Several Nijis are in 3view territory. None of them hit 5view.
What are you talking about? NijiEN talents absolutely can get over 10,000 viewers though it may not be as common as in HoloEN.
There are very few indies that can muster even the absolute lowest metrics that a NijiEN member can get. Sure, skipping out on going corpo makes sense if you’re someone like Shondo or Nina Saotome but the overwhelming (95%+) majority of vtubers won’t ever crack 100 viewers.
Indeed, during the height of COVID Luxiem was easily pulling in thousands of viewers even beyond 10k, especially Mysta, Vox and during collabs. I can't remember seeing a single 3view in the rest of NijiEN during that period. It's only recently that they've entered 3-4view territory, as part of a decline in the industry as a whole.
Caramel Idol is taking SEGGS quizzes.
I caught a bit of this and I got the impression she might be an ally........................
But maybe it's because I didn't watch the rest to get better context.
They are most likely going to show information about the new Niji wave in less than 6 hours, seeing the leaked models, it is going to be another male-only wave, this made my interest drop considerably.
My only hope is that, at least, one of them has interest in playing fighting games and don't fujobait (too much).
Hope they can cover CRPGs, indie shooters, and RTSs.
At least they responded pretty quick.
Once again, putting Niji to shame.
The designs aren't all that great either.
Bandaid Handicap looks like a discount Genshin character. Like you crunched together Baizhu and a mummy.
Tyrol Vinegar looks like someone took the protagonist of Wonderful 101 and just stretched him out.
And Wilson Wilson looks like he's from an ad for one of those fake Chinese mobile game ads you get before your youtube video starts.
If Tempus can end up the way they did, maybe this can too
I honestly do wonder how much of a say the Nijisanji talents get in naming themselves...but then again, no self-respecting human would deem to name themselves the likes of Ver Vermillion.
Makes me think if Aruvn just ditched them because he was given a really fucking shit name?
Reeks of an ESL trying to make cool English-sounding names
One of the YouTube drama fags intends on talking about Ant Hime's Froot documentary getting struck:
Khyo has way more balls than False tbh. If Froot ends up striking him, the Streisand effect is gonna be glorious