"Chat listen I'm a fuckin loser human being chat, and you're probably better than me, which means you're probably better off than me right now, BUT if you're not better off than me right now then you know what? Let me serve as motivation to you that IF even an idiot like me can fucking make it so can you."Pipkin Pippa

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@Depressed Nousagi
You’re gonna have to address this publicly at some point. You know that right?
He can just disappear and reappear under a new name.

Yeah, we heard his voice, but that's nothing a little surgery can't fix. Or he just doesn't do narrated videos anymore.

One of my favourite lets plays (since deleted, unfortunately) didn't do voice narration, just a textfile that'd pop up every now and then. It can work.
Basically, this is Poka-tier stupidity. I have no idea how after all the discussion on the farms about him you guys are supporting the idea of that kind of thing.
The disconnect between the reaction to Poka then and to Depressed Nousagi now is indeed rather striking.

For the most part, I don't really care, but taking Keekihime's I've been assaulted video and putting it behind a paywall strikes me as being in rather poor taste.
This is why Sachi is currently streaming herself grinding Overwatch, she's obviously trying to get good in time to impress Selen.
Poor girl, she's only going to get laughed at.

Faceless Waifu

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All I want for xmas is for Cover to have a collab with an actual game.
Are Myth permits really that cheap? Or gachas just have that much money to monopolize the vtuber collab market?
I have no dang clue since I dont really follow Hololive related collabs apart of this one (and this is mostly because I played the game).

I still find them not making the Holomyth into their own special characters a lost potential. Game is meta-heavy (for PVP) and having them with their own fleshed out character kit and playstyle would rumble the meta and cause shenanigans. But I guess since that already happened, they dont want to take any chances and just go for the easier "make them into skins" approach.


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Boy, seems like I missed a few things. I thought it was just more Pippaposting but something actually happened this time.
Something something live long enough To see yourself become the villain. Holo Historian (was that his name?) reloaded, exploiting roommate info for clicks/money.
/vt/ (and the vt memes twitter account) found out about Depressed Nousagi's patreon shit

I don't think it was posted but here is the archive of the /vt/ thread mentioning Nousagi's patreon.

White Stone

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All I want for xmas is for Cover to have a collab with an actual game.
Are Myth permits really that cheap? Or gachas just have that much money to monopolize the vtuber collab market?
Does Among Us not count as an actual game for you?


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Spare a thought for Scoots and Empty_Inbox's next recap.

Marine and Lui are having an off-collab... to play Cities: Skylines?

NePoLaBo pajama party in 20 minutes


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All I want for xmas is for Cover to have a collab with an actual game.
Are Myth permits really that cheap? Or gachas just have that much money to monopolize the vtuber collab market?
It's thought that the two big vtuber companies sell themselves a bit cheap based on sourceless rumors on Niji collabs and the relatively small proportion of income that Anycolor makes from sponsorships on their financials. Or at least I wasn't able to find a source so take that as a rumor.

However, a collab that not only involves sponsored streams, but a full MV, voice lines, and also using the likenesses Cover owns in game, should have a price tag in the millions of dollars going by normal streamer/youtuber rates. And yes gacha games do have that kind of money to throw around, I've seen an ad agency guy say that the lifetime value of a gacha user acquisition is greater than $200. That's after averaging out all the people who only download during the promo or who only f2p, the whales are worth literal thousands or tens of thousands each.

e: For what it's worth, I consider World of Warships a real game, since I played it for over a year and enjoyed it, and there was that cancelled/postponed voice lines collab that leaked with Ame/Kiara/Botan. But big payouts for games that lack microtransactions are going to be rare, best you'll find are game launch campaigns.
e2: Among Us too. Also likely millions for that, or else someone at Cover is seriously dropping the ball.
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This one probably

Well, if it's any consolation, I'm not new per se.

Yeah, it was definitely not something you just put out there without taking the care to preface it. It was around the third time the Keeki-was-a-prostitute spergs made their way in (edit: for the fourth time) Which reminds me, that was in the video. No context outside of him straight saying that she was a prostitute. Not mentioning any of the sources that were originally putting that info out there. . . a guy who had his own KF page in the international clique.
I dont care too much about if Depressed Nousagi is making a buck selling forbidden knowledge (that is 2 google searches away for the most part) but I am genuinely disgusted that he put that video of her running away from a stalker in.
I doesn't seem like anyone here archived the Kiara Video, but apparently its presented without much context.
Which reminds me, that was in the video. No context outside of him straight saying that she was a prostitute. Not mentioning any of the sources that were originally putting that info out there. . . a guy who had his own KF page in the international clique.

That Video was incredibly hard to watch the first time I saw it in the Homelands, and even then, I was surprised, but it was met with affection in the thread. But just because there is a Video of her at it absolute lowest of the low, I can not say thats a good move.

