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If you're interested in Mouse's "real" (ish) voice, she's singing in her deeper operatic register right now. Or trying to, at least, it hurts her to keep it up too long. Worth the watch anyways - Mouse is a great singer.
Youtube isnt her forte but damn she sings so good
Right now: "La Camisa Negra"
Its a shame she cant sing like this for long periods of time
She also just did an amazing rendition of this song
Its a Spanish Karaoke
Tbh Rooster Teeth was already gone to shit by the time Monty Oum joined. As a huge MO fan, RWBY wasnt ever good it's solo carried by Monty and so was the later seasons of RvB.
One criticism I'll never get about RWBY's change after Monty's death, is the ludicrous notion that "Monty would never have let bumblebee happen!" This is the guy that made Haloid where a female Spartan ends up sensually feeling up Samus. You can bet your ass Bumblebee was planned regardless if the execution was good.
He even actually hinted so in this interview from a V2 premiere after show.
Timestamp 49:20, When asked if any LGBT characters would be on the show, Monty says there may be already some on the show that they haven't explicitly revealed as LGBT. It is very likely he is referring to both Blake and Yang there
Say what you will about RWBY after Monty's passing plenty have but I think bumblebee is the one thing you can't say Monty would have opposed
Speaking of Monty
Late chunky Time
Airi shows off dead fantasy and blind reacts to Haloid she also showed off the red trailer, but I'm not getting raped by RoosterTeeth today to clip it you can see it in the archive in the description
I’m doing things a little bit differently this year. I’ve been watching a little bit from each of these talents on and off since May, so I have a much better picture of their content and how they are as entertainers. This way I actually know whether or not I enjoy the steamers that I am recommending and can say a bit more than “this is a streamer that uses a dinosaur themed avatar”. However, because I am more focused this year, I will be showcasing less dinotubers than last year. This is why I started a bit later in the month. At the end of the month, I’ll do a “where are they now” segment for some of the dinotubers from last year. Now on with the entries:
Trexie Saurus
Trexie Saurus is a Triceratops/Stegosaurus hybrid girl from inside the Hollow Earth. Why is she a Triceratops/Stegosaurus when she has T. rex in her name and her favorite dinosaur is Parasaurolophus? I don’t know, ask her parents. I’ve already touched on this, but she has a great model, definitely the best design I’ve seen among small indies. Of course, I say this acknowledging my own biases as horns, messy hair, spikes, and a tail are probably the quickest way to my heart (along with the big titty goth gf aesthetic, hair over one eye…). She designed her character herself, though she commissioned others to create the official model and do the rigging. I also really like the stream intro that plays right after loading screen. She is a Don Bluth fan girl and an animation major herself, so it’s little wonder where the idea of being a dinosaur girl came from. Actually, despite the fact that she doesn’t do too many dinosaur focused streams, I would say that she fits the dinotuber role well in another way. She is kind of a nostalgia streamer playing old, usually comedic, videogames like Conker’s Bad Fur Day, Grim Fandango, and Leisure Suit Larry. This is far from the only focus of her channel but retrogaming combined with her love of old animation (and a few tech issues here and there) fit well into a more metaphorical meaning of a “dinosaur” on the internet. She just needs to make some boomer rock covers, use original hardware, and do some old tech streams and the image would be complete (but then her name Amiya Aranha)(sidenote: as I was writing this I saw that Ami is doing her own DINOvember, confirming that we are on the same wavelength and that she would make an excellent dinotuber). Aside from retrogames, her chat is currently getting her into Warhammer 40k and she recently had a stream looking at both fan and official animations for the universe, which as an animation student she especially appreciated. She likes the Sisters of Battle, Orks, and I think the Tyrannids the best. Her sister, Mecha Saurus, recently became a vtuber as well and they are discussing a possible figure painting collab in the future, with Mecha painting either Necrons or Adeptus Mechanicus, as one might guess from her name. Interestingly, Trexie often says that her sister is more Triceratops than her and that they aren’t close with the Stegosaurus (paternal) side of their family but are apparently still close to their father. I don’t know if this implies that they are half-sisters, the children of divorced parents, mixed race, or if this is simply character lore. Trexie speaks French as her first language but her accent doesn’t sound especially French, more generically European. She also lives somewhere with Walmarts, so I’m not sure where she is from, maybe French Canadian or Cajun. When I first discovered her earlier this year she had around 90 subscribers and averaged 3-4 ccv, now she is a solid 2view with 2k subs. Next week she is doing a monetization celebration and the week after that her 1k celebration. I’m really glad that she is growing and doing well for herself. She may not be the loudest personality out there, but she is very good at keeping the conversation going and playing off her little chat without a moment of dead air. I’m excited to see where she goes in the future and will keep you guys posted on her celebration streams throughout the month. Please give her a watch if you’re into old quirky games, chat banter, and cute dinosaur girls with European accents.
