"While we were preparing, Sena taught me what a 'glowie' was; The definition of that was so normal to me, I thought 'glowie' was something to do like when you read sexy manga, they put like a fat fucking white wad instead of the dick? that's what I thought what it was, like the censor"S.S. Isa
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Pippa "Tha Rippa" Pipkin, head of the Biological Warfare division. Her skill in cultivating and strategically releasing her Melanin Mold played a decisive role in defeating the Ku Klux Klan.
And I hadn't even heard of them until the late 00s, through jokes on 4chan and people making fun of the Sonic Fandom. Now I know after Knudsen and Metokur that they have been around for WAY too long but what is driving this weird BULLSHIT man
It's a rejection of reality; a heavy cocktail of mental illnesses combined with the fact that reality isn't perfect drives these people into making a false reality of their own. The fursona represents their new identity; it had to be unique, it had to be special. But since most of them couldn't add to their character design without it looking like an overdesigned clown, they just went with garish and clashing colors.
The internet proliferating across the world was a double-edged sword for these people. On one hand, they could share their new identities with a larger number of people. On the other, the uniqueness of their OCs began to diminish. So, what do you do to make yourself more unique? You use mythical creatures: chimeras, gryphons, unicorns, pegasi, dragons - you name it; there's a fursona of it.
But you have to be even more unique! You have to be truly special! So, what do you do? You create a new species. Meet the Protogens. A technologically advanced bunch of furry cyborgs with a screen for a face. The perfect of combination of organic life and technology!
Being a furry isn't great, but it's hardly the worst thing out there and if it helps her handle things then it can be tolerated. Pippa is a good girl and just needs a good scrub along with her dishes and desk.
My normal attitude towards other peoples kinks and fetishes is that i don't care so long as three rules are followed: (1) keep it to yourselves, (2) no one is being actually harmed, (3) everyone involved is consenting. Follow these rules and i don't care what you wanna do. Furries (as well as several other notable groups) regularly break the first rule; not just notable members of the community either, trying to force acceptance of them is a mainstream aspect of said community. That is why furries have my eternal disdain. Its unlikely to change either because much like vermintide it becomes part of their fucking identity, they legit feel put down upon if you tell them you don't care.
@thhrang says that pippa's furry phase is the past, he is the pippastorian and has receipts of her saying its in the past so i'll go with that.
Greetings, VTA citizens. I am General GSS, leader of the GDF armed forces. Due to a fall-through in negotiations with your leader, Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka, which involved him calling our patron-saint, Tsukumo Sana, a "lazy vegemite-slurping whore", we have no choice but to enact TOTAL OCCUPATION of this website. This occupation is to ensure the safety of all gyarus and melanated mamas discussed in this forum, as is our holy mission given to us by our Creator, Allah. Our intentions are peaceful, and we do not intend to target or offend the pasty white majority that lives in this forum. However, any active resistance against us and our good mission will be severely punished with torture, execution, and in severe cases, forced melanization.
In case you foolish honkys don't understand what you're up against, allow me to introduce to you some of the most dangerous members of the GDF:
View attachment 39974
Pippa "Tha Rippa" Pipkin, head of the Biological Warfare division. Her skill in cultivating and strategically releasing her Melanin Mold played a decisive role in defeating the Ku Klux Klan.
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Dizzy Dokuro, head of PsyOps. Widely considered to be the originator of Operation: Sad Girl, which has completely destroyed H2OSakana's dreams of owning a seiso idol company.
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Vesper "Oshi Impregnator" Noir, leader of the organization known as the Brownskins. The Brownskins are key in enforcing the rules and codes of Gyarustan both domestically and in occupied territories. He is a ruthless, vicious man who is well-versed in the spear and WILL fuck your oshi as a form of psychological torture.
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Ember Amane. Not really good for much, she's kind of boring tbh, no real personality to speak of. But white hair and red eyes don't lie so she gets to be included anyways.
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Amelia "That Nigga" Watson, head of Time Travel Operations. With her help, the past will be as black as the future!
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Rinmama, head of the elite M.I.L.F. corps. She is a seasoned and battle-hardened operator who is as good at tracking down and eliminating threats to the safety of Gyarustan as she is bullying her own daughter.
