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Settling for Italians being white would be like settling for spics being white and then half spics. Like if we get to say Clara is white then I get to say Ember and Rye are white too
There are a few rules that Sakana and management are strict on - stuff like not revealing company cuts or contract details, and revealing personal details such as names or what town/city they live.
There also seem to be rules about not supporting political parties, talking politics or political news. Otherwise, they're pretty lax on how the talents can represent themselves and how they can stream.
- Potentially controversial streams are less curated - compare Noir Vesper's "AI dating stream" where the responses to the prompts he gave had to be approved by management before being shown on-stream, while Pippa just shoves prompts into AI programs and deals with the fallout after it happens.
- Phase Connect talents will take stuff like autism quizzes or similar and post the results online, while I haven't seen Hololive take similar quizzes.
Phase Connect management is also really good at wrangling the talents and convincing them of taking actions beneficial to them without forcing them to do it.
Honestly I just try and keep that shit out of my feed. Tranny shit especially is a social contagion, and Clara is autistic, I would not be shocked at all if she gets a tranny brought into phase as a talent, or if she poons out. To quote the late and great Paulie Walnuts "How much more betrayal can I take?"
Eeeeeerm Trans Womxn are Womxn! CISoid scum, your a bigot otherwise. Maybe I am being autistic and doom posting (in fact I definitely am) but I feel like the next few years are gonna be really rough for anyone that likes autistic women who think empathy is letting deranged autogenophyles do whatever they want
Now I'm in a quandary. On one hand I like Clara as a streamer & watch her regularly. On the other hand, baiting libtards is one of my hobbies. What do?
Just don't get parasocial i dunno what to tell ya.
I'm far too apathetic towards these things to have any sort of "wow, i now can't support her out of principle" position, so i'll just continue enjoying the content i enjoy until/unless it becomes too infested with annoyances for me to tune them out, at which point i'll just move on. It's simple, really.
Just don't get parasocial i dunno what to tell ya.
I'm far too apathetic towards these things to have any sort of "wow, i now can't support her out of principle" position, so i'll just continue enjoying the content i enjoy until/unless it becomes too infested with annoyances for me to tune them out, at which point i'll just move on. It's simple, really.
I wouldn't even say it's parasocial, the tranny shit especially is just so grim dude, it's like watching someone try Meth and there whole life falls apart as time goes on. I don't blame you for continuing to enjoy it, and I hope I'm wrong, it just sucks to see
I think this requires a bit of clarification. Phase Connect managers are good at convincing talents to take breaks when they need to take breaks without forcing them to take breaks, such as for personal or medical reasons. They've also never suspended someone or stopped them streaming when they've broken then company's rules (Yuri might be the one exception to this but we don't have any information surrounding Yuri's termination including her lack of streaming up to her graduation).
Another easily-avoidable situation that I find amusing, I must say.
Word of advice to everyone: I'd kill the faith you have in your oshis' political stance, for there is a high chance of disappointment and un-oshiing when that information does come to light.
Another easily-avoidable situation that I find amusing, I must say.
Word of advice to everyone: I'd kill the faith you have in your oshis' political stance, for there is a high chance of disappointment and un-oshiing when that information does come to light.
I have 0 illusion that any woman shares my political beliefs, and if she does she got them from the last guy she fucked. Women shouldn't be political, and anime women REALLY shouldn't
okay, I don't know a lot about vtubing in general, but is it common for all the women to be in porn? Granted, the video Clara was in was just soft core stuff of her in a swimsuit, but Ember is a legit camwhore iirc. The only other one that comes to mind is Noel in Hololive.
Clara cant help herself, progs cant help sperging out about their deranged world view.
Now I'm in a quandary. On one hand I like Clara as a streamer & watch her regularly. On the other hand, baiting libtards is one of my hobbies. What do?
Just don't get parasocial i dunno what to tell ya.
I'm far too apathetic towards these things to have any sort of "wow, i now can't support her out of principle" position, so i'll just continue enjoying the content i enjoy until/unless it becomes too infested with annoyances for me to tune them out, at which point i'll just move on. It's simple, really.
They've also never suspended someone or stopped them streaming when they've broken then company's rules (Yuri might be the one exception to this but we don't have any information surrounding Yuri's termination including her lack of streaming up to her graduation).
I want to bump this, by the way. Pippa's talking about kneejerk Xitter responses & the wise answer being to JUST IGNORE IT especially rings true in this situation. I hope Clara can have someone also tell her this and hard course-correct in future, because truth be told, I'm just tired of all this bullshit.
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