[vod archive tips] (twitch edition)
This is easy mode to get any twitch vod with minimal limitations, completely free, and no need for active CLI software (like streamlink or yt-dlp)
Go to:
- Sign up for free account.
- Add Pippa to your streamers list
- Auto "record" streams in 720p
- stream or download, available for 5 days
preserves a copy of the chat too (I haven't looked into how to archive the chat replay locally, but i'm sure that I could)
- e: I was incorrect, it just replays the chat that's available on twitch, if the vod is still up.
If you want 1080p + longer retention, they have a premium for like $10 a month. They offer to pay me $5 if you sign up with my link. If you for some reason want premium use my link below and i'll send you whatever "bonus" I get right back to you via crypto, allowing you to get it for half price. Just let me know ahead of time.
NOTE: i think when you first sign up and add a streamer to your "recording" list, you are able to access their most recent vod, which is handy.