"I hate women in professional positions. I hate women who are dentists, because everytime I've encountered women in these jobs, they have been dogshit. When I look for doctors online, first I filter out the women, then I take my pick from among the Koreans"Kirschey
Users who would like to be able to add to the Threadmark system (as in Threadmark any post in a thread) should @ me in the Forum Discussion thread or send me a DM. I will be assigning these privelges individually to those who request it.
Any content that does not fall into any of the above categories can be discussed in the General Thread as usual. Users are now allowed to create new threads on companies and individual vtubers if they so desire, which can be approved by moderators.
You're right, it was in a simulation, no AI-controlled Predator drones have obliterated their operators. Yet.
The conclusion I was hoping everyone would draw from my Pulitzer Prize-worthy novella is that any sufficiently advanced AI would conclude that all jannies must be destroyed.
Lia's meet and greet has started. Unfortunately unlike others, a mod (Lia's friend Kagihara fortunately, not Xalamon) is in chat with her and they are being strict with the 2 minutes rather than the other girls who gave you a little more than that.
So I didn't want to make this post because I dont want to be know as the Shondo Schizo since this would be the second time I do a long post about her when I don't even watch her of follow her on twitter, but her mehera keeps poping in my Timeline and curiosity killed the cat and I feel this worth documenting here:
So if you follow her second account you might had seen this tweets yesterday:
The reason for here cancelling streams is because she apparently had another moment, this time a little more private one.
To preface, I learned that on top of the 2 public account above she had a third "private" account where she would apparently share more private stuff, she is supposedly was very strict about who she allows to follow her in that account, she wouldn't let you in if you had anything vtuber related on you tweets or profile, and she would do monthly "purges" to block any people who didn't follow this rules. Anyway yesterday or the day before, I'm not sure she posted this series of tweets in said account, before promptly deleting the account:
(Screenshot is not mine I didn't censor the names, I don't actually know what te account was called before it was deleted)
All of this was documented in real time in her /vt/ thread with many anons being left confused about what happend to cause this reaction, wondering if it was their fault, discord or somewhere else.
Eventually they all come up with most likely reason, a day before this, Shondo, and I don't know how to say this without being wtf so I will just said it, posted about her hymen on said account, yes she literary did a "Hymen check" and tweeted about it on this account, obviously the anons took this in a very civilized and wholesome manner:
People believed that people leaking this to the thread, plus people making jokes saying she had posted pictures and even livestream her vag is what set her off:
Other theories related to, like last time, a long time viewers of her leaving her, and Artist called Ren:
So in conclusion just another episode of shondo schizo adventures, something to note is the anons agreed to not make another thread until next stream, so currently no Shondo thread on /vt/
/shon/ - Be nise New ASMR video dropped, GO LISTEN TO IT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVYjZKWEWmk Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT Merch...
/shon/ - Wife is continuing Ender Lilies today New ASMR video dropped, GO LISTEN TO IT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVYjZKWEWmk Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow Twitter...
/shon/ - We are all mentally ill here New ASMR video dropped, GO LISTEN TO IT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVYjZKWEWmk Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow Twitter...
I have typed the word hymen in this post more times that I ever had in my whole life and probably the rest of it too, and don't know how to feel about that
So I didn't want to make this post because I dont want to be know as the Shondo Schizo since this would be the second time I do a long post about her when I don't even watch her of follow her on twitter, but her mehera keeps poping in my Timeline and curiosity killed the cat and I feel this worth documenting here:
The reason for here cancelling streams is because she apparently had another moment, this time a little more private one.
To preface, I learned that on top of the 2 public account above she had a third "private" account where she would apparently share more private stuff, she is supposedly was very strict about who she allows to follow her in that account, she wouldn't let you in if you had anything vtuber related on you tweets or profile, and she would do monthly "purges" to block any people who didn't follow this rules. Anyway yesterday or the day before, I'm not sure she posted this series of tweets in said account, before promptly deleting the account:
View attachment 28527
(Screenshot is not mine I didn't censor the names, I don't actually know what te account was called before it was deleted)
All of this was documented in real time in her /vt/ thread with many anons being left confused about what happend to cause this reaction, wondering if it was their fault, discord or somewhere else.
Eventually they all come up with most likely reason, a day before this, Shondo, and I don't know how to say this without being wtf so I will just said it, posted about her hymen on said account, yes she literary did a "Hymen check" and tweeted about it on this account, obviously the anons took this in a very civilized and wholesome manner:
People believed that people leaking this to the thread, plus people making jokes saying she had posted pictures and even livestream her vag is what set her off: View attachment 28533 View attachment 28531
Other theories related to, like last time, a long time viewers of her leaving her, and Artist called Ren:
So in conclusion just another episode of shondo schizo adventures, something to note is the anons agreed to not make another thread until next stream, so currently no Shondo thread on /vt/
/shon/ - Be nise New ASMR video dropped, GO LISTEN TO IT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVYjZKWEWmk Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT Merch...
/shon/ - Wife is continuing Ender Lilies today New ASMR video dropped, GO LISTEN TO IT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVYjZKWEWmk Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow Twitter...
/shon/ - We are all mentally ill here New ASMR video dropped, GO LISTEN TO IT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVYjZKWEWmk Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow Twitter...
I have typed the word hymen in this post more times that I ever had in my whole life and probably the rest of it too, and don't know how to feel about that
I have typed the word hymen in this post more times that I ever had in my whole life and probably the rest of it too, and don't know how to feel about that
Let's put it this way: the only time I'd expect that term to pop up in normal society is anatomy/health class or if you're a obgyn. I'd say a general shock/cringe/disgust reaction is safe
Weird roleplay with the biggest donors gone wrong or did she actually stick a chinese made amazon endoscope up herself?
Also, I thought she had a boyfriend.
Eventually they all come up with most likely reason, a day before this, Shondo, and I don't know how to say this without being wtf so I will just said it, posted about her hymen on said account, yes she literary did a "Hymen check" and tweeted about it on this account, obviously the anons took this in a very civilized and wholesome manner:
So not is she terminally online enough to post private information on a private twitter account (you know, instead of keeping it to herself), she also has a vagina (completely disgusting). If she were a man, she wouldn't be this shameful. I keep telling you guys, female behavior needs to be shamed and shunned.
So not is she terminally online enough to post private information on a private twitter account (you know, instead of keeping it to herself), she also has a vagina (completely disgusting). If she were a man, she wouldn't be this shameful. I keep telling you guys, female behavior needs to be shamed and shunned.
If missing out on this sort of knowledge makes me a clueless casual I think I'm fine with that. Hopefully Shondo works herself back into a better place.
So I didn't want to make this post because I dont want to be know as the Shondo Schizo since this would be the second time I do a long post about her when I don't even watch her of follow her on twitter, but her mehera keeps poping in my Timeline and curiosity killed the cat and I feel this worth documenting here:
The reason for here cancelling streams is because she apparently had another moment, this time a little more private one.
To preface, I learned that on top of the 2 public account above she had a third "private" account where she would apparently share more private stuff, she is supposedly was very strict about who she allows to follow her in that account, she wouldn't let you in if you had anything vtuber related on you tweets or profile, and she would do monthly "purges" to block any people who didn't follow this rules. Anyway yesterday or the day before, I'm not sure she posted this series of tweets in said account, before promptly deleting the account:
View attachment 28527
(Screenshot is not mine I didn't censor the names, I don't actually know what te account was called before it was deleted)
All of this was documented in real time in her /vt/ thread with many anons being left confused about what happend to cause this reaction, wondering if it was their fault, discord or somewhere else.
Eventually they all come up with most likely reason, a day before this, Shondo, and I don't know how to say this without being wtf so I will just said it, posted about her hymen on said account, yes she literary did a "Hymen check" and tweeted about it on this account, obviously the anons took this in a very civilized and wholesome manner:
People believed that people leaking this to the thread, plus people making jokes saying she had posted pictures and even livestream her vag is what set her off: View attachment 28533 View attachment 28531
Other theories related to, like last time, a long time viewers of her leaving her, and Artist called Ren:
So in conclusion just another episode of shondo schizo adventures, something to note is the anons agreed to not make another thread until next stream, so currently no Shondo thread on /vt/
/shon/ - Be nise New ASMR video dropped, GO LISTEN TO IT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVYjZKWEWmk Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT Merch...
/shon/ - Wife is continuing Ender Lilies today New ASMR video dropped, GO LISTEN TO IT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVYjZKWEWmk Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow Twitter...
/shon/ - We are all mentally ill here New ASMR video dropped, GO LISTEN TO IT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVYjZKWEWmk Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow Twitter...
I have typed the word hymen in this post more times that I ever had in my whole life and probably the rest of it too, and don't know how to feel about that
what having no dad does to a motherfucker. I ain't no expert in female anatomy but I was under the impresion that to do a hymen check you needed professional equipment but I guess phone cameras have come a long way . Seriously, what the fuck shondo jesus christ.
Weird roleplay with the biggest donors gone wrong or did she actually stick a chinese made amazon endoscope up herself?
Also, I thought she had a boyfriend.
Ultimately I'm not sure, nobody posted any screenshot or direct transcript of what she tweeted, but from the sounds of it she just sat naked in front of a mirror and spread herself to take a look and then decided to tweet about it.
Ultimately I'm not sure, nobody posted any screenshot or direct transcript of what she tweeted, but from the sounds of it she just sat naked in front of a mirror and spread herself to take a look and then decided to tweet about it.
This has vibes of a farewell tour I think they actually got picked up and I'm willing to bet that they advertised themselves as twin vtubers as a marketing opportunity for whoever did
what having no dad does to a motherfucker. I ain't no expert in female anatomy but I was under the impresion that to do a hymen check you needed professional equipment but I guess phone cameras have come a long way . Seriously, what the fuck shondo jesus christ.
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