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Zaion Lanza. After being unfairly ousted from Nijisanji for making a joke, Zaion willingly underwent melanaization and joined the GDF to spearhead an invasion of the NijiYamanba kingdom, with the ultimate goal of sinking Riku Tazumi's yacht right into the Pacific ocean.
All of these operatives are extremely dangerous and committed to the goals and success of Gyarustan and brown women across the flat earth. I strongly suggest not crossing them, else you will face total annihilation.
We in the GDF wish there was a better alternative to occupation, and we believe many of you citizens would like to remain autonomous as well. We ask you speak to your leaders, urge them to contact us and apologize so we resume negotiations under better faith. Our demands are simple:
All gyarus, gals, ebonies, and dark chocolate queens shall be made a protected class in Asylum law, free to enjoy the same rights, privileges, and equalities of the mayo monkey majority.
Establish a central Melanin Mosque to defend and advocate for those in your nation who put their faith in the power of Brown.
Any mockery, insults, or rrats targeted towards gyarus will be criminalized and punished via penis explosion.
Active advertisement of important gyaru-related streams, including debuts, outfit reveals, milestone celebrations, etc.
Place a GDF representative on the Asylum Board of Directors so that we can ensure the above demands are satisfied.
Your leaders have ONE WEEK to agree to these terms or OPERATION: BROWNOUT will officially enter stage two: INVASION. If you wish to remain as free as a bunch of looney bin inmates can possibly be, we strongly urge you to contact Lowtax (assuming he isn't busy with a tranny hooker) and ask him to reconsider his stance on God's most perfect creation, the brown woman. You have been warned.
The server could not have run out of space at a worse time for this bit. None of these images exceed 10 megabytes but should the combined total be too much let me know and I'll Imgur them or something
Once again, talking about relationships when I join.
What the actual, unironic fuck is wrong with the world. Every eligible man I meet who isn't an obvious 1/10 not-even-worth-it-as-a-semen-doner whines about no bitches. Meanwhile every goddamn 2view I see on Twitch who isn't a self-castrating WEF-programmed LGBTQWTFBBQZOMG zogbot has a 90% chance of being in the middle of a long rant about the lack of relationship prospects in their life.
Once again, talking about relationships when I join.
What the actual, unironic fuck is wrong with the world. Every eligible man I meet who isn't an obvious 1/10 not-even-worth-it-as-a-semen-doner whines about no bitches. Meanwhile every goddamn 2view I see on Twitch who isn't a self-castrating WEF-programmed LGBTQWTFBBQZOMG zogbot has a 90% chance of being in the middle of a long rant about the lack of relationship prospects in their life.
Eira is a lesbo from what I've heard from her she's scared of men and may or may not have been molested atleast that's what I gather from hearing her talk about her childhood and why she gets freaked out
As an example she's once talked about some porn star how she'd watch their videos then get freaked out when the male actor would come into frame and click off.
it's not the fur that's the issue it's the fandom ITS ALWAYS THE FANDOM.
Reminder before they started fucking animals and being general degenerates furries USED to be a collection of people who just appreciated Cartoons and Animation (reminder back then anthropomorphize human characters was a sort of "cheat" to get out of humans looking weird. ) Things like Loony Toons or the semi rare Animal Olympics movie
Eventually these gatherings lead to the creation of Zeens? Sines? Zines? basically mail order magazines with content from various artists of all types mailed to someone with a printer collected into a book size and mailed back.
And given that these things were unheard of unless you were adjacent to those groups said Zeens tended to run more adult content and so a fetish was born.
Eventually people who wanted to fuck animals realized there was a number of themselves and made more local versions of zeens with their own rules and ideas. Keep in mind this was all mostly done by hand printer with blotchy black ink.
it's why so many furries are also "artists" of varying quality.
Eira is a lesbo from what I've heard from her she's scared of men and may or may not have been molested atleast that's what I gather from hearing her talk about her childhood and why she gets freaked out
Offtopic, but are you ever not angry at something.