Showing the faces of Ina, Ame or whatever is one thing, I dont care and neither should anyone else, its no big deal.
Reposting a video, that is known to be produced by an anti and showing it to a wider audience than the retards on the thread in the homeland? Thats messed up, you dont need to show her almost getting raped to prove that she had a hard time as an Idol in japan, there are plenty of less disgusting ways to do that.

So, if you actually do man up one day and show your face around here, and reupload your videos (I believe you should do as well, ,maybe even publicly on the 2nd channel), just leave that out, its disgusting and if you're trying to be professional or "journalistic", then don' reproduce stuff like that, all this footage does is spread the message of the anti further, and if you actually do want to respect the talent and the person, as you have claimed in other videos, that's not a way to do it

The kayfabe in general is a useful tool for corpos, a restriction for talents, and something viewers should reasonably be able to take or leave. VTubers who have known roommate accounts as an open secret absolutely benefit from that because it gives them career options long-term (which is the same reason corpos restrict explicitly drawing the connection because they want to keep their talents on board for as long as possible).

Obviously kayfabe is part of the show and posting about outside info in stream chat is like being that one guy who thinks he's smart for pointing out wrestling is fake, but needing to shut it down on unofficial boards and Discord servers is counterproductive. If your oshi's in a corpo, know where else you can find them in case anything happens.
Honestly I'm on the side of keeping roommate info like that out of the public's eye, even if it's not the popular opinion here.

The reason this kinda stuff was on KF and in places like here is exactly because it isn't easily accessible, and only the most dedicated (read: people bothering to google it) need to go out of their way to find it. In public on places like /vt/, twitter, the fan discords, or reddit, these rules exist to keep the illusion up, especially since the rules of the streams/talents themselves are to not bring up their roommate info/previous identities. It's keyfabe. When you go to a wrestling show, you don't yell about how wrestling is fake and the wrestlers are actually all nice to each other in real life, you enjoy the show and chant along with the crowd, then talk about what happened in it after it ends. What Depressed Nousagi is doing is like going to the parking lot outside of the venue and having a pamplet of information you could easily look up online about the "secrets of the wrestling industry" on it, and selling it. Sure, it isn't necessarily wrong, but it only encourages idiots who haven't done their own research to share it in the venue itself, making the experience for everybody worse and probably leading to them being kicked out.

It's a matter of tact, at the end of the day. I think people discussing this kind of thing behind closed doors or outside of the talents' eye, like in here, smaller discord servers, or the farms, is okay, since people need to lurk in order to learn about it, and in doing so keep quiet about it or keep it in DMs with friends who you wanna talk about it with. But spreading it around aimlessly encourages retards like the people constantly yelling GURA IS SENZAWA in Gura's chat - it's irrelevant to their current identity and nobody really cares about it since it isn't part of the content at hand. It's just putting information that isn't necessary out in the open for dumb children to flagrantly wave around. And selling it for money makes it even worse.

Basically, this is Poka-tier stupidity. I have no idea how after all the discussion on the farms about him you guys are supporting the idea of that kind of thing.

Keyfabe is fun and I just wanna say that I agree lol


HEFs banned Depressed Nousagi. KFP too. KFP and Ame are the only ones that banned Pippa.
huh, I could have sworn I saw you getting banned from KFP discord
You aren't ban evading and are behaving like a good citizen and follow the mod-overlords every command arent ya?
We do, but I also know it was found because her sister tagged her in 2011 in a Tweet that showed her face.

A bit random but I also wanted to say that I think the fancords banning past-life talk is dumb (since we're on the subject, also I'm not talking about any official places). The fact you can get banned for saying Gura is Senzawa is imo, dumb. The reasons given are not wanting to send people down the "PL rabbit hole" and not wanting to break people's immersion. But 1. you're giving yourself too much credit, people would've fallen down the hole regardless and 2. Just make a separate channel for PL talk. Plus I think people not wanting to hear about how these girls have pasts is really weird and it's ironic to coddle them while crying about how antis don't treat the streamers like real people because when it comes to the past, a lot of fans don't either. They want to live in a bubble where these girls just magically became successful and didn't have a long-history online. And that's just not realistic.

I get having limits. But I can't sit here and say that banning people for acknowledging that the past exists is reasonable, especially given my online history. And I'm not just talking about here or KF either
Also I am aware that my opinion is probably unpopular, especially around here, but I like that there is no Keeki talk in KFP. (this is more of a general opinion that could apply to any vtuber but I'm using KFP and Kiara because thats the thing I'm most familiar with.

I am not a fan of Keekis content. I dont care about what dumb shit her cats are doing, I don't care what politics shes supporting on twitter rn, I dont care about her Vlogs or Dance Videos. I dont like watching facetubers, I dont watch Keekis streams as well. I am purely a fan of Kiara and want to discuss Kiara and what she presents as Kiara.
I dunno man, when real human beings honestly like something, they try to find out more about it, and find more content like it, and then share all of it with their friends or as many people as possible, instead of this autism.

