The more i start to look into reasons that would benefit them to agree for marriage the more i also agree with thisThe only interpretation of it that makes sense to me is that rushineko was probably in the running for the "fuck the twink race" of mafumafu. The main reason for it probably is that she was an actual fan of his and wanted bragging rights that she got chosen over all those other .
When she finally got what she wanted she realized holy shit it isn't worth it because I wanted a boyfriend not a quivering little pussy. Mix that revelation with actual psychotic menhera mental illness leads to a long strained relationship where she takes advantage of him pushing the boundaries because the introverted social wreck mafumafu doesn't know how to say no. Thus she gets a free house and if he tries objecting to anything she's already trained him to roll over and die if she even threatens to raise her fist in the form of 1000 discord and line messages.
I interpret their marriage as a utilitarian thing because japan has a big problem with the nuclear family right now. Marriage keeps nagging parents off your back, it's what's expected from you in society and it helps with paying taxes so two emotionally fucked people, who are both 30+ years old, marry each other out of convenience not for love and it shows from the testimonies. Not to say that mafumafu was solely the victim but honestly it's hard to argue who wore the pants when only one of them got to live in the house.
They only married each other maybe to help with taxes