All I will say on the Sayu thing is to keep in mind that she has been the only person who actually has free reign to give her POV on the situation and it is going to be heavily biased. Don't take what she says as bible because realisticly, no one in Nijisanji can actually speak against her without risking their job. There is still no proof of anything she or any of the livers have said is anything more than he-said, she-said.
Especially since this rant contradicts what she said in her original document, which also ended with a bunch of emotional "woe is me everything is terrible" bullshit at the end. She originally said she didn't want people to use her doc to attack Nijisanji and especially its Livers. Now she is namedropping people in an unhinged rant? This is Mikeneko-level

, except even Mikeneko hasn't been that retarded.
As much as Nijisanji's shit stinks in this situation, her's doesn't smell any better, imo.