Lmfao i opene that insta account and was instantly met with Loki cosplay photos ya it's herI don't know about everyone else here, but my issue is not with her political stance, but her as a person.
When this was posted, my problem wasn't her view on abortion; I expect most vtubers to be pro-abortion, I don't care (I myself am inclusive on the subject, though I think that the anti-abortion side currently has the better argument). It wasn't even that she sperged out ignorantly regarding the results of an election that has no effect on her in this matter - a bit disappointing, moreso amusing.
The problem is what she wrote and how she wrote it. It didn't reveal to me her politics, it showed me her character.
It presented a person that is one of three possible things: the first is a True Believer in an ideological worldview. This is different from someone who just has a stance on a political issue. Someone with this specific ideological mindframe is, what I have seen, totally destructive to everything and everyone on the planet. They will spread their faith, they will make you fall in line, or they will destroy all you care about (which they will do anyway when they mutate whatever it is they come into contact with).
The second is that she's just a "go with the flow" nasty type of person who will adopt whatever is "in" and use it to her advantage. Not as bad as the first, but it means she will backstab the hell out of anyone if it is beneficial to her. Sorta classic mean-girl Stacy shit, but not someone you want around at all.
Oddly, the third is probably the least worst, and that is that she is so fucking crazy that she can get suckered into a new fad and immediately acquire its characteristics, including its language and manner of speech. The positive here is that this means she can jump to some other fad, or be pulled into one, dropping all the aspects of the previous. This isn't good, exactly, and she's still a hell of a loose cannon, but it's at least better than the other possibilities.
Whatever the case may be, I do not trust her, and she's currently a ticking timebomb to Phase Connect, and everyone in it.
That being said she's just your generic retard lefty type and more then likely just using politics as a means to vent steam outta her system rather then being some kind of solider for socialism.
The long and short of it is women's political opinions literally don't matter