"When I was younger, I actually thought fedoras were super cool. I had a few and would wear them everywhere. At least, until they became the 'reddit guy's' thing and ruined it"Mysta Rias
I am going to do an end-of-year stream on the 30th of December. If anyone would like to make a nice thumbnail for it, DM me. I can pay in a free title, advertisement, or filthy lucre - I can actually do this now as PayPal has finally recognized my business account.
Get fucked, sharties! Turns out there ARE consquences for being retarded fuckheads on the internet! Hope your moms don't send you to bed early tonight, kiddos!
Remember when michael jordan thought he could get away with a metrosexual version of the hitler stache and everyone was like >NAH NIGGA NAAAAH! Da fuck NIGGA!
This generation of kids are less tech literate than a lot of boomers. They are raised as slaves to consumer products without understanding the tools under the hood. They use walled-garden smartphones which spoonfeed them tightly-controlled apps. Their social life is curated for them by social media corporations. They have iPads at school and submit their homework through Google Docs, meaning they never learn how file/folder structures work. They do not understand how to troubleshoot any of their technical devices, as they are all designed to be replaced a year later.
If anything takes even a small amount of effort, if they have to read instructions or look up additional information online, they are going to struggle with it.
It blew my mind when i first heard of the "zoomers can't into filesystems" phenomenon. They think that is nothing more than a save icon. The only 3.5" they are aware of is in their girlfriends pants.
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