Mein nigga in christ pippa has the spine of a slime mob. She will fold and mold to please people who are nice to her and clara is a social chameleon that pretended to be different people for others for years until she ended in an actual psych ward (at least that's my assumption from piecing all she has said together)As much as I want it to be true the posts are like over a year apart so not likely the case. iirc even Pippa said she's disagreed on a lot of stuff with Clara but they're still friends so I don't see how that wouldn't be the case with Jerry
Jerry seems to be to have professionalism autism so she won't start shit and clara will mask to pretend to keep the friendliness facade and avoid conflict. I'd love for jelly to give clara some verbal abuse but I don't think it will ever happen. A clara melty on main is more likely and I'm actually praying for it