Jesus the redditards in holosub are throwing the biggest fucking fit i have ever seen since the Coco drama, jannies shut the whole place down and anyone who has nice things to say about the homos in the general thread gets downvoted to hell, wtf?
I wonder how /vt/ is doing...

Edit: ok no reading /vt/ gives me a fucking headache
Essentially this but now they locked the subreddit because people were being morons and that only made them angrier because "
JANNIES ARE SHOVING THE MALES DOWN OUR THROATS, THEY ARE SILENCING OUR FREE SPEECH OF POSTING SHITTY MEMES! HOW DARE THEY TRY TO MAKE US LIKE MALES" also in the classical brand of reddit misinformation, a few autists start brewing rrats and then it just becomes fact, suddenly these people who spend all their fucking time in the sub forget that it gets locked whenever there is a lot of social unrest or new debuts to curb spam and reactionary posts