I dont agree that seeing a Vtubers content you like suddenly makes one a fan of their roommate as well. Discovering Kiara, I didn't go looking for old content she did, I jusr watched the next 10 hour VOD. Kiara already puts out more content than I can watch, so why the fuck would I go to someother place to watch the same person do the same things but more boring and less interesting.

Also, banning Keeki discussions goes a long way in nipping dumb political discussions in the bud because she would never say something political as Kiara, so I consider that as a plus. Can't have dumd discussions if the very thing that would spark such discussions is banned in the first place.
Banning Keeki discussions in KFP is alright, if people want to and discuss her, the internet is big enough, there are other places.
There is a certain etiquete that is fair, and people should follow. There are places to go to talk about it. If there is a place that says fuck off with that. . . . well fuck off. You don't go to a friend's wedding and talk about his exes. You don't go to your niece's baptism and spout off how cool your Atheism is. Doesn't matter if what you say is true or whatever, time and place. And obviously some people just cannot learn that, or are just immature shit-stains
I feel its a bit like that, the Fan Discords are very obviously a place to discuss the Vtuber and not their Roommate.
I also dont think the mods are banning Keeki talk because they want to powertrip (thats what Banning Pippa is for), they just want to keep the KFP discord KFP only and not Keei+KFP and I'm inclined to agree.

If people really want to discuss Keeki, there is a Keeki discord, even mostly managed by the same femboy mods who run KFP. So I dont believe that the mods are willingly buying into that Kiara is a real anime-person and her Roommate does't exsist fantasy and she doesn't have a history, when they are actively roommateposting themselves.
Its just a matter of doing in where and keeping things separate.


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@Depressed Nousagi why the fuck are in the Holo Discords with a recognizable Name and Pfp
I assume you are there to some some "research" but just do it under a fake name or whatever
You absolute retard lmao

Elite Miko

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"Shut up, Dazzle. I will clip your balls" -SB
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I assume you are there to some some "research" but just do it under a fake name or whatever
You absolute retard lmao
Holy shit? Imagine being banned because a group of lowlife lowtest bitch children didnt like your videos. No wonder their parents are on the brink of burning that basement with them in it, out of desperation being unable to pay for high electricity bill they got cos of them eternally online vitamin D deficient maggot like creatures, god damn.

Bug Eater

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I doubt this is new information, but Selen and Mumei have interacted a bit in their PLs (https://archive.ph/j91wJ) - unfortunately Shachi privated her vtuber account so I don't know what it looks like from her side. I think they only knew each other as artists (eg. both did emote commissions for Twitch) so this might be the first time they've actually appeared on stream together.
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Lia confirmed that on her return from self exile zatsu in September. What I was getting at is if Pippas stream thoughts about Rika's popularity are similar to Fishmans thought process behind giving Lia the Lia model and Pippa the Pippa model (it's a little confusing at this point cause they're synonymous with their respective models now)
She was 100% branded as the "heroine" and leader of her gen, first in the reveal trailer, first to debut, and front and center in most pics. IMHO she wasn't happy being in the spotlight that much with a persona she didn't really vibe with, and that's why they had Ashelia killed and reborn as the current Lia, with different lore and shit.

Sorry if late, but I just noticed that not ame is streaming right now

:thatsbait: This motherfucker...

I've seen a sudden uptick in roommate/past life info in the last week (to which I've contributed as well), with Nousagi's blunder being made public and posts made hre and in the homeland (the lia doxx was reposted in full). So I'm expecting some kind of surge in undesirables over here.


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kushami tasukaru

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Spare a thought for Scoots and Empty_Inbox's next recap.

Marine and Lui are having an off-collab... to play Cities: Skylines?

NePoLaBo pajama party in 20 minutes

Both streams are good if you like the sound of cackling hags. Highly recommended.
View attachment 5204
@Depressed Nousagi why the fuck are in the Holo Discords with a recognizable Name and Pfp
I assume you are there to some some "research" but just do it under a fake name or whatever
You absolute retard lmao
This is amazing. Not even a proper opsec. I believe he also has his own facedox in his YT channel. The patreon thing I recall he mentioned in either his first drama tier list or the Q&A stream afterwards. Paywalling that stalker video is an absolute dog act though.

Anyways for something that might interest you. How about a menhera mangaka/Vtuber company owner interviewing a menhera mangaka/shotacon hag at 11PM JST?

I'm not sure if you can still submit questions this close to the stream but here's the marshmallow link from Norio's twitter.

El Rrata

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I hope this turns out better than I expect it to. As in, I hope Ame and Mumei are actually able to be interesting in a collab.


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Noticable shift when some (stupid) happening vomits out 20+ pages here and barely a post in the homeland.

Merged enough to confuse @Takodachi where he posts :whatastory:

Regarding the counter side Collab:
I am kinda glad that those are character replacements in skin form.
Don't like time limited meta shifting characters in gacha.
Funnily enough gura got by far the worst base char :smugpipi:
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