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Vidya Games Thread

That Chuuba Enjoyer

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Man really thinking of getting that mass effect collection for 15 bucks, so I can play em on the deck.

Is warhammer 3 worth getting now or does it still need to cook more? Haven't played since launch and didn't like it that much, so held off till immortal empire is out or something.

Does anyone know some good survival horrors to try out from steam sale besides resident evil and silent hill?

On one hand it sounds like a fun timesink that I could enjoy.

On the other hand, intense thalassophobia is not assisted by actual monsters in the ocean.
It's a really fun game to play with randos or friends. Trying to maintain a submarine in a alien ocean and doing missions. Such as leaving the sub to scavenge remains from destroyed ones, hunting huge ass abomination in the sea for bounty, fighting another submarine for resources, or investigating a colony that sent out a distress beacon. It's 7.50 rn so worth the price.

Todd's Strongest Howard

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It's a really fun game to play with randos or friends. Trying to maintain a submarine in a alien ocean and doing missions. Such as leaving the sub to scavenge remains from destroyed ones, hunting huge ass abomination in the sea for bounty, fighting another submarine for resources, or investigating a colony that sent out a distress beacon. It's 7.50 rn so worth the price.

I don't doubt it's fun, but my one insurmountable, actual fear is deep ocean. I'm going to have to watch some gameplay video to see if I can deal. Even ocean in Minecraft is panic inducing and Subnautica is intolerable.


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After looking through some of my more obscure games, I found two game series I can highly recommend.

They are both puzzle games, the room series and House of da vinci, the third just released.

They are like escape rooms, where you have a big puzzle with several small steps to move forward, so if you are in to puzzle games, I can highly recommend them.

Banana Hammock

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Been playing Digimon Cyber Sleuth for the past few hours, and it's a lot of fun. The digivolution mechanic is a  huge upgrade from the PS1 games. I definitely recommend checking it out.

Edit: The fuck? One of the quests has an enemy character go on a rant about how they're a tranny, and the reason he's scamming people on dating sites (and protecting his little brothers, one of whom sells fake medicine to the elderly and steals their pensions) is because he had to choose between a male or female avatar (this game has cyberspace).
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Chiato Macchiato

Macchiato "Definitely a PSYOP" Chiato
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I don't if I can ask for recommendations directly here, but I really need some good JRPGs with good translations to play. I need to satisfy my weeby necessities.


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I don't if I can ask for recommendations directly here, but I really need some good JRPGs with good translations to play. I need to satisfy my weeby necessities.
I always recommend the Trails series (Trails in the Sky, Trails of Cold Steel, etc. Sky is first in narrative order.) to JRPG fans especially more "old school" ones, you could probably spend the entire year taking in that series unless you no life it really hard as the majority of games at 60-70 hour experiences and their are currently 8 of them translated at the moment. The translations are fine to my knowledge, at least I've never heard any massive complaints (except from the fan translation for one that has since been official released. Everything translated is on Steam and is pretty cheap atm (Sky 1 is like 10 bucks).

I personally enjoy Xenoblade a lot and you can play all three of the main games on the Switch nowadays. How much you'll like them varies as the three are quite different gameplay wise, plot wise is a little more contentious as their is no clear winner and radically depends on tastes, but 2 is especially more "weeby" then 1 and 3. Their is one scuffed translation shitshow in 3, but it is with a very minor character so it is very easy to ignore it if that bothers you.

If you're okay with MMOs FFXIV is a pretty weeb (A little more grounded medieval then normal but still very weeb. Like Berserk but T rated) game but has an incredibly slow start that builds into arguably the best JRPG in a decade (narrative wise) and probably the best FF since 10 with Shadowbringers. You could spend literally 100-200 hours unironically doing FFXIV's story before you're done and you can play the first third of it or so without paying for shit with the free trial if you want cheap (if hour consuming) entertainment. YMMV with this game based on your tolerance to slow narrative starts and MMO gameplay as I am fine with those things, but if you want to pay nothing then go for it.

If we're talking just style/mechanical style so just pure gameplay with little narrative, Crystal Project is an indie very old school job based FF game on Steam. The demo is pretty much the first 20 hours of the game so you will get a solid idea if you'll like it by playing the demo. 100% worth a try for anyone the pines for the old days of SNES-era JRPGs.

Those would be my "less popular/known than Persona, mainline FF, and Dragon Quest" recommendations as I presume if you're a JRPG weeb, you know everything about those series.


haha it's unou
Joined:  Sep 10, 2022
I don't if I can ask for recommendations directly here, but I really need some good JRPGs with good translations to play. I need to satisfy my weeby necessities.
If you're interested in Atlus JRPGs (Mildly difficult) they've got a fair selection.
Mainline Shin Megami Tensei is an expansive series outside of Persona. You use and fuse demons and make a team of them while battling through some sort of apocalyptic hellscape, usually in Tokyo. There really isn't a set order, SMT IV is my favorite so I recommend that but there's also Nocturne HD (Featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry series for only $10) and SMT V on Switch.
I haven't played Etrian Odyssey but I've heard good things about it. Pirating those games are probably the only way you're going to be able to play them because the 3DS E-shop is closing this in March iirc.