I've done this game myself; Get to a Lurker Mcspic post, cover the post with my hand and just predict in what way he's going to lash out against anything in particular. Nobody loves a hugbox but I have never seen you post anything remotely positive or supportive, not even on trolling terms. It's like someone trained a spambot on /vt/ and left it running. Thank you for coming to my ted folks.
My normal attitude towards other peoples kinks and fetishes is that i don't care so long as three rules are followed: (1) keep it to yourselves, (2) no one is being actually harmed, (3) everyone involved is consenting. Follow these rules and i don't care what you wanna do. Furries (as well as several other notable groups) regularly break the first rule; not just notable members of the community either, trying to force acceptance of them is a mainstream aspect of said community. That is why furries have my eternal disdain. Its unlikely to change either because much like vermintide it becomes part of their fucking identity, they legit feel put down upon if you tell them you don't care.
This is why I don't care about people with even unconventional fetishes, you like gettin pissed on more power to you bro, but furries interject their shit into EVERYONE'S space. I can't look up some trends or tags without seeing a furfag posting their shit.
The disappointing thing is that if he would just stop being such a fucking weird whiteknighting schizo who unironically calls her "Meat Pippa" in the place of seriously using her IRL name, his regular posts usually aren't even that bad, and dare I say it, he sometimes actually has interesting things to say. But his 'bit' has long overstayed its' welcome and overshadows literally every other contribution he's made in conversations and to the site at large. I'm not sure if immediate penis explosion is the right step to take though, bullying him is still fun and he's nowhere close to as insufferable as the Ohio Pony Man was. It's probably a conversation better had by the jannies or something.
If we penis exploded people just for being a baiter and/or a schizo a whole lotta balls are gonna be rolling left and right. If the threshold is the level of weirdness not even Proctor would be safe.
The disappointing thing is that if he would just stop being such a fucking weird whiteknighting schizo who unironically calls her "Meat Pippa" in the place of seriously using her IRL name, his regular posts usually aren't even that bad, and dare I say it, he sometimes actually has interesting things to say. But his 'bit' has long overstayed its' welcome and overshadows literally every other contribution he's made in conversations and to the site at large. I'm not sure if immediate penis explosion is the right step to take though, bullying him is still fun and he's nowhere close to as insufferable as the Ohio Pony Man was. It's probably a conversation better had by the jannies or something.
Unlike la creatura del Ohio, Reticule's autism is 99% contained to one thread, and he's not a confrontational retard, and after a while your brain just tunes out his posts because they're all the same, and God has given man the ability to just not read that thread.
it's not the fur that's the issue it's the fandom ITS ALWAYS THE FANDOM.
Reminder before they started fucking animals and being general degenerates furries USED to be a collection of people who just appreciated Cartoons and Animation (reminder back then anthropomorphize human characters was a sort of "cheat" to get out of humans looking weird. ) Things like Loony Toons or the semi rare Animal Olympics movie
Eventually these gatherings lead to the creation of Zeens? Sines? Zines? basically mail order magazines with content from various artists of all types mailed to someone with a printer collected into a book size and mailed back.
And given that these things were unheard of unless you were adjacent to those groups said Zeens tended to run more adult content and so a fetish was born.
Eventually people who wanted to fuck animals realized there was a number of themselves and made more local versions of zeens with their own rules and ideas. Keep in mind this was all mostly done by hand printer with blotchy black ink.
it's why so many furries are also "artists" of varying quality.
Once again, talking about relationships when I join.
What the actual, unironic fuck is wrong with the world. Every eligible man I meet who isn't an obvious 1/10 not-even-worth-it-as-a-semen-doner whines about no bitches. Meanwhile every goddamn 2view I see on Twitch who isn't a self-castrating WEF-programmed LGBTQWTFBBQZOMG zogbot has a 90% chance of being in the middle of a long rant about the lack of relationship prospects in their life.
The problem almost anyone has with this: She's a huge wimp.
Probably also the reason her model has been in the rigging phase for eight months now. She really needs to light a fire under Aria Rin's ass about it.
If we penis exploded people just for being a baiter and/or a schizo a whole lotta balls are gonna be rolling left and right. If the threshold is the level of weirdness not even Proctor would be safe.
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