Is the plan of Fishman to sell Phase connect to nestle instead of Brave corp going to pay dividends? check out on our unbiased review not paid by canadians
Pico: oddly professional, doubt she was from Nijeria but probably a smaller one, she has voice actor training because like pros can tell you keeping a verbal gimmick is one of the hardest thing you have to master in the scene, weird fixation in Geology and a Idolfag, the MRI was hilarious but after Salome nothing surprises me anymore, little scuff here and there but we have seen worse 7/10, 3 points less for perfection because she is to pink for my tastes
Yuu: the anti Cover weapon of Fishman is just a improved Ao from ReGloss, perfected and refined, except the girlfailure part, that is not a flaw, is a feature, RPG specialist and for some reason Rimworld was on her presentation, she also hate Coke zero, sorry Josh it was not meant to be, she is the local FPS fag so expect her to somehow end on ShibuHAL or in any other tourney, she even put a gameplay compilation where she 360noscope people on OW2 using Hanzo, so now Hanzo main is not the insult it was supposed to be, Fishman for the love of the emperor of mankind, throw her on tourneys, send her to VCR, Phase really need that to connect with the JP scene
Final score:

Memory: Poor girl has to be deployed a day after her big sister was declared a

, for starters she got hit by the scuff, her audio was fucked, and her model was zoomed, she start singing but her model is so stiff it looks weird, she apparently is more of a improvement that last Rushiaface we got (Miguel v2), english is Lui tier but at least she try, love how she put Gender None, fishman how did you put a troon in there
final score: I M A G I N E
