🎊Check out the new Kamioshi Shrine thread! Shill YOUR kamioshi here! Win prizes!🎊
April is just around the corner, and I'd like to use this time to remind users to donate in support of the site. I am looking into purchasing more add-ons to streamline and enhance user experience, and I am also going to hire another VPS for additional backup space and other important purposes in April.
In addition: I am looking for users who would be interested in becoming Orderlies for the new vtuber threads. Responsibilities would include highlighting and properly collating information in each thread, and also maintaining the announcement widgets for each thread. Knowledge of basic HTML and CSS (very easily learned) essential. DM me your interest.
Finally, I'm looking for anyone with intermediate to advanced HTML/CSS/PHP knowledge to continue work on the forum styles. I am willing to pay for this service, but if I do, I expect commitment and results within a reasonable timeframe. DM me any offers. Thank you.
husband and newborn in small apartment get sea parents visit,
COVID hit, they all have to stay locked in together for 1 year,
whole family breakdown because of helicopter parents, they force her to move to a larger apartment, buy furniture they don't need for their comfort
COVID end, parents go back, leaving her with debts that make her relocate somewhere else with cheaper rent
Also if Selen parents are controlling her career, she won't be able to leave niji unless she confront and leave them, but asian trait will never allow that (family before everything)
Another more comforting fears in a few hours, Kazama collab with her oshi
Did they check her whole history? Because that could easily be a phone vs PC thing. (Or even a new phone or app update, but that would be an awfully big coincidence on the timing).
Don't worry my guy, I already installed a remote-controlled explosive in the base of your neck that's set to blow your head the fuck off if you ever become too big of a nuisance. Don't ask me how or when I did it, those are trade secrets, let's just say that your friend Nenelove doesn't like alcohol and doesn't partake in mandated asylum ragers.
Hexa's setting up her stream as I write this, and is about to go live for Real 1 AM EST PC Building Hours (Training Arc), be sure to catch her at the drop:
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