Depends on how you count Panko
Panko is White, I've seen the thighs, I've heard her say slursNeither are.

Depends on how you count Panko
Panko is White, I've seen the thighs, I've heard her say slursNeither are.
gura's new year resolutions:Ame's New Year resolutions:
- Spend more time with family.
- Stream more.
- Continue to not eat bread and gluten.
Airi said if she's lucky, she'll be able to quit her job in 2024. If unlucky, maybe 2025. She said she'd still want to get another job because she still views full-time streaming as unstable and doesn't want to view streaming as a job because that would make it more stressful and take the fun out of it. She prefers to see it as a hobby. Very smart, in my opinion.
Please 2024, let our PonWolf be lucky so she can leave that black company.
It's a common trait of autism.Does Shiori have face blindness?