Rimuurin is an incredibly talented Argentinian artist and the art mama of many vtubers including Haruka Karibu, Chisae Valentina, and the chibi model of V-Dere’s Elia Stellaria. As you would expect based on this, and the fact that this is a pattern among dinosaur loving vtubers, she created her own model and did her own rigging. Rimuu may not be a dinosaur girl herself, but she takes a page out of Mizuno Kanbase’s design book and is instead a girl with dinosaur themes incorporated into her design. I like the model, the colors work well together, the eyes on all her models are always bright and expressive, and her mascot, Chonk the Psittacosaurus, is an adorable ball of ceratopsian fluff. My only complaint is that based on her voice and no nonsense attitude (especially regarding money as she had to use her artistic talents to crawl her way out of her native country) she is pretty clearly a hag, while her design suggests a younger woman (as I kind of hinted in the last entry, a dinosaur themed hag who looks the part would be absolutely amazing and it is a crime that this niche does not seem to have been filled) and I kind of expected her to be Chinese or at least from a neighboring country based on her choice in clothing and dinosaurs. Speaking of Chonk, she also knows her dinosaurs very well and often draws herself with a variety of prehistoric creatures.
Most of her content is drawing streams, I think the only exception to this is the one time she played Paleo Pines, the new dino game that every dinotuber is trying out now. Her main appeal is her artwork which I feel is among the best out there both of and by vtubers. However, unless you just need some white noise or are really interested in her art, her streams may leave a bit to be desired. This is fine for me as I often listen to streams while I’m doing other things but might not be for everyone. I feel bad that I don’t have more to say about her but there isn’t much variety to her content and she streams very infrequently and exclusively on Twitch so there isn’t much of a backlog to draw on for reference. Definitely check her out if you appreciate talented artists and want to see more of their process or if you are just into dinosaurs as she occasionally shares some of her dino knowledge.
Dinos Tirano
Dinos Tirano is a Japanese T. rex girl. Her design is a bit overbaked but I kind of like it, or at least I like the ideas that went into it. Her hair being a dinosaur head could have been executed better (the ahoge with the leaf on it throughs off the whole design) and may have been more suited for a cartoonish style. The colors are pretty good, there may be too many of them, but I like the idea of prehistoric tribal dress with macaw like feathers. Almost all of her content is karaoke streams, so despite the fact that she doesn’t speak English anyone who is into the typical music that vtubers sing should be able to appreciate her. Unfortunately, I can’t find much more information on her as it is all written in a language that I cannot read. A while back she participated in a karaoke relay with a bunch of other small Japanese vtubers but I think they were all indies and not actually affiliated with each other. The most I can tell you is that she confirmed that she is indeed a vtuber by covering King.
Other than that, she’s pretty cute, check her out if you’re into karaoke and need some white noise.
EDIT: Woops, apparently I have been living in the future.
Do you want to display your autism and poor financial decisions to a middle-aged Asian woman? Rie has you covered, she's taking otaku room submissions which she and her mother will review on-stream in about forty minutes:
RT is one of those relics of the old internet that used to be a major force in the digital landscape, made by 4 dudes in their mom's basement out of a sheer sense of passion and love for the autistic hobbies, that then got corrupted by modern day NO FUN ALLOWED bullshit and poser normies infesting everything.
I was going to say "many such cases" (and I still will), and then I realized how many of these cases are groups that were picked up by RT that eventually shut down or are shells of their former selves. I was never into RT as a whole, but I've seen a few groups I used to enjoy become ruined in the same way RT has, whether it be because of joining RT or not.
Good to see her back. Solid schedule too. Violin karaoke, campfire guitar karaoke, and a collab with the Phase girls. Going to try and catch many of these. Definitely missed her.
Vinny invited Meat, "the first vtuber" to his stream
And he's playing the vtuber game, Suika Game except it's a custom trash version
edit: the claim to "first vtuber" is highly disputed but this video shows him piloting the worm with face capture from more than 5 years ago, the actual stream moment even before that.
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