I originally typed up this timeline last night, before LiliNyap's tweets, to laugh about how at least parts of this disaster tie back to the Black Vtuber Awards. After sharing it in the TVACord earlier today I was asked to post it here too, but wanted to clean it up and update it a bit first. Having done so, here's a brief timeline of problems for these people.
- Black Vtuber Awards happen. One person involved is a guy named Bapha.
- Bapha is good internet friends with with a guy named SuRge
- SuRge is partnered with NOA Talent, a China-based agency, and managed by Quinn, who is also partner talent EIOS Elypsis
- Nolie (LiliNyap/AuroraLiveVR’s Lilian Shizukan) is a full agency member
- Bapha gets Google Doc-ed for not respecting social boundaries and Surge gets blowback for defending him
- An ex of SuRge takes this opportunity to Doc him, saying she pressured him into a poly relationship
- NOA announces via tweet they are cutting ties with SuRge
- Quinn announces she will no longer be managing talents and fires existing clients
- Unrelated except for timing: Nolie is terminated; a public announcement is made on NOA’s Discord server
- LiliNyap claims NOA wasn’t supposed to announce this, she’s lawyering up, and she wasn’t given a “termination contract” (document confirming the terms of the separation)
- EIOS Elypsis unprofessionally vagueposts about someone pitybaiting and violating a contract because “you kept delaying signing a termination”
- Due to these vaguetweets Lili drops excerpts of her conversations with management seemingly confirming her assertions that no such document was sent to her prior to the Discord announcement of her termination.