"I was totally fine with kickadas (Cicadas) as a kid. I told you guys I had a picture of... they were not kickadas, but I had 5 stag beetles on my shoulders and I was like 'yaay!' I don't think I can do that now"IRyS
Depends on the context. Could be the Saturday cancel was her having to leave early to go somewhere with the family or to visit someone over the weekend, putting a bit of distance from where she could have ran into a fan. And besides, her getting ahead of it would be better than some rando saying they ran into her at X place. All speculation, but just a thought.
E: Ignore all that shit, this is why she's embarrassed. Poor kid...
She talked about falling like a stereotypical girl recently, still have no idea what that meant, and that it was super embarrassing. So it could be something just as dumb as that.
Yes, as we know, Pippa takes great care in her opsec. Just ignore the time she found a shop employee who obviously follows vtubers and talked about him on stream. Or the time she told a D&D group she didn't even like that she's a streamer.
She probably just means the pile of Amazon delivery driver corpses is getting too big to hide.
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