverEzEggs (I did not watch any of these, I don't know them or what they're like but he gives them each a glowing review in general vibes. I had to search them up, he didn't link them or even give their full names, which can make people annoying to find.0
- I'm all for animal type vtubers, but why are grown men DMing me to tell me they're massaging their scales because they're a lizard princess?
- Please break character when in DMs
- Being in character is fine, but all the time is obnoxious
- Why are there so many cats?!
- He shills Rosedoodle and Fleshy here saying he's cool with some cats, but there's like 50 million of you. Do another animal (Fleshy is an artist, does my collection ever grow?)

- Not everything needs a twitlonger
- I understand if someone is a horrible person or did some horrible stuff but hopping on twitter because someone did something miniscule like saying they don't like your design is pussy behavior
- It's not that deep. You're on the internet, someone will always have something to say. If you truly don't want to be bothered, hit block and keep it moving
- Or get off the internet
- Stop jumping into situations you don't actually care about for clout
- No one cares, they just like drama
- Most of you are quick to hope on a wave of negativity to farm points and get on a moral high ground you don't belong on because you don't actually care, you're just boring and you have nothing to talk about except for others even if its of no relvance to you
- I get calling out racism, pedos, and scammers but you don't have to chime in every situation, you dont care that much

So if you think I'm a bully, here's 4 things you can do:
1. Suck my dick, I am bullying because you suck as people
2. Find a better pair of shoes to wear since these fit you so well you clearly can't handle it
3. Stop being pussy
4. Make better music, I rap better and here's a bonus
5. Do better as people
- Here he shills more people such as Kenji, Heavenly Father Eymbee Spite Chibidoki Anniepants02 (Told you it'd come back later...Talk about Selective. Also, I quite like Heavenly Father and Chibi and may look at Eymbee later)
-I actually do think some of you are great and I know many of you will go to the comments and twitter and call me *insert slurs here* and other stuff, but do what you have to do. I'm not pussy. Come.

- Stop being Phobic. Stop being homophobic. Stop being transphobic. I don't care if its private or public, its wrong. Stop
- "Stop playing with people's lives for fun." Here he brings up The Kenji situation talks about how Dove got canceled for doxxing Kenji. Digging around for personal information on others is wrong and people die over it.
- People don't understand the weight of the word Abuser since it's a buzzword, so they will just throw it around
- If you're cool with people that do that you're a bozo. DOn't chill in private with someone like that, but when things go awry send fake love to benefit your agenda while you abandon those you were talking with
- Not only are you a rat for talking shit behind others backs, but you're a snake for turning your back on that hate group
- Stop writing everything off as a mistake and a learning experience.
- You choose to dox people and you're lame
Video end

You know I wanted to say a bunch about the Dove and Kenji part at the end, and I know shizzy was one of the people called up during the Kenji stream, but there's a lot I don't know and I don't want to speak out of ignorance so I just won't. How is Dove anyway? Kenji's fine, I'm sure Dove's boyfriend is fine. Last I heard Dove is homeless... Am I mistaken? I started regretting goign for this halfway through but sunk cost fallacy and all. I wanted to give what he said a fair chance as I truly enjoyed him from back in the day and wished to give him the benefit of the doubt but I feel like it's mostly obvious surface level takes, contradictory stuff, or something ignorant of the industry as a whole. I don't know if I'd say it was a waste of time, but it was a waste of mine. Hmm... I should attach a nice clip or stream to the end of this post so its not a total waste of space, but I don't want to associate something positive with this. Oh well, everyone makes a bad post here and there. Have a good day all

Edit: I'm an idiot who did not format this well.

So its just a seethe piece against all the vtuber/retarded streamer culture shit with a side of vtubing?
This feels like someone who wanted to call all streamers in general but decided to narrow it down to vtubers because the recent kenji drama gave black streamers "clout" and calling out all streamers would be fucking suicide because of the autistic fanbases
Or like, someone not noticing that all of modern twitch vtuber culture is just regular twitch culture with some of the aspects of vtubing (i.e playing a character) stitched on because thats all retards know
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Jerry graduation next, let's gooooooo


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Ember out here slandering Kaela I'm going to anti her now.


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