"my last birthday party I ever threw was my 8th birthday, we rented out an area at the local aquarium so we could eat cake and watch the sharks and no one showed up LOL"Mozumi Pichi
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I've pretty much dropped Shiina over the last couple of months. She's been slowly moving away from my preferred content from her (the drawing and slideshow streams) and her game streams aren't that engaging to me. I might've stuck around anyways but her crowdfunding loli porn of herself turned me off to her entirely
Also I'm not attracted to lolis even if they are brown
Onto people I do watch, Serina has a collab with a Mari Yume, they recently collabed on the phasmo stream and it seems like they're not stopping there!
Ngl, I wouldn't mind a Deldar vtuber. Teaching us about Commorragh, a place where people are allowed to rise or fall based on their own merits, unconstrained by restrictive paths or the worship of false Gods. A place of breathtaking architecture and readily available cosmetic surgeries by friendly haemonculi. Where the youth is allowed to be young and without worry, like the adorable little hellions they are. Where entertainment hasn't been dumbed down by TV, but continues to be provided on so real you can taste the blood open air theatrical stages.
One of the last truly free people in the galaxy, who refused to bow down and change their ways just because an evil God appeared out of nowhere, and doubled down instead, steadfast in their rejection of conformity in favor of true liberty.
Arguably less autistically, Suisei is not a morning person.
I can't believe Kiara tried to kill her that one time on Holotalk.
Sayu venting about niji
- Finana and Kotoka the big backstabbers
- whether or not she dropped the doc, the place was going to blow up anyways due to how shit the place is
I wonder if Sayu ever saw this. She probably only ever saw the public statement. It is easily possible that after all that both don't really know if/how they could talk to each other again.
This could explain the disconnect between the statments. Another thing to consider is that the same day vox big donation stream thing happened and kotoka had an appearance in it. She probably tried to clear her mind to not break down during vox's stream.
Lol are people seriously giving her shit over collabing with the flip rabbit? Sometimes I wonder who the biggest fags are in these stories, it's almost like a competition.
I'm still amazed at how many people hate Nousagi as if he committed the original sin of discussing past life information. That said after him getting fucked over people like PurpleKeemstar and Khyo and other "news" people suddenly don't seem to care much about talking about past life things.
oh damn she's paying some dude alimony??
I firmly believe in equality so...pay the man. I still think she seems like a good girl and probably got fucked over by the court but like I said, equality bitch.
Wait, she was married? And she has to pay the dude? Maybe its because im a spic but wtf? Child custody? The fuck is alimony? Get off your lazy ass and work for yourself. Jesus this sounds retarded. No one should have to pay for this shit.
Didnt she just have a collab with some VSJ niggas during her Donothon?, even a grab bag of indies, she is visibly liked by some sides of the community, some small (i.e, not the big two) corpos like Phase has users who interact with her, she is not a pariah at all
I feel like she did loose access and contact to some people in the industry that you just can't get access to unless you are part of a big corpo or are a massive indie (which she is not, she's just medium-sized)
To summarize
She feels extremely betrayed by Kotoka and Finana (she apparently met both in person and felt they became great friends) she also said that she gave her genmates a lot of tips about streaming from her experience as an indie so the betrayal stings worse
The last message she sent to the talents was that the notion that "they are nothing without Niji that a lot of them believe" is bullshit
She was so happy when Nina left because she deserves better
She has a lot of stuff she couldn't say or didn't want to say in the doc, but she confirmed the 2% merch meme saying she loves it and the yacht meme
She likes 4chan because they are brutally honest positive or negative
She was terrified but, assured that she would not be treated like Yugo by Niji: "you are two different people" chat said "two different people same treatment" to which she agreed
So I think that settles that Yugo got fucked over too I wasn't sure about it til now
she's frustrated that people have cut ahead of her in her model production and is really hurt by the modeler allowing it
Kson bonded with her over their shared experiences Kson: "only you I and Nazuna know how it feels we have to stick together"
She expressed depression over most of the new viewership that followed her from Zaion falling off and blames herself or people that just like drama
A good chunk of people that followed her after the drama did so waiting for her to just trash and burn everything, similar to people watching the monkeys at the zoo flinging shit at each other. The sad reality is that, people sometimes do that. She should capitalize on it all and try to gain as much from it. I pop in and watch her sometimes but I fucking hate Twitch.
I love that design but the face does feel a bit too loli-esque. I think Nina tends to prefer the older more mature characters because it goes better with the "mommy" theme. Would be amazing if they got Nakamura Regura to do the design since he often does older-looking women plus he has also done Insect girls.
This is the woman who said in the middle of her mommy pandering phase that you only get to be a mommy by having sex. I don't really think dick jokes are that far off-brand for her.
Pretty sure Nina had been pretty open about certain aspects of her sex life without being too explicit about it. As in she never denied anything and sometimes hinted at things but never fully confirmed it. Honestly, I like that about her. None of that "hush hush, its a secret im super pure idol" bullshit corpos try to pull sometimes.
But it is not like she's completely screwed now, a good chunk of the community (Some from Vshojo, big indies and small corpos) sympathized with her story, so opportunities to turn things around she has and I genuinely hope she does. just stop reading /vt/ you dumb woman.
And yeah, Kotoka's statement was dumb, she didn't think through how to adress the situation well and for some, her crying in a membership stream felt like she was backpedalling, i don't think it was ill intended tho, but i understand the public reception to it.
The thing is that under a corpo like Niji (despite all the negative shit) her name would probably be up there with the most recognized Vtubers in the EN space. Something that she doesn't seem to have as an indie. I think its more of a disappointment that she was expecting certain things by joining Niji and most of them turned out to not really be true and her expectations went down the drain when she got slapped by reality. She joined something and it was completely different.
This is why I dislike corpos sometimes. They are hush-hush about many things and since there is no information available (for obvious reasons) people then tend to assume certain things. Similar to how some people freaked out when Silvervale didn't consider Mousey a friend. The public perception is that these content creators are basically a close-knit group of people who hang out and are friends.
I hope the vacation was good for her health. I still think she should take out health insurance in PR and try to schedule her medical visits over here. She mentioned being denied coverage on her health insurance for her condition but im pretty sure over here you can probably get it. She can probably qualify for $200-300 a month plan that will basically cover hospital visits. Maybe while she's at it drag the stupid wolf down with her. Bitch needs a vacation.
I've pretty much dropped Shiina over the last couple of months. She's been slowly moving away from my preferred content from her (the drawing and slideshow streams) and her game streams aren't that engaging to me. I might've stuck around anyways but her crowdfunding loli porn of herself turned me off to her entirely
Also I'm not attracted to lolis even if they are brown
The loli thing doesn't bother me but gaming streams im starting to hate. I think the only gaming streams I enjoy are Selen and when streamers play RPGs or other games they can talk and chat without having to fully focus on the game.
Rather than trying to cut in line in nijisanji's VTA, she auditioned for NijiEN and got in, then proceeded to stream, post and sing in japanese like nothing. At the very least Meloco makes an effort.
It's not a war atrocity but it's hardly sporting behavior for acutal ENs who were auditioning.
Yeah but why are you blaming the talents for taking the job rather then nijisanji for branding their jp talents as EN or even a mixed wave? blackcompany bad.
Ngl, I wouldn't mind a Deldar vtuber. Teaching us about Commorragh, a place where people are allowed to rise or fall based on their own merits, unconstrained by restrictive paths or the worship of false Gods. A place of breathtaking architecture and readily available cosmetic surgeries by friendly haemonculi. Where the youth is allowed to be young and without worry, like the adorable little hellions they are. Where entertainment hasn't been dumbed down by TV, but continues to be provided on so real you can taste the blood open air theatrical stages.
One of the last truly free people in the galaxy, who refused to bow down and change their ways just because an evil God appeared out of nowhere, and doubled down instead, steadfast in their rejection of conformity in favor of true liberty.
Arguably less autistically, Suisei is not a morning person.
I can't believe Kiara tried to kill her that one time on Holotalk.
Wait, she was married? And she has to pay the dude? Maybe its because im a spic but wtf? Child custody? The fuck is alimony? Get off your lazy ass and work for yourself. Jesus this sounds retarded. No one should have to pay for this shit.
Interesting note I missed during my recollection of things she said apparently Nina personally told Zaion that she "felt like nothing without Niji" and that is why she was so happy to see Nina leave
I edited this new info in my main post along with some other small stuff after rewatching my clip at 2x speed
Jesus all this Sayu scene is so stupid lmao, people should at least be thankful on getting just a bit of insight about the behind the scenes but no, they go ape shit instead like it's a felony to do so. Tho she was supposedly checking 4chan at the time, that's on her for getting baited into having to clarify, her weakness is not being able to filter herself from not saying too much
I wonder if Sayu ever saw this. She probably only ever saw the public statement. It is easily possible that after all that both don't really know if/how they could talk to each other again.
In one of Kotoka's Subnautica streams, she said she was no longer in contact with Zaion after she left. Kotoka has spoken positively about Zaion publicly, but they're always buried in long ass streams and she tries to talk about it very carefully. She straight up said she missed the energy Zaion brought, but then she went on to say that she "can't really say" she misses her, so take that as you will.
Your fascination for xenos has been noticed by the inquisition, i hope you like being a servitor
Also all this Zaion posting when i already suspect her because you have to be like 3 levels of bad to be discharged of Nijeria and worst of it, dishonorably
Wait, she was married? And she has to pay the dude? Maybe its because im a spic but wtf? Child custody? The fuck is alimony? Get off your lazy ass and work for yourself. Jesus this sounds retarded. No one should have to pay for this shit
It's a retarded system where you have to pay the lower earning partner enough to maintain their lifestyle from before you were divorced because it's seen that the lower income partner supported you. It gets wildly out of control.
One of the most notorious cases was with Brendan Fraser. He was a huge actor that was highly paid but got blacklisted from the industry because he wouldn't let some Hollywood executive molest him. His wife divorced him and managed to fuck him so hard in the courts that he had to pay alimony as if he was still making bank despite not making a fraction of what he was making before.
Was this nigga unemployed that he had to rely on Sayu's paycheck to live day to day? Fuck that. Get off your lazy ass and work you sad sack of shit. This goes to everyone that marries a celebrity and cant maintain the "spending $300,000 a month on shoes" lifestyle. Deal with it, fuck you. Holy shit the US has some retarded laws.
I wonder if Sayu ever saw this. She probably only ever saw the public statement. It is easily possible that after all that both don't really know if/how they could talk to each other again.
In one of Kotoka's Subnautica streams, she said she was no longer in contact with Zaion after she left. Kotoka has spoken positively about Zaion publicly, but they're always buried in long ass streams and she tries to talk about it very carefully. She straight up said she missed the energy Zaion brought, but then she went on to say that she "can't really say" she misses her, so take that as you will.
Yeah, she talked very positively about Zaion in one of her Potion Craft streams too. I don't know how things happened on private but seeing these bits make me think that if not for the lack of communication, these two would've still been on good terms. Sad.
3:00:40 if the timestamp is not working.
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