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I forgot to buy games during the sale :shiinastare: Happens all the time. I get overwhelmed with too many choices and can't pick 1 or 2... then I look and it's over.


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Joined:  Sep 17, 2022
I forgot to buy games during the sale :shiinastare: Happens all the time. I get overwhelmed with too many choices and can't pick 1 or 2... then I look and it's over.
I personally keep a wishlist of games I am reasonably interested that I've noticed go on sale, or will probably go on sale, outside of steam sales. Once a major sale event happens I ask what kind of sale is enough for me to buy and I wait till then typically unless it gets a random weekly sale cut. So I recommend wishlisting everything you might like or want and do all the "I want this and that and this..." before the sale happens, so you can just buy it immediately when it does go on sale. Saves a lot of thinking and consideration unless you have a massive list and a modest budget.

I bought everything I cared about within the first hours of the sale and left fully satisfied because I knew that stuff would probably be on sale.

That Chuuba Enjoyer

DM me if you have a Ed, Edd n Eddy clip
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I forgot to buy games during the sale :shiinastare: Happens all the time. I get overwhelmed with too many choices and can't pick 1 or 2... then I look and it's over.
I get like that too a lot with hesitation but I bought a few this year.

-way of the samurai 4 (clunky game but really fun wacky japanese game. Such wild japanese humor.)

-Mass Effect Collection (played 1 but never got around trying 2 or 3)

-Nioh 2 (played a little on ps4 years ago but like the more stable performance I can have now on desktop)

-State of Decay 2 (I played a lot of the first years ago and a little of 2 on game pass. Decided to buy it for cheap to play more before 3 comes out some point)

-A Hat in Time (I'm not usually big on these playformer games like mario 64 and stuff. However, this game surprised me with how fun it was and the cute humor and love that was put into it. Really gave me memories of playing banjo and mario 64 as a kid)

-Vampire Bloodlines (dabbled years ago but decided to actually offically buy it. With the unofficial patch it feels really good to play on deck. Currently doing a Malkavian run.)

-Fate cursed king (I remember playing Fate as a kid when you had to do that bullshit purple token thing to play it with the free trial. Decided to pickup the latest one cause all the games were like 2.50 each.)

-Bloodstained RoN (metroidvania games are really not my thing. I know people love em but I just can't get into them much. However, I had a lot of fun with Bloodstained. Really liked the gameplay and and how weapon or accessories are shown on your character.)

-American Fugitive (got this one for free but it honestly surprised me how fun it is. Plays like old school top down gta if you like that, with interesting breaking into home mechanics, robbing stores, and running from the law.)

-Recettear (I had always wanted to buy this game for over a decade but never did. Saw Pippa play it a while back and decided next time on sale I get it. Really cute game and I like the running a store mechanic in it. Wish the developer did stuff still and not do oneshot mangas these days. :( )

Anyone else pickup stuff?


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With all these vtubers playing Deus Ex, I decided to finally play it to say I have, I don't think it aged very well imho.

The mechanics and NPC behavior are rough, and as someone who grew up controller gaming, moving my hand to reach all those function keys for augments is a painnnn (I should figure out how to map them for better accessibility, maybe straight out ditch the number key hotbar since I just use the scroll wheel anyways, or maybe implement the numpad since my current kb has one, next to the mouse). I've had a few instances of NPCs aggroing for no good reason, and I've had some dumb occurrences where I hadn't ben keeping up on saving, have to redo 10+ minutes of gameplay....

It's plot isn't doing much for me, but I have not been taking time to read all the text dumps.

Well, up next is versalife. We'll see how that goes. The game is a bit more enjoyable now I have the sword, making use of it.


I do be doobing
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A website that I recommend is gg.deals. It's a website where you can check if a game is on sale, whether on Steam or on another official key reseller sites.

Todd's Strongest Howard

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I personally keep a wishlist of games I am reasonably interested that I've noticed go on sale, or will probably go on sale, outside of steam sales. Once a major sale event happens I ask what kind of sale is enough for me to buy and I wait till then typically unless it gets a random weekly sale cut. So I recommend wishlisting everything you might like or want and do all the "I want this and that and this..." before the sale happens, so you can just buy it immediately when it does go on sale. Saves a lot of thinking and consideration unless you have a massive list and a modest budget.

I bought everything I cared about within the first hours of the sale and left fully satisfied because I knew that stuff would probably be on sale.

It's been much better since they stopped doing the random flash sale things where some titles would just be much lower for a period of time, which typically resulted in waiting almost the entire sale period for a flash deal, not getting one, and then speed buying everything.

I get like that too a lot with hesitation but I bought a few this year.

-way of the samurai 4 (clunky game but really fun wacky japanese game. Such wild japanese humor.)

-Mass Effect Collection (played 1 but never got around trying 2 or 3)

-Nioh 2 (played a little on ps4 years ago but like the more stable performance I can have now on desktop)

-State of Decay 2 (I played a lot of the first years ago and a little of 2 on game pass. Decided to buy it for cheap to play more before 3 comes out some point)

-A Hat in Time (I'm not usually big on these playformer games like mario 64 and stuff. However, this game surprised me with how fun it was and the cute humor and love that was put into it. Really gave me memories of playing banjo and mario 64 as a kid)

-Vampire Bloodlines (dabbled years ago but decided to actually offically buy it. With the unofficial patch it feels really good to play on deck. Currently doing a Malkavian run.)

-Fate cursed king (I remember playing Fate as a kid when you had to do that bullshit purple token thing to play it with the free trial. Decided to pickup the latest one cause all the games were like 2.50 each.)

-Bloodstained RoN (metroidvania games are really not my thing. I know people love em but I just can't get into them much. However, I had a lot of fun with Bloodstained. Really liked the gameplay and and how weapon or accessories are shown on your character.)

-American Fugitive (got this one for free but it honestly surprised me how fun it is. Plays like old school top down gta if you like that, with interesting breaking into home mechanics, robbing stores, and running from the law.)

-Recettear (I had always wanted to buy this game for over a decade but never did. Saw Pippa play it a while back and decided next time on sale I get it. Really cute game and I like the running a store mechanic in it. Wish the developer did stuff still and not do oneshot mangas these days. :( )

Anyone else pickup stuff?

WotS4, good lord I've sunk time into that game. I actually imported it years ago long before there was ever news it was being brought over because I love the series in general and brute forced my way through some 85% of the game content despite not reading moon. SoD2, Bloodlines and Bloodstained also personal favourites, especially Bloodstained. I'm hungering for another IGAvania game and Bloodstained 2 can't come fast enough. Fuck you Konami I hope you burn in hell.

My own shopping list this past holiday was Cyberpunk 2077 (despite pre-ordering it on PS4 and getting... that release, interested in what mods can do for the game), RDR2, Hades, Barotrauma, all Solasta's DLC, Tiny TIna's Wonderlands, Zero Sievert, and Orc Massage. Not including some gifts, some free shit on EGS I already forgot and the January Humble Choice which has Doom Eternal and Encased, which I'd had wishlisted for a while.

Not a bad take, all said. The Freelancer update for Hitman 3 is also coming later this month, so I've got plenty to fill time for the first half of the year at least.

Thomas Talus

Εκ λόγου άλλος εκβαίνει λόγος
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It's been much better since they stopped doing the random flash sale things where some titles would just be much lower for a period of time, which typically resulted in waiting almost the entire sale period for a flash deal, not getting one, and then speed buying everything.
I don't necessarily miss having to monitor the sales multiple times a day, but you also don't really see the deep discounts anymore.

That Chuuba Enjoyer

DM me if you have a Ed, Edd n Eddy clip
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It's been much better since they stopped doing the random flash sale things where some titles would just be much lower for a period of time, which typically resulted in waiting almost the entire sale period for a flash deal, not getting one, and then speed buying everything.

WotS4, good lord I've sunk time into that game. I actually imported it years ago long before there was ever news it was being brought over because I love the series in general and brute forced my way through some 85% of the game content despite not reading moon. SoD2, Bloodlines and Bloodstained also personal favourites, especially Bloodstained. I'm hungering for another IGAvania game and Bloodstained 2 can't come fast enough. Fuck you Konami I hope you burn in hell.

My own shopping list this past holiday was Cyberpunk 2077 (despite pre-ordering it on PS4 and getting... that release, interested in what mods can do for the game), RDR2, Hades, Barotrauma, all Solasta's DLC, Tiny TIna's Wonderlands, Zero Sievert, and Orc Massage. Not including some gifts, some free shit on EGS I already forgot and the January Humble Choice which has Doom Eternal and Encased, which I'd had wishlisted for a while.

Not a bad take, all said. The Freelancer update for Hitman 3 is also coming later this month, so I've got plenty to fill time for the first half of the year at least.
Man I kept getting distracted with things my 🅱️

Yeah I tried WOTS3 years ago and refunded it cause I kind of got frustrated with it. However, I didn't have that issue this time around with WOTS4 and did two runs already in it. One with the foreigners and 'winning' the tournament. Really plays good on the deck, and didn't mind the locked framerate of 30fps on it there.

I'm glad you got Barotrauma. It honestly is a fun game with randos or friends, even doing a role trivial like mechanic can lead to wild shit when things start going wrong or can prank your crewmates. I'll never forget this Ukrainian dude that kind of taught me the gist of playing the game and the fun of making a small garden of drugs in the ship away from the captains sight! :smugpipi:

With all the drama around Cyberpunk, I honestly enjoyed what I played from it. definitely not what it was hyped into being THE RPG game of a decade, but I did enjoy SIlverhand and what I played from it.

I had Encased in my wishlist for over a year but haven't bought it yet cause I seen so much mixed opinions on it. Enjoy them though. Remember spending a summer playing Fallout 1 religiously.

Zero sievert I saw and looked interesting. like a top down pixel stalker. gonna keep eyes on it.

Todd's Strongest Howard

Do not trust the sticker farmer.
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Man I kept getting distracted with things my 🅱️

Yeah I tried WOTS3 years ago and refunded it cause I kind of got frustrated with it. However, I didn't have that issue this time around with WOTS4 and did two runs already in it. One with the foreigners and 'winning' the tournament. Really plays good on the deck, and didn't mind the locked framerate of 30fps on it there.

I'm glad you got Barotrauma. It honestly is a fun game with randos or friends, even doing a role trivial like mechanic can lead to wild shit when things start going wrong or can prank your crewmates. I'll never forget this Ukrainian dude that kind of taught me the gist of playing the game and the fun of making a small garden of drugs in the ship away from the captains sight! :smugpipi:

With all the drama around Cyberpunk, I honestly enjoyed what I played from it. definitely not what it was hyped into being THE RPG game of a decade, but I did enjoy SIlverhand and what I played from it.

I had Encased in my wishlist for over a year but haven't bought it yet cause I seen so much mixed opinions on it. Enjoy them though. Remember spending a summer playing Fallout 1 religiously.

Zero sievert I saw and looked interesting. like a top down pixel stalker. gonna keep eyes on it.

WotS3 is a bit clunkier from what I recall, 4 definitely is a smoother experience. I was able to do most of the game without needing to understand what was being said necessarily, the only trick was needing to learn to identify location kanji so I knew where it was trying to send me. The trickier paths to work out I couldn't get through until the english release because it requires some weird shit I can never remember offhand.

Yeah, I'm taking a shot on Barotrauma even though I might crack teeth from how tight I'll be clenching my jaw whenever I'm facing imminent water, but it was something like $10 and I figure I've spent 7~10x more on games that I also never touched again if I even put in one hour on it. Maybe I can just stay in the middle of the vessel and not die in a flood.

I still played through maybe 95% of 2077's side job world shit, barely touched the story since it ran like dogshit on console. With my PC it runs better and looks about the same, but my main interest is what mods can do for it. I also had a major turnaround in interest in playing it when they added the QoL update that made a throwing knife build viable. Beforehand thrown knives were consumed (or seemed like they were because I sure as fuck could never recover them) so it was functionally a waste to get a good knife and lose it as a projectile and not even kill the target. They reworked it so now thrown knives are spawned back in your hand 'recovered' after a delay, and that's made my Mantis/Sword neoninja build a whole new beast.

Zero Sievert is touted as STALKER meets Tarkov, but in my opinion it's more like STALKER: Anomaly with some Tarkov flavoured mod addons. Very easy to get outgunned, tasks are pretty barebones in design and hard to complete sometimes when you have to pixel hunt in an open area, very repetitive gameplay loop without a lot of variation. Shows some promise, pretty hard, icons need a little more refinement for the ammo because it can be hard to tell at a glance what you need and what you found and sometimes you don't have the luxury of mousing over items to check them. Certainly needs more time to cook but fine if you're just looking for short bursts of bang bang shoot shoot, missions won't take more than 5~10 minutes to succeed or die, maps aren't large enough to wander forever and your weight limit is brutal if you're not geared to shit.


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Nene's Pet Latinx
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Do people seriously like the new pokeman game? It looks fucking awful and worse than sword and shield, but i haven't seen much hate for it so i guess people like this bland piece of shit.

That Guy Over There

It's time to Moom
Joined:  Sep 12, 2022
Do people seriously like the new pokeman game? It looks fucking awful and worse than sword and shield, but i haven't seen much hate for it so i guess people like this bland piece of shit.
You missed all the shit talking about it during it's launch then, cause everyone hated on it, but they'll still play it cause it's pokemon.

Moff Albert

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Calli's Husband
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I keep playing Tropico 6 despite the fact I suck at it. It's a lot of fun, but I do feel like the difficulty is a bit higher than it was in the previous games, even on normal. Or maybe my gaming abilities are deteriorating with